Hi, Rahul.

The Privacy Rule is a detailed regulation but it works on the basis of a
fundamental principle:  every use and disclosure of protected health
information requires either written authorization or, in the case of certain
specific uses and disclosures, prior notice to the individual that such a
use or disclosure may be made.

There are two exceptions to this rule:  certain very limited disclosures to
the sponsor of a group health plan are permitted without either written
authorization or prior notice; and prisoners aren't entitled to prior

Everything else requires either written consent or prior notice.

Prior notice is given through a Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP).

The uses and disclosures that are specifically permitted under an NPP are of
three types:
1) uses and disclosures for TPO (treatment, payment or health care
2) 12 uses and disclosures required by law or social policy, and
3) 4 notifications of certain information about an individual that may be
made to family, friends, religious ministers, and disaster relief agencies
so long as an individual who is able to consent to the notifications, has

TPO is an important exception to the written authorization requirement.
This exception will permit your hospital to undertake its treatment
activities, and also its payment and health care operations, without
stumbling over the need to have a written authorization for everything that
it does.  Your hospital, however, will need to cover its TPO uses in its NPP
in order to make use of this exception to written authorization.  It will
need to post its NPP prominently on its premises, provide a copy of it to
anyone who asks for it, and deliver it automatically as of the first
delivery of service after April 14, 2003 (except in the case of emergency

The uses and disclosures that require a written authorization are everything
else, including:
1) the two uses and disclosures that specifically require a written
authorization under the Privacy Rule (namely, use and disclosure of
psychotherapy notes and of protected health information for marketing
2) uses and disclosures that would be permitted under the principle of prior
notice but for the fact that a covered entity left them out of its NPP, and
3) any use or disclosure that is not specifically exempt from the written
authorization requirement (i.e., any use or disclosure that is outside TPO,
the 12 uses and disclosure required by law or social policy, and the 4
notifications that may be made with consent (which may be oral)).

State law is kind of a wild card in this mix.  State law controls if it is
more stringent that the Privacy Rule.  State law also controls in certain
specific situations, including reports of child abuse.  That means that
sometimes State law controls even if it is less stringent than the Privacy
Rule (which will often be the case where child abuse is concerned).

Your hospital will need to comply with the Privacy Rule by April 14, 2003.
It's a big job, but it is doable.  The first thing your hospital should
probably do is designate a Privacy Officer and give that individual the
responsibility for locating some tools to use for implementing the Privacy
Rule in your specific situation--i.e., things like administrative and
security checklists, written policies and procedures, forms, and some kind
of training program for the staff of your hospital.  (It sounds like you may
be that person.  Like I say, it's a big job, but it's doable.  You'll just
have to start now.)

Your hospital also has a separate area of compliance that it will need to
think about.  That has to do with electronic data interchange (EDI).  Rules
on exchanging protected health information electronically are also part of
HIPAA.  If your hospital got an extension on its compliance date for EDI, it
should have until October 16, 2003 to comply with the EDI rules.

Good luck.

> I am working for a small hospital in arkansa.
> I would like to know in what cases of Uses/Disclosures, besides for
> Marketing Communications and research, are individuals authorizations
> required.
> Thanks
> rahul
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