I'm