Running the latest version, emptied the archive table, dropped 
daily_archive tables. I kept extraTemp1 alive in the config. These are the 
results. It was not raining, first record (started weewx at 17:19) contains 
zero rain, which is correct. Attached the first 5 minutes of syslog, after 
starting weewx

MariaDB [weewx_import]> select 
from_unixtime(datetime),rain,rainrate,radiation,uv,et,extratemp1 from 
archive order by datetime desc limit 100;
| from_unixtime(datetime) | rain | rainrate | radiation | uv   | et   | 
extratemp1         |
| 2020-07-14 17:22:00     |    0 |        0 |      NULL | NULL | NULL 
|               17.5 |
| 2020-07-14 17:21:00     |    0 |        0 |      NULL | NULL | NULL | 
17.479166666666664 |
| 2020-07-14 17:20:00     |    0 |        0 |      NULL | NULL | NULL | 
17.444444444444443 |
3 rows in set (0.001 sec)

Op dinsdag 14 juli 2020 om 15:40:36 UTC+2 schreef

> Stupid that i am,  the problem is an if loop that not check value in dict 
> ... 
> I fix it. Can you try ?
> :)  
> Le mardi 14 juillet 2020 à 15:25:40 UTC+2, a écrit :
>> Thank's a lot ! 
>> Can you remove extraTemp1 in setting WLLDriver in weewx.conf for testing. 
>> I think that when extra is setting, the program recuperate rainfall_daily = 
>> 0 set in extra sensor
>> Attach syslog when the program is launch 5minutes ago
>> Le mardi 14 juillet 2020 à 14:46:08 UTC+2, a écrit :
>>> Now it's looking much better. I emptied the archive table, as well as 
>>> the daily archive tables, and started weewx.
>>> First record (I started weewx at 13:30) is the exact amount of current 
>>> daily rainfall. It was not raining then, so this amount at 13:31 should be 
>>> zero. One raintick at 13:33, which is correct.
>>> Also attached the syslog, first 30 minutes after starting weewx (13:30).
>>> MariaDB [weewx_import]> select from_unixtime(datetime),rain,rainrate 
>>> from archive order by datetime desc limit 100;
>>> +-------------------------+---------------------+--------------------+
>>> | from_unixtime(datetime) | rain                | rainrate           |
>>> +-------------------------+---------------------+--------------------+
>>> | 2020-07-14 14:35:00     |                   0 |                  0 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 14:34:00     |                   0 |                  0 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 14:33:00     |                   0 |                  0 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 14:32:00     |                   0 |                  0 |
>>> <cut>
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:53:00     |                   0 |                  0 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:52:00     |                   0 |                  0 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:51:00     |                   0 |                  0 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:50:00     |                   0 |               0.25 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:49:00     |                   0 | 0.6000000000000003 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:48:00     |                   0 | 0.6750000000000004 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:47:00     |                   0 | 0.8000000000000005 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:46:00     |                   0 |  1.556249999999999 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:45:00     |                   0 | 3.5500000000000007 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:44:00     |                   0 | 3.5500000000000007 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:43:00     |                   0 | 3.5500000000000007 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:42:00     |                   0 | 3.5500000000000007 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:41:00     |                   0 | 3.5500000000000007 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:40:00     |                   0 | 3.5500000000000007 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:39:00     |                   0 | 3.5500000000000007 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:38:00     |                   0 | 3.5500000000000007 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:37:00     |                   0 | 3.5500000000000007 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:36:00     |                   0 | 3.5500000000000007 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:35:00     |                   0 | 3.5500000000000007 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:34:00     |                   0 | 3.5500000000000007 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:33:00     | 0.20000000000000004 |              3.475 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:32:00     |                   0 | 3.3500000000000005 |
>>> | 2020-07-14 13:31:00     |                 2.6 | 2.8571428571428577 |
>>> +-------------------------+---------------------+--------------------+
>>> 65 rows in set (0.001 sec)
>>> Op dinsdag 14 juli 2020 om 13:08:43 UTC+2 schreef
>>>> Adding debug syslog and move function, can you try rightnow with my 
>>>> latest repo
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Le mardi 14 juillet 2020 à 12:31:57 UTC+2, a écrit :
>>>>> Hmm, not good. UDP enabled. Not raining at the moment. Syslog added 
>>>>> from the start
>>>>> MariaDB [weewx_import]> select from_unixtime(datetime),rain,rainrate 
>>>>> from 
>>>>> archiv                                                                    
>>>>> e order by datetime desc limit 10;
>>>>> +-------------------------+--------------------+---------------------+
>>>>> | from_unixtime(datetime) | rain               | rainrate            |
>>>>> +-------------------------+--------------------+---------------------+
>>>>> | 2020-07-14 12:26:00     |                3.2 |   9.400000000000006 |
>>>>> | 2020-07-14 12:25:00     |                3.2 |   6.200000000000002 |
>>>>> | 2020-07-14 12:24:00     |                3.2 |                   3 |
>>>>> | 2020-07-14 12:23:00     | 1.2000000000000002 | 0.43636363636363645 |
>>>>> +-------------------------+--------------------+---------------------+
>>>>> 4 rows in set (0.001 sec)
>>>>> Op dinsdag 14 juli 2020 om 12:24:30 UTC+2 schreef Maarten van der 
>>>>> Hoeven:
>>>>>> New fresh code coming straight from the factory. It's still wet. 
>>>>>> Running it now. Deleted all archived records, and dropped the daily 
>>>>>> archives. More rain coming up this way this afternoon
>>>>>> Op dinsdag 14 juli 2020 om 12:18:04 UTC+2 schreef
>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> Yes, it's this problem. I try to fix it. Can you try my lastest fix 
>>>>>>> on Github and enable udp ?
>>>>>>> Thank you :)
>>>>>>> Le mardi 14 juillet 2020 à 11:17:31 UTC+2, a 
>>>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>>>> Find attached
>>>>>>>> Op dinsdag 14 juli 2020 om 11:09:03 UTC+2 schreef 
>>>>>>>>> Can you share syslog between 09:44 and 10:13 please,
>>>>>>>>> With this syslog, I can't see the problem. I don't have this 
>>>>>>>>> problem but I not enable udp so I think the problem is in udp 
>>>>>>>>> function. 
>>>>>>>>> Thank you :) 
>>>>>>>>> Le mardi 14 juillet 2020 à 10:19:23 UTC+2, a 
>>>>>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>>>>>> Okay, got the first to rain ticks (of 0.2 mm each). First rain 
>>>>>>>>>> tick at about 09:50 and second rain tick at about 10:08 (verified 
>>>>>>>>>> with my 
>>>>>>>>>> other weewx-environment, my live-environment). Not looking good, see 
>>>>>>>>>> below. 
>>>>>>>>>> Also, radiation, UV and ET are NULL, although I have data for these 
>>>>>>>>>> variables.
