Mr. Astle -- I am an attorney who listened to the OCR chief speak at the
WEDI SNIP HIPAA conference last week. Mr. Campanelli and his colleague
from CMS Mr. Nachimson each emphasized that the Privacy and Security
rules are intended to be implemented flexibly, scalably, and reasonably.
The Privacy Rule itself does not prescribe any specific format for
posting the NPP beyond requiring that the posting be clear and prominent
and allow people to read it. I think that the approach that Mr. Fairley
suggested is a reasonable approach that complies with the Privacy Rule,
particularly if it is small waiting room. See the 12.03.02 OCR guidance:

Q. Are health care providers required by the HIPAA Privacy Rule to post
their entire notice at their facility or may they post just a brief
description of the notice? 
A. Covered health care providers that maintain an office or other
physical site where they provide health care directly to individuals are
required to post their entire notice at the facility in a clear and
prominent location. The Privacy Rule, however, does not prescribe any
specific format for the posted notice, just that it include the same
information that is distributed directly to the individual. Covered
health care providers have discretion to
design the posted notice in a manner that works best for their facility,
which may be to simply post a copy of the pages of the notice that is
provided directly to individuals.

In answer to Mr Fairley's first question, it's my experience that
covered entities are providing the title of a contact/privacy official
(and phone number)rather than a name as the person filling that title
can change. This is consistent with the Privacy Rule, § 164.520:

(vii) Contact. The notice must contain
the name, or title, and telephone number of a person or office to
contact for further information as required by § 164.530(a)(1)(ii)
[referencing the complaint contact who may also be the privacy

The policies and procedures, of course, actually must name an

Best regards, Dave Ermer 

Gordon & Barnett
Attorneys at Law
1133 21st St., NW, Suite 450
Washington, DC 20036
202-833-3400 ext 3009 (voice)
202-223-0120 (fax)
>>> "Astle, Jay C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/13/03 14:46 PM >>>
Mr. Fairley,

in response to your question #2:

        I am not an attorney, but I would advise that any time you are
taking an action that you realize is probably against the intent of the
even if it may successfully be argued to  technically meet the
of the law, is bad policy.  Especially if there is an alternative that
cost-effectively meet the requirement.

I have worked with clients who have taken their proposal, also
6 pages, and had it turned into a poster format.  It contained all the
information, and even in the same order, but headings, fonts, and column
sizes were modified to make a convenient & professional looking poster.
This option may or may not solve your space issue, but it will clearly
the posting requirement in a manner which is not "trashy."


Jay Astle
HIPAA Consultant
Unisys Corporation


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 12:39 PM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: named Privacy officer on NPP, posting

I have two quick questions for the group:
1.   When your Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) says to contact the
Officer for such and such, does the Privacy Officer need to be a NAMED
individual  or can you just list the title of the contact person (e.g.,
Privacy Officer)?

2.    Since the law calls for a "posting" of the NPP, can we display a
stapled copy of our 6 page NPP in a locked bulletin board (which would
just show the first page of the NPP) and then have a sign next to this
"displayed" NPP that tells the inquisitive patient where in our office
can get a complete copy of the NPP if they wish?  I realize that this
proposal probably goes against the intent of this provision of the law
would it be technically be sufficient to meet the requirements of this

Reasons behind such a proposal are 1.  Space is a problem, 2.  Hanging
up a
6-8 page NPP looks trashy.  3.  All patient's will be personally handed
NPP so what's the point of posting it anyway?  4.  And we would be
it, it's just that you could not read all the pages of the posted

Thanks for all advice provided.
Rich Fairley 

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