Excellent, thanks. I think I started down this route but then lost my way. 
I'll have to get it focused. 

Is there a way to have JavaScript and moment.js, or strftime.js, take 
advantage of this same formatting/customization? Maybe something you've 
done with WeeRT?

On Friday, December 28, 2018 at 5:30:48 PM UTC-5, Tom Keffer wrote:
> OK, I think I see what you're trying to do. 
> You are returning formatted strings, when you should be returning 
> ValueHelpers. Take the value "eqtime": this would look something like 
> this (NOT TESTED):
> # Assuming eqtime is in Unix Epoch Time...?
> eqtime = eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["time"] 
> eq_vt = weewx.units.ValueTuple(eqtime, "unix_epoch", "group_time")
> eq_vh = weewx.units.ValueHelper(eq_vt,
>                                 context='year',
>                                 formatter=self.generator.formatter,
>                                 converter=self.generator.converter)
> ...
>   search_list_extension = { 
>                            ...
>                            earthquake_time: eq_vh
>                            ...
>                            }
> Do something similar for all your variables. The whole 
> "search_list_extension" data structure should return pretty much nothing 
> but ValueHelpers.
> Slightly more complicated, yes, but in exchange, you let WeeWX take care 
> of localization, formatting, etc. Best yet, if the user decides s/he wants 
> to change how yearly dates are formatted, it changes *everywhere*, 
> including in your skin!
> The key is understanding the two classes ValueTuple and ValueHelper. They 
> are both pretty simple. It's worth taking a look.
> -tk
> On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 2:07 PM Pat O'Brien <p...@obrienphoto.net 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Ok cool, this is helpful especially for the Cheetah and all_stats, thanks!
>> I'm still a bit lost on the SLE. If we keep going with the Earthquake 
>> example, it's defined here 
>> <https://github.com/poblabs/weewx-belchertown/blob/master/bin/user/belchertown.py#L665>
>>  as 
>> a string already formatted. This is a perfect example of what I'm trying to 
>> fix to allow user customization. So, should I return that as an epoch to 
>> Cheetah? Or another method? 
>> For the records page, I'm also doing custom $year, which may not be 
>> applicable for all $year throughout the skin - so that's why I was focused 
>> on a custom TimeFormat for that page specifically. 
>> On Friday, December 28, 2018 at 5:02:52 PM UTC-5, Tom Keffer wrote:
>>> 1. If no context is specified, then the default is "current", which is 
>>> not what you'd want for $alltime. Something like "year" would be more 
>>> appropriate. So, the TimespanBinder in example "stats.py" should probably 
>>> be written as
>>> all_stats = TimespanBinder(timespan, 
>>>                            db_lookup,
>>>                            context=year,
>>>                            formatter=self.generator.formatter,
>>>                            converter=self.generator.converter,
>>>                            skin_dict=self.generator.skin_dict)
>>> 2. If the SLE returns a ValueHelper (it should), then the time 
>>> formatting will be taken care of. That's its job!
>>> -tk
>>> On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 1:52 PM Pat O'Brien <p...@obrienphoto.net> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> There's no doubt I'm overthinking it, which is why I asked for help. I 
>>>> need to take an inventory of all the dates I'm using since they are all 
>>>> somewhat custom. Sure, for day/year/current those can be overridden, but 
>>>> for alltime how is that handled for a custom format? 
>>>> I have other dates that are not in Cheetah (see original post). 
>>>> Earthquake epoch is a custom observation within the SLE, as well as a few 
>>>> other custom queries. The MQTT JS timestamp update is also custom. So 
>>>> there's fringe cases where built-in day/year/current TimeFormat won't 
>>>> apply. Those are what I'm trying to account for. 
>>>> So if I were to define a TimeFormat for these edge cases, do I have the 
>>>> proper unit tag to get that string?
>>>> On Friday, December 28, 2018 at 4:36:09 PM UTC-5, Tom Keffer wrote:
>>>>> I think you're making things harder for yourself than you need to. For 
>>>>> something like 
>>>>> $year.outTemp.maxtime
>>>>> WeeWX will automatically format the time in something appropriate for 
>>>>> a "year" context. The default format is specified in the 
>>>>> [[TimeFormats]]. Yes, you can override it by using the ".format()" 
>>>>> suffix, but you shouldn't need to do that very often.
>>>>> I'm not sure where "earthquake" figures into things. Is it an 
