
i have test forecast 3.4.0rc1 in python3.7.3

1. for Daky sky i have import "from io import BytesIO"

2. if i set in weewx.conf 
    data_binding = forecast_binding

        api_key = key
        single_thread = True
in the log 
Apr  3 12:30:25 wetter OWFS[20598]: Added record 2019-04-03 12:30:00 CEST (
1554287400) to daily summary in 'weewxWD'
Apr  3 12:30:25 wetter OWFS[20598]: forecast: MainThread: OWM: download 
forecast from 
Apr  3 12:30:25 wetter OWFS[20598]: forecast: MainThread: OWM: got 40 
forecast records
Apr  3 12:30:25 wetter OWFS[20598]: forecast: MainThread: OWM: saved 40 
forecast records
Apr  3 12:30:25 wetter OWFS[20598]: forecast: MainThread: OWM: deleted 
forecasts prior to 1553682625
Apr  3 12:30:25 wetter OWFS[20598]: forecast: MainThread: DS: starting 

but if 
        enable = true
        api_key = key 
        #single_thread = True
only "wetter OWFS[20598]: forecast: MainThread: DS: starting thread"
no "download" not "save" in database

if i set "#single_thread = True" for DS and OWM and Zambretti
by restart 
Apr  3 12:51:49 wetter weewx-weewx[22738]: owfs: sensor unit system is 
Apr  3 12:51:49 wetter OWFS[22738]: DEFAULT: ow_usb_msg.c:(214) Opened USB 
DS9490 bus master at 3:2.
Apr  3 12:51:49 wetter OWFS[22738]: DEFAULT: ow_usb_cycle.c:(128) Set 
DS9490 3:2 unique id to 81 F3 BB 33 00 00 00 7E
Apr  3 12:51:49 wetter OWFS[22738]: snowdepth: using /home/weewx/snow
Apr  3 12:51:49 wetter OWFS[22738]: engine: StdConvert target unit is 0x10
Apr  3 12:51:49 wetter OWFS[22783]: wxcalculate: ....
Apr  3 12:36:56 wetter OWFS[22738]: forecast: MainThread: Zambretti: 
forecast version 3.4.0
Apr  3 12:36:56 wetter OWFS[22738]: forecast: MainThread: Zambretti: 
interval=600 max_age=604800 winddir_period=1800 pressure_period=10800 
hemisphere=NORTH lower_pressure=950.0 upper_pressure=1050.0
Apr  3 12:36:56 wetter OWFS[22738]: forecast: MainThread: OWM: forecast 
version 3.4.0
Apr  3 12:36:56 wetter OWFS[22738]: forecast: MainThread: OWM: interval=
10800 max_age=604800 api_key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX9715 location=
53.6059563,11.341407 fc=5day3hour
Apr  3 12:36:56 wetter OWFS[22738]: forecast: MainThread: DS: forecast 
version 3.4.0
Apr  3 12:36:56 wetter OWFS[22738]: forecast: MainThread: DS: interval=12360 
max_age=604800 api_key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXc56e location=53.6059563,
11.341407 fc=daily

for forecast no download and no save I have been watching it since 

my result python3 by "http://wetter.hes61.de/";

Gruss Hartmut

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