
as you design this json interface, i hope that we can avoid the mess that 
is customraw.txt and realtime.txt

those two files are output by weather-display and cumulus, respectively.  
those are the primary mechanism for getting data from those applications to 
their non-native displays, such as saratoga templates, leuven templates, 
meteotemplate, and pretty much anything else that wants to interoperate 
with weather-display or cumulus.

realtime.txt is fairly stable and well-documented.  customraw.txt not so 

as you implement a json interface, you will face similar issues when you 
look at different plotting packages.  each plotting package expects data to 
be in a certain format, whether that is some type of json structure, or 
simply csv.  similarly, the data providers are different - weert has an api 
to set and get data, and you are defining another interface for getting 
data from weewx.

it would be nice if we could establish a standard format/structure for that 
json output.  maybe it is 'the json format that highcharts expects', or 
maybe something else.  hopefully whatever weewx puts out in json is similar 
to what is done in weert, so you can hook the plotting system up to either.

as tom noted, start with the use cases.  but beware of where that will lead.


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