>>>>>>>>>> MariaDB [weewx_import]> select from_unixtime(dateTime), rain, 
>>>>>>>>>> rainrate, radiation, uv, et from archive order by datetime desc 
>>>>>>>>>> limit 30;
>>>>>>>>>> +-------------------------+---------------------+---------------------+-----------+------+------+
>>>>>>>>>> | from_unixtime(dateTime) | rain                | 
>>>>>>>>>> rainrate            | radiation | uv   | et   |
>>>>>>>>>> +-------------------------+---------------------+---------------------+-----------+------+------+
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 10:13:00     |                 3.2 |  
>>>>>>>>>> 33.649999999999935 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 10:12:00     |                 3.2 |   
>>>>>>>>>> 32.04999999999993 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 10:11:00     |                 3.2 |   
>>>>>>>>>> 30.44999999999994 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 10:10:00     |                 3.2 |  
>>>>>>>>>> 28.849999999999945 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 10:09:00     |                 3.2 |   
>>>>>>>>>> 27.24999999999995 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 10:08:00     |                 3.2 |   
>>>>>>>>>> 25.64999999999995 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 10:07:00     |                 2.2 |  
>>>>>>>>>> 24.212499999999956 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 10:06:00     |                 1.6 |   
>>>>>>>>>> 24.13124999999995 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 10:05:00     |                 1.6 |  
>>>>>>>>>> 24.149999999999956 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 10:04:00     |                 1.6 |  
>>>>>>>>>> 23.624999999999954 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 10:03:00     |                 1.6 |   
>>>>>>>>>> 22.04999999999996 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 10:02:00     |                 1.6 |  
>>>>>>>>>> 20.449999999999964 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 10:01:00     |                 1.6 |   
>>>>>>>>>> 18.84999999999997 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 10:00:00     |                 1.6 |  
>>>>>>>>>> 17.249999999999968 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:59:00     |                 1.6 |  
>>>>>>>>>> 15.649999999999974 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:58:00     |                 1.6 |   
>>>>>>>>>> 14.04999999999998 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:57:00     |                 1.6 |  
>>>>>>>>>> 12.449999999999985 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:56:00     |                 1.6 |  
>>>>>>>>>> 10.849999999999993 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:55:00     |                 1.6 |   
>>>>>>>>>> 9.249999999999998 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:54:00     |                 1.6 |   
>>>>>>>>>> 7.650000000000002 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:53:00     |                 1.6 |  
>>>>>>>>>> 6.0500000000000025 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:52:00     |                 1.6 |   
>>>>>>>>>> 4.450000000000003 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:51:00     |                 1.6 |  
>>>>>>>>>> 2.8500000000000014 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:50:00     |                 1.6 |  
>>>>>>>>>> 1.2500000000000002 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:49:00     | 0.20000000000000004 | 
>>>>>>>>>> 0.06250000000000001 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:48:00     |                   0 
>>>>>>>>>> |                   0 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:47:00     |                   0 
>>>>>>>>>> |                   0 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:46:00     |                   0 
>>>>>>>>>> |                   0 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:45:00     |                   0 
>>>>>>>>>> |                   0 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> | 2020-07-14 09:44:00     |                   0 
>>>>>>>>>> |                   0 |      NULL | NULL | NULL |
>>>>>>>>>> +-------------------------+---------------------+---------------------+-----------+------+------+
>>>>>>>>>> 30 rows in set (0.001 sec)
>>>>>>>>>> Console output:
>>>>>>>>>> maarten@weewximport:~$ tail -f /var/log/syslog
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:40 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Set 
>>>>>>>>>> previous period rain to: 2
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:40 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> rainRate rightnow is : 0.007874015748031498
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:40 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> Packet received from WLL module {'dateTime': 1594714658, 'usUnits': 
>>>>>>>>>> 1, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'windSpeed': 2.0, 'windDir': 234, 'windGust': 5.0, 'windGustDir': 
>>>>>>>>>> 227, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'rain': 0.0, 'rainRate': 0.007874015748031498}:
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:40 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG 
>>>>>>>>>> urllib3.connectionpool: Starting new HTTP connection (1): 
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:40 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG 
>>>>>>>>>> urllib3.connectionpool: "GET 
>>>>>>>>>> /v1/current_conditions HTTP/1.1" 200 None
