Ben Parker schrieb:
> Christoph Zwerschke wrote:
>> Ok, now I understand the problem better. Your cookies will probably 
>> work, but only as long as you stay in the realm of one and the same 
>> language, right?
> yes, but we want the session to follow them when they switch languages.

Ok. That makes sense.

> Thanks for the suggestion of overriding sessionCookiePath dynamically 
> like that. I will test it out and use that for the near term solution. I 
> think the new config setting would be fine, but I wonder if someone 
> might want to ever choose that value at runtime, rather than force a 
> constant value.

Somebody wanted to isolate sessions in different contexts from each 
other. By overriding this method you can do such things.

> One tangential thought - with all the new config settings lately, 
> perhaps it should be easier to subclass the Application object. Or is 
> that a can of worms that should stay closed? :)

I think the Application.config file is not so bad, and everything in it 
is well documented. SessionCookiePath wasn't in there so far because it 
used to be just '/'. This was changed to the servlet path for security 
reasons, but in some cases like in yours, you want it to be '/', so I 
think adding a config setting is the best solution. Much easier than 
requiring users to subclass Application. I'll be offline for vacation 
but made a note to add that setting after the vacation. I think I'll 
also publish a 0.9.4 release then since a few bugs have been fixed in 
the trunk already.

-- Chris

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