Also read this thread.!searchin/weewx-user/date$20string%7Csort:relevance/weewx-user/6elynV-7kEg/sm5uWsl3AAAJ


On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 2:09 PM, Dave Webb KB1PVH <> wrote:

> George,
> Date Format
> *FORMAT* is a sequence of characters which specifies how output will
> appear. It comprises some combination of the following sequences:
> *%%* a literal percent sign ("*%*").
> *%a* The abbreviated weekday name (e.g., *Sun*).
> *%A* The full weekday name (e.g., *Sunday*).
> *%b* The abbreviated month name (e.g., *Jan*).
> *%B* locale's full month name (e.g., *January*).
> *%c* The date and time (e.g., *Thu Mar 3 23:05:25 2005*).
> *%C* The current century; like *%Y*, except omit last two digits (e.g.,
> *20*).
> *%d* day of month (e.g., *01*).
> *%D* date; same as *%m/%d/%y*.
> *%e* day of month, space padded; same as *%_d*.
> *%F* full date; same as *%Y-%m-%d*.
> *%g* last two digits of year of ISO week number (see *%G*).
> *%G* year of ISO week number (see *%V*); normally useful only with *%V*.
> *%h* same as *%b*.
> *%H* hour (*00*..*23*).
> *%I* hour (*01*..*12*).
> *%j* day of year (*001*..*366*).
> *%k* hour, space padded ( *0*..*23*); same as *%_H*.
> *%l* hour, space padded ( *1*..*12*); same as *%_I*.
> *%m* month (*01*..*12*).
> *%M* minute (*00*..*59*).
> *%n* a newline <>.
> *%N* nanoseconds <> (
> *000000000*..*999999999*).
> *%p* locale's equivalent of either *AM* or *PM*; blank if not known.
> *%P* like *%p*, but lower case.
> *%r* locale's 12-hour clock time (e.g., *11:11:04 PM*).
> *%R* 24-hour hour and minute; same as *%H:%M*.
> *%s* seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
> *%S* second <> (*00*..*60*
> ).
> *%t* a tab <>.
> *%T* time; same as *%H:%M:%S*.
> *%u* day of week (*1*..*7*); 1 is *Monday*.
> *%U* week number of year, with Sunday as first day of week (*00*..*53*).
> *%V* ISO week number, with Monday as first day of week (*01*..*53*).
> *%w* day of week (*0*..*6*); 0 is *Sunday*.
> *%W* week number of year, with Monday as first day of week (*00*..*53*).
> *%x* locale's date representation (e.g., *12/31/99*).
> *%X* locale's time representation (e.g., *23:13:48*).
> *%y* last two digits of year (*00*..*99*).
> *%Y* year
> *%z* +hhmm numeric time zone (e.g., *-0400*).
> *%:z* +hh:mm numeric time zone (e.g., *-04:00*).
> *%::z* +hh:mm:ss numeric time zone (e.g., *-04:00:00*).
> *%:::z* numeric time zone with "*:*" to necessary precision (e.g., *-04*,
> *+05:30*).
> *%Z* alphabetic time zone abbreviation (e.g., EDT)
> Dave-KB1PVH
> On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 2:01 PM, George Alexander <>
> wrote:
>> Hi.  My apologies for posting on a thread that is so old, however it's
>> the first one that comes up in a Google search so it made no sense to start
>> afresh.
>> I've read through the customisation guide and the user guide, and it
>> would appear, unless I'm blind, that the files have been changed since this
>> question was first asked. I can't find the Time customisation table in any
>> of the .conf files anywhere. I also can't see the section mentioned above
>> about changing the format in the customisation guide.
>> I'd like to change the date format to DD.MM.YYYY in the standard skin
>> output. My Pi localisation is set to this already, however both the
>> Standard and Simple skin outputs don't seem to be listening to that, and
>> are outputting MM.DD.YYYY.
>> Thanks very much.
>> --
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