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:40 weewximport weewx[881] INFO weewx.restx: MQTT: 
>>>>>>>>>> Published record 2020-07-14 10:17:38 CEST (1594714658)
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:40 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Rain 
>>>>>>>>>> rightnow is :-0.02
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:40 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Set 
>>>>>>>>>> previous period rain to: 0
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:40 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> Packet received from WLL module {'dateTime': 1594714658, 'usUnits': 
>>>>>>>>>> 1, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'outTemp': 62.3, 'outHumidity': 89.2, 'dewpoint': 59.1, 'heatindex': 
>>>>>>>>>> 63.2, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'windchill': 62.3, 'windSpeed': 2.0, 'windDir': 234, 'windGust': 
>>>>>>>>>> 5.0, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'windGustDir': 226, 'barometer': 29.981, 'pressure': 29.969, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'inTemp': 
>>>>>>>>>> 72.1, 'inHumidity': 62.9, 'inDewpoint': 58.8, 'extraTemp1': 63.1}:
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:40 weewximport weewx[881] INFO weewx.restx: MQTT: 
>>>>>>>>>> Published record 2020-07-14 10:17:38 CEST (1594714658)
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:43 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Rain 
>>>>>>>>>> rightnow is :0.015748031496062995
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:43 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Set 
>>>>>>>>>> previous period rain to: 2
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:43 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> rainRate rightnow is : 0.007874015748031498
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:43 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> Packet received from WLL module {'dateTime': 1594714660, 'usUnits': 
>>>>>>>>>> 1, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'windSpeed': 3.0, 'windDir': 234, 'windGust': 5.0, 'windGustDir': 
>>>>>>>>>> 227, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'rain': 0.015748031496062995, 'rainRate': 0.007874015748031498}:
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:43 weewximport weewx[881] INFO weewx.restx: MQTT: 
>>>>>>>>>> Published record 2020-07-14 10:17:40 CEST (1594714660)
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:45 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Rain 
>>>>>>>>>> rightnow is :0.0
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:45 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Set 
>>>>>>>>>> previous period rain to: 2
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:45 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> rainRate rightnow is : 0.007874015748031498
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:45 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> Packet received from WLL module {'dateTime': 1594714663, 'usUnits': 
>>>>>>>>>> 1, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'windSpeed': 3.0, 'windDir': 223, 'windGust': 5.0, 'windGustDir': 
>>>>>>>>>> 227, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'rain': 0.0, 'rainRate': 0.007874015748031498}:
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:45 weewximport weewx[881] INFO weewx.restx: MQTT: 
>>>>>>>>>> Published record 2020-07-14 10:17:43 CEST (1594714663)
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:48 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Rain 
>>>>>>>>>> rightnow is :0.0
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:48 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Set 
>>>>>>>>>> previous period rain to: 2
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:48 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> rainRate rightnow is : 0.007874015748031498
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:48 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> Packet received from WLL module {'dateTime': 1594714665, 'usUnits': 
>>>>>>>>>> 1, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'windSpeed': 4.0, 'windDir': 213, 'windGust': 5.0, 'windGustDir': 
>>>>>>>>>> 227, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'rain': 0.0, 'rainRate': 0.007874015748031498}:
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:48 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG 
>>>>>>>>>> urllib3.connectionpool: Starting new HTTP connection (1): 
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:48 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG 
>>>>>>>>>> urllib3.connectionpool: "GET 
>>>>>>>>>> /v1/current_conditions HTTP/1.1" 200 None
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:48 weewximport weewx[881] INFO weewx.restx: MQTT: 
>>>>>>>>>> Published record 2020-07-14 10:17:45 CEST (1594714665)
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:48 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Rain 
>>>>>>>>>> rightnow is :-0.02
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:48 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Set 
>>>>>>>>>> previous period rain to: 0
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:48 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> Packet received from WLL module {'dateTime': 1594714665, 'usUnits': 
>>>>>>>>>> 1, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'outTemp': 62.2, 'outHumidity': 89.2, 'dewpoint': 59.0, 'heatindex': 
>>>>>>>>>> 63.1, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'windchill': 62.2, 'windSpeed': 4.0, 'windDir': 213, 'windGust': 
