> Matthew, I have a big question for better understanding of how weewx deals
> with drivers !
> There is an infinite loop in the driver (while true:).
> So my understanding is that weewx launch the driver as a kind of
> background thread that output packet with that yield command ?
> So it's just never go out of the while true loop as long as weewx run.
> Then in case of weewx stop, weewx will force exit this infinite loop and
> launch the "close_port()" procedure ?

​Yes, the drivers should emit LOOP packets indefinitely, but the engine
​calling them does not. At the end of an archive period, it raises
engine.BreakLoop, which breaks the loop. After processing the archive
record, it starts the loop again with a call to

As you say, it's also true that at program termination it also breaks the

​by the way, if my understanding is correct, does it mean I shall check
> regularly if mqtt connexion is still valid and reconnect if needed ?
> The connexion is in the __init__ then, if disconnected for any reason, we
> cannot recover, am I right ?​
If your lose the mqtt connection, you should raise an exception of type
weewx.WeeWxIOError, or a subclass of weewx.WeeWxIOError. The engine will
catch this exception and, by default, after 60 seconds do a restart. This
will cause your driver to reload, giving it an opportunity to reconnect
with the broker.


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