This is what has all along been a very predictable result from the poor
way in which the HIPAA Privacy Rule was drafted.  In the HIPAA statute,
Congress basically said that if Congress could not agree on privacy
legislation by a certain date, then DHHS should draft a privacy
regulation defining violations of medical privacy.

DHHS didn't do this; instead it approached the problem backwards.  DHHS
made a poor choice by basing the Rule on state professional misconduct
statutes which basically say that it is professional misconduct for a
physician or a medical provider to use or disclose patient information
without a patient's consent.

So, rather than drafting a more straightforward regulation telling CEs
what it would be impermissible for them to do, instead, DHHS made the
general foundation of the Privacy Rule that CEs can not use or disclose
PHI, to anyone for any reason, unless there is an exception.

That IS the Privacy Rule, folks.  If anyone asked you to sum up the
Privacy Rule in one sentence, the rule is that CEs cannot use or
disclose PHI.  Everything else contained within the regulation is an
attempt to define an exception.  It is what I like to call The Rule of a
Thousand Exceptions.  Defining all of the possible exceptions is an
impossible project.  Health care is just too complex.

The only REQUIRED disclosures under the Privacy Rule are to DHHS, or to
the patient.  As you note, other disclosures MAY be made, but only if
they meet an exception.

Of course I understand your point, that a CE workforce member may be
wrong when they say that the HIPAA Privacy Rule forbids them from
releasing information, when the fact is that such a release may very
well fit within one of the thousands of exceptions.  But I guess I'm a
little more charitable towards the workforce member, who I wouldn't
expect to have absorbed as many of the thousands of exceptions that I
have after several years of HIPAA study.

Let's give credit where it is due, to the poor drafting of a rule which
even NCVHS has characterized as a "mess".  Please direct the "Wrath of
Deborah" accordingly. <smile>

In defense of beleaguered and overly-regulated healthcare workers
everywhere, John

John C. Cody, Esq.
NYS Central HIPAA Coordination Project
NYS Office for Technology
[The opinions expressed herein are my own and do not necessarily reflect
the policies, practices or opinions of my employer or anyone else.
Nothing herein constitutes legal advice - if you need legal advice,
please consult your own attorney.]

-----Original Message-----
From: Deborah Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 11:42 AM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: RE:Misusing quoting HIPAA

I know I have, and I'm sure you all have, experienced many providers
using HIPAA as an excuse for not releasing information. (I'm not saying
it was an excuse in this case. There are a lot of misunderstandings
about the regs and certainly a lot of different interpretations.) But I
just got off the phone yesterday with my mother's doctor. She called me
saying her doctor's office wouldn't give her some information (about her
X-rays) saying HIPAA won't allow it. My blood pressure skyrocketed. I
called the woman and asked what exact section she was citing of the
regulations because I have been "doing" HIPAA for 2 years and can't find
anything on that. I then proceeded to quote several other sections that
allow the release. She started stammering and then admitted she didn't
know what regulation it was or where the policy came from. I suggested
she look into it immediately and stop using HIPAA as an excuse. (I
really was furious. There are so many patients out there who will just
accept that excuse because they haven't been reading the regulations for

This is not an isolated case. I've had other providers try the same
thing on me. But - don't mess with my mother unless you want the "Wrath
of Deborah" to descend upon you. :-)
Thanks for letting me rant.  
Deborah Campbell
-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Webb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 11:27 AM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: Re: Collection Accts.

Thank you for a timely and well-written analysis.

So many bad things happen when HIPAA is mis-read to restrict information
exchange it really isn't restrict.
The "may" in the regulations also opens a can of worms, but it has to be
emphasized that if the release that HIPAA says may happen is denied,
HIPAA cannot be used as an excuse for the denial.  The denial is either
based on the prohibitions of some other law, or the CE's paranoia.

The opinions expressed here are my own and not necessarily the opinion
of LCMH.

Douglas M. Webb
Computer System Engineer
Little Company of Mary Hospital & Health Care Centers

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: Lbender 
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: Collection Accts.

Charles et al.: 

Funny you should raise this issue in light of the terse cover page story
in this morning's Wall Street Journal entitled, "Hospitals Try Extreme
Measures to Collect Their Overdue Debts."  Maybe worth a read if your
blood pressure is lower than you'd like this a.m.

