On Sunday, 19 November 2017 22:16:40 UTC+10, Tom Keffer wrote:
> I can think of many ways of cutting down the number of queries (in 
> particular, fetch all the daily sums and counts in one query), but I don't 
> think we have an actual problem. Yes, this is not the most efficient 
> algorithm, but it is easy to understand, and it does not cache data.

Yes, given we are near the end of the year and towards the end of the month 
and the Standard skin is only taking a handful of seconds to generate its 
reports I agree the issue doesn't justify the work to come up with a fix. 
Something I read somewhere, *Simple is better than complex*, seems to be 
ringing in my ears for some reason....

I would be very interested in how you tuned Maria.
Me too, 3 minutes of report generation time indicates a lot of reports of a 
very overloaded/slow processor.


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