On Jan 20, 2008 8:33 PM, Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The option no one seems to consider, but which I continue to advocate,
> is using FormEncode with htmlfill and ad hoc templates to generate the
> actual HTML forms (because once you take out the value filling, error
> filling, and validation, it's easy to generate HTML forms).

Yeah, your position on that is well-known ;-) It's a philosophy I agree
with, but my practical needs trumped philosophy, and I was hoping that
ToscaWidgets would make my life easier. Doh.

I tried pure formencode for a project, but what I ended up with was a giant
if-elseif-else tree in every single controller action. And crazy complicated
conditional logic in every single template. I guess I never figured out how
to get htmlfill to work; the docs[1] made it sound fishy, and it seemed just
too "magic" for me. I didn't like the idea of leaving markers in the
template for errors. I guess I should try again.

P.S. I am sick of this problem. Forms suck. I'd submit that people who
"don't like the web" in your earlier blog post probably just really don't
like html forms.

[1] http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/pylonsdocs/Form+Handling
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