Yep, did the same for me. Wanted to understand why WeeWX-WD never had the 
problem, first thought was what user was running wee_extension, dead end. 
Then I wondered if the json sub-directory was doing it. I had a quick look 
at the code, I hadn't come across os.path.commonprefix() 
before so googled it. os.path.commonprefix() checks a list of paths and 
returns the longest common prefix and it does this by doing a 
character-by-character comparison, when I saw the warning that it could 
return invalid paths that peaked my curiosity. In the case of your 
extension /home/weewx/skins/Belchertown is the result, so then 
works from /home/weewx/skins/Belchertown down and thus 
/home/weewx/skins/Belchertown_Highcharts is ignored. I did some rejigging 
of your extension so that it used /home/weewx/skins/ZBelchertown_Highcharts 
instead and it worked fine. That explains why WeeWX-WD was never affected, 
all of its skin directory names had no common prefix. Probably more 
correctly (and I didn't check this) but the fact that the common prefix 
includes the name of one of the skin directories (Belchertown) may be the 

No matter, its a bug that needs to be fixed. Can't comment on the proposed 
fix, better for Tom or Matthew I think.


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