Your issue underscores the intersection of the federal Fair Debt
Collection Practices Act ("FDCPA"), the Fair Credit Reporting Act
("FCRA"),  and HIPAA.  A quick trek to the preamble of the HIPAA privacy
rule and its modifications reveals that the Office for Civil Rights has
indicated in no uncertain terms (despite what the so called "credit
repair" websites reveal) that debt collections, locational activities
(skip tracing), and credit reporting consistent with the FCRA (which
data elements HIPAA tracks in describing what can be credit reported)
all fall within the "P" in TPO (treatment, payment and health care
operations) -- whether undertaken directly by a covered entity or by its
collection agency business associate.  OCR's position on this is also in
a number of the FAQs on their website.

Marcallee is correct - if a debtor contacts a credit reporting agency
("CRA") and states that they dispute a debt reported either by a
healthcare provider or its collection agency because it has been paid,
the CRA must, under the FCRA, have the data furnisher ("data furnisher"
is either the provider or collection agency who reported the delinquent
account to the CRA), research it and respond within thirty (30) days (15
U.S.C. Section 1681i).  The CRA must also mark the account as "disputed"
on any credit reports released before the verification is complete.  If
the CRA makes a business decision not to investigate the consumer's
dispute, or alternatively investigates but the "data furnisher" does not
respond, the CRA must remove the reported delinquency from the patient's
credit report within that same 30 day period.  Section 611 of the FCRA
(15 U.S.C. Section 1681i) is rather detailed on the specifics of how
information is to flow in response to a consumer's dispute.  Of course
if the CRA determines that the dispute is frivolous or irrelevant it
need not undertake an investigation.  A data furnisher has an obligation
under the FCRA to furnish accurate and complete information as well as
to correct and update information from time to time as new information
becomes available to it (certainly such as payment in full of a
delinquent account).  See, FCRA at Section 623.

The use and disclosure of "payment" information between CRA, provider,
collection agency, and debtor/patient is potentially governed by each of
these three federal consumer information protection oriented laws (i.e.,
FDCPA, FCRA, and HIPAA -- as well as potentially Section 5 of the
Federal Trade Commission Act) -- in fact it may be mandated.  If a CRA
received a consumer dispute, contacted a hospital or collection agency
for verification, and the hospital or collection agency refused to
respond (remember that 164.512(a) "permits" a covered entity to make
"disclosures required by law"  -- but HIPAA itself would not mandate the
disclosure) - the refusal would be at odds with their legal requirement
under the FCRA to report accurate and complete information.

It would not seem then that Judith's debtor or the credit repair
helpsite are accurately interpreting HIPAA -- or the FCRA.  HIPAA does
not require a hospital to obtain a debtor's written permission to use a
business associate to either credit report, skiptrace, or collect
his/her delinquent account -- or even to handle insurance billing and
follow up on his/her account.  A quick word of caution, if upon
admission a patient seeks to "opt out" and restrict communications about
his/her PHI to anyone but for a specified list of people and a provider
agrees to that -- under those very limited circumstances a
debtor/patient may indeed have somewhat of an argument that his HIPAA
rights were violated when he is turned over to a collection agency if
the provider agreed to harsh restrictions on communications per that
patient's request.


Leslie Bender
roiWebEd Company
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Bentz-Miller, Judith 
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 9:04 AM
Subject: RE: Collection Accts.

A few months ago, I had a patient send me a certified letter that had
much of this exact wording in it.  I complied with the timeframe of the
10 days, but refused his request, sitting the payment language and the
BA information.  (He also stated that using a collection agency could
only be done with his written permission, therefore, we had violated his
HIPAA rights.)  I have not heard from him or his attorney again.

If anyone would like to see my response, email me and I will be happy to
forward it (minus the PHI, of course!!!!)


Judith Bentz-Miller 
Privacy Officer 
Arnett Clinic 
-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Whitaker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 5:57 PM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: Collection Accts.

I recently came across some information that some credit repair websites
are giving out in relation to medical collections being reported to the
Credit Reporting Agencies (CRA). If a person disputes a listing on a
credit report, the CRA must request a validation from the Collection
Agency (CA), which must get a validation from the Original Creditor
(Health Care Provider). These credit repair websites are saying that if
the bill is paid in full the Health Care Provider has no "business
purpose" to send the information to the CA (no payment due). 

See this Link

Has anyone seen this?
Any thoughts or opinions?

Charles Whitaker
HIPAA Coordinator/IT
Madison Parish Hospital
Tallulah, LA
Fax (318)574-2396
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