Exactly, you need to implement genStartupRecords() in your driver. Writing a 
service will add no benefits; rather it will add unnecessary complexity (there 
is already an established mechanism for catchup) and by stepping outside the 
established mechanism you risk your driver/service not working with future 
WeeWX versions. In short a lot of effort for no benefit.

genStartupRecords() accepts a timestamp and returns all archive records (not 
loop packets) it can that are timestamped after the timestamp concerned. You 
may chose to include a class in you driver that handles the interaction with 
WLL or you may chose to handle interaction with WLL through a number of methods 
in your driver.

I strongly suggest you have a look at some of the other drivers that have 
implemented genStartupRecords() and understand how it works. The vantage driver 
is one; cc3000, te923, wmr200, wmr300, ws23xx and ws28xx are others that 
implement genStartupRecords(). None use a web service/API to obtain historical 
archive records but that should not matter too much.


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