>>>>> observation type? If so, there's no need to treat it any differently.
>>>>> One thing that's worth being aware of is when the evaluation is done. 
>>>>> For Cheetah, it's at the time of report generation. At that point, the 
>>>>> value is frozen in time in  the HTML page. So, it's the right thing to do 
>>>>> for values that change with an archive record, but the wrong thing for 
>>>>> LOOP 
>>>>> data. In that case, you'd need to use something like moments.
>>>>> -tk
>>>>> On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 12:53 PM Pat O'Brien <p...@obrienphoto.net> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> For Cheetah, I'm using this tag. Is it correct? Seems a bit longhand. 
>>>>>> $unit.format.formatter.time_format_dict.earthquake within the 
>>>>>> .format(). 
>>>>>> $year.outTemp.maxtime.format($unit.format.formatter.time_format_dict.
>>>>>> records_page_full_date)
>>>>>> Again, need to generalize the name, but really I'm looking for 
>>>>>> feedback on best approach. 
>>>>>> On Friday, December 28, 2018 at 2:04:45 PM UTC-5, Pat O'Brien wrote:
>>>>>>> Sometimes I need to ask a question out-loud in order to start 
>>>>>>> finding the answer. In the skin options, you can define custom time 
>>>>>>> formats, as long as that is used as the context in the formatter. 
>>>>>>> I'm doing this within the SLE and it seems to be working so far. In 
>>>>>>> weewx.conf, under skin options:
>>>>>>>         [[[Units]]]
>>>>>>>             [[[[TimeFormats]]]]
>>>>>>>                 day = %H:%M
>>>>>>>                 earthquake = "%B %d, %Y, %-I:%M %p %Z"
>>>>>>> Then in the SLE,
>>>>>>> print self.generator.formatter.toString(( eqdata["features"][0][
>>>>>>> "properties"]["time"] / 1000, "unix_epoch", "group_time" ), context=
>>>>>>> 'earthquake')
>>>>>>> Returns December 22, 2018, 10:19 PM EST
>>>>>>> Instead of "earthquake" I can do "full_date" and "half_date", or 
>>>>>>> something to make it a bit more generic. 
>>>>>>> I still need to figure out Cheetah and JavaScript's moment library 
>>>>>>> to be able to use the "earthquake" context for formatting, but this is 
>>>>>>> a 
>>>>>>> start. 
>>>>>>> I'm open to other ideas and ways to do this if anyone has any. 
>>>>>>> On Friday, December 28, 2018 at 1:29:18 PM UTC-5, Pat O'Brien wrote:
>>>>>>>> Currently I have a problem where I've hard-coded the date and time 
>>>>>>>> format within the Belchertown skin. I know I need to change it but I'm 
>>>>>>>> not 
>>>>>>>> sure how. 
>>>>>>>> I'm using a mixture of Python, JavaScript and Cheetah to make it 
>>>>>>>> cohesive - but for those outside of the USA who want their formats in 
>>>>>>>> day/month/year, I can't do much to help them. 
>>>>>>>> This isn't everything, but some examples of how I'm formatting 
>>>>>>>> various dates within the skin. I think the only thing in common would 
>>>>>>>> be 
>>>>>>>> that they are all epoch - but I would need to verify each instance. 
>>>>>>>> Cheetah:
>>>>>>>> $current.dateTime.format("%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p") # Returns 
>>>>>>>> December 28, 2018, 1:17:18 pm
>>>>>>>> $almanac.sunset.format("%-I:%M %p") # Returns 7:17 AM
>>>>>>>> $current.dateTime.format("%A, %B %d, %Y") # Returns Friday, 
>>>>>>>> December 28, 2018
>>>>>>>> $current.dateTime.format("%B, %Y") # Returns December, 2018
>>>>>>>> JavaScript:
>>>>>>>> moment(data["almanac"]["sunrise"], "HH:mm:ss A").format("h:mm A"); # 
>>>>>>>> Returns 7:17 AM
>>>>>>>> moment.unix( data['alerts'][i]['expires'] ).format( 'MMMM D, YYYY, 
>>>>>>>> h:mm A' ); # Returns December 31, 2018, 7:00 AM
>>>>>>>> moment.unix( data["daily"]["data"][i]["time"] ).format( "ddd M/D" 
>>>>>>>> ); # Returns Sat 12/29
>>>>>>>> moment.unix(epoch).utcOffset($moment_js_utc_offset).format("MMMM 
>>>>>>>> D, YYYY, h:mm:ss a"); # Returns December 28, 2018, 1:17:18 pm
>>>>>>>> Python extension:
>>>>>>>> time.strftime( "%B %d, %Y at %-I:%M %p", time.localtime( 
>>>>>>>> at_rainiest_day_query[0] ) ) # Returns July 17, 2018 at 2:35 PM
>>>>>>>> time.strftime( "%a %m/%d", time.localtime( time.time() ) ) # 
>>>>>>>> Returns Sat 12/29
>>>>>>>> time.strftime( "%B %d, %Y, %-I:%M %p %Z", time.localtime( eqdata[
>>>>>>>> "features"][0]["properties"]["time"] / 1000 ) ) # Returns December 
>>>>>>>> 22, 2018, 10:19 PM EST
>>>>>>>> I see in skin.conf there's [Units] [[TimeFormats]] and I'm sure 
>>>>>>>> this is probably something I want to tap into - unless this is purely 
>>>>>>>> for 
>>>>>>>> Cheetah tags ($current, $day, etc)?
>>>>>>>> Can someone point me in the right direction on how best to offer 
>>>>>>>> time and date formats in the users locale?
>>>>>>>> Thanks

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