OK, assuming I am not as skilled as a programmer as you and that I am 
reasonably skilled enough to set up weewx, Allstar, or Xastir and manage 
cron jobs, how would I go about getting info from the log?  Where do I run 
this command and what command do I issue?

Better yet, if I have run all of what I stated in the previous email, what 
am I doing wrong?  I am confused about how systemd stuff works. Does weewx 
use systemd?  I have executed autostarts with a sudo service 
/etc/init.d/program_name defaults before but that is the extent of what I 
know about doing stuff like this.

Mike, AA9VI

On Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 4:59:13 PM UTC-5, mwall wrote:
> On Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 5:08:43 PM UTC-4, Mike Swiatkowski wrote:
>> Has anyone had issues with weewx not starting on bootup?  I tried 
>> update-rc.d /etc/init.d/weewx defaults 98.  It does not seem to autostart 
>> on reboot.  I am running debian 8 x64. What is the proper procedure to make 
>> this start after a rabbit automatically?
> what does the log say? 

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