Hey all!

For a christmas present I set up a weewx instance running on a rasberry pi 
for my father-in-law. He is using a KlimaLogg Pro station for a while with 
all 8 additional sensors in use.
Up until now he used a self-created excel sheet, where he imported the data 
using the windows software of the KlimaLogg. In this excel sheet he 
implemented a formula to calculate the Saturation Vapor Density and the 
Actual Vapor Density (SVD & AVD) to get the actual amount of water in the 
air (in g/m^3). With this information he decides wether he has to air his 

Now he really would like to have this information available somehow at the 
HTML report page created by weewx. (I guess the dewpoint is probably 
providing more or less the same information, but he seems to be quite proud 
of his formula).

So I started to look into possible ways of doing this and would be 
interested in more professional opinions.

First idea: I considered to just replace the formula to calculate the 
heatindex in bin/weewx/wxformulas.py. This would probably be the easiest 
way for me since he is not interested in the actual heat index and I would 
only have to change 1-2 lines of python code (and some configs to re-label 
the heatindex). But of course this could get complicated to maintain with 
future upgrades of weewx itself.

Second idea: Making use of the user/ folder to place the custom functions 
in there. But I am a bit of a loss here of how to actually hook it up 
properly. My original plan was to extend the database by additional columns 
similar to heatindex and dewpoint but it does not seem to be too trivial 
nor do I really fully grasped how weewx works on the internal level to feel 
confident about this change for now. 

Third idea: I also read the "Defining new tags" section on the 
customization guide which sounded promising by using the Cheetah template 
enginge. I wouldn't have the data in the database but I wouldn't mind that 
too much. The two examples listed in the guides were all about aggregating 
existing information in a different way, so I am not exactly sure if I 
could also use this approach to basically derive a new number for every 
datapoint read out of the database?

Fourth idea: Instead of modifying the core files I considered extending the 
klimalogg python module by basically extending the section where the 
interaction for the dewpoint and heatindex calculations happen by a third 
calculation. But again this might get complicated with future updates of 
the klimalogg driver  and the klimalogg driver already seems to make heavy 
use of re-labeling existing observables to support all 9 sensors for each 
temperature and humidity and adding 9 more seems to be problematic at first 

Fifth and final idea: It seems like I could also generate a PHP file 
instead of a HTML file, so I could just do all my db calls and calculations 
as some kind of post-processing happening after weewx and cheetah do their 

So what do the experts think?


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