>>>>>>>>>> 5.0, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'windGustDir': 226, 'barometer': 29.984, 'pressure': 29.972, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'inTemp': 
>>>>>>>>>> 72.0, 'inHumidity': 62.7, 'inDewpoint': 58.6, 'extraTemp1': 63.1}:
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:48 weewximport weewx[881] INFO weewx.restx: MQTT: 
>>>>>>>>>> Published record 2020-07-14 10:17:45 CEST (1594714665)
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:50 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Rain 
>>>>>>>>>> rightnow is :0.015748031496062995
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:50 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Set 
>>>>>>>>>> previous period rain to: 2
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:50 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> rainRate rightnow is : 0.007874015748031498
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:50 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> Packet received from WLL module {'dateTime': 1594714668, 'usUnits': 
>>>>>>>>>> 1, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'windSpeed': 3.0, 'windDir': 213, 'windGust': 5.0, 'windGustDir': 
>>>>>>>>>> 227, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'rain': 0.015748031496062995, 'rainRate': 0.007874015748031498}:
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:50 weewximport weewx[881] INFO weewx.restx: MQTT: 
>>>>>>>>>> Published record 2020-07-14 10:17:48 CEST (1594714668)
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:53 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Rain 
>>>>>>>>>> rightnow is :0.0
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:53 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Set 
>>>>>>>>>> previous period rain to: 2
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:53 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> rainRate rightnow is : 0.007874015748031498
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:53 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> Packet received from WLL module {'dateTime': 1594714670, 'usUnits': 
>>>>>>>>>> 1, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'windSpeed': 3.0, 'windDir': 213, 'windGust': 5.0, 'windGustDir': 
>>>>>>>>>> 227, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'rain': 0.0, 'rainRate': 0.007874015748031498}:
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:53 weewximport weewx[881] INFO weewx.restx: MQTT: 
>>>>>>>>>> Published record 2020-07-14 10:17:50 CEST (1594714670)
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:55 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Rain 
>>>>>>>>>> rightnow is :0.0
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:55 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Set 
>>>>>>>>>> previous period rain to: 2
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:55 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> rainRate rightnow is : 0.007874015748031498
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:55 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> Packet received from WLL module {'dateTime': 1594714673, 'usUnits': 
>>>>>>>>>> 1, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'windSpeed': 3.0, 'windDir': 213, 'windGust': 5.0, 'windGustDir': 
>>>>>>>>>> 227, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'rain': 0.0, 'rainRate': 0.007874015748031498}:
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:55 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG 
>>>>>>>>>> urllib3.connectionpool: Starting new HTTP connection (1): 
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:55 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG 
>>>>>>>>>> urllib3.connectionpool: "GET 
>>>>>>>>>> /v1/current_conditions HTTP/1.1" 200 None
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:55 weewximport weewx[881] INFO weewx.restx: MQTT: 
>>>>>>>>>> Published record 2020-07-14 10:17:53 CEST (1594714673)
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:55 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Rain 
>>>>>>>>>> rightnow is :-0.02
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:55 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: Set 
>>>>>>>>>> previous period rain to: 0
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:55 weewximport weewx[881] DEBUG user.WLLDriver: 
>>>>>>>>>> Packet received from WLL module {'dateTime': 1594714673, 'usUnits': 
>>>>>>>>>> 1, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'outTemp': 62.2, 'outHumidity': 89.2, 'dewpoint': 59.0, 'heatindex': 
>>>>>>>>>> 63.1, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'windchill': 62.2, 'windSpeed': 3.0, 'windDir': 213, 'windGust': 
>>>>>>>>>> 5.0, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'windGustDir': 226, 'barometer': 29.984, 'pressure': 29.972, 
>>>>>>>>>> 'inTemp': 
>>>>>>>>>> 72.0, 'inHumidity': 62.7, 'inDewpoint': 58.6, 'extraTemp1': 63.1}:
>>>>>>>>>> Jul 14 10:17:55 weewximport weewx[881] INFO weewx.restx: MQTT: 
>>>>>>>>>> Published record 2020-07-14 10:17:53 CEST (1594714673)
>>>>>>>>>> Op dinsdag 14 juli 2020 om 08:22:39 UTC+2 schreef Maarten van der 
>>>>>>>>>> Hoeven:
>>>>>>>>>>> Yup, started your driver this morning. Will watch it.
>>>>>>>>>>> Op maandag 13 juli 2020 om 22:34:12 UTC+2 schreef 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you try my latest version ?
>>>>>>>>>>>> It seems that tomorrow rain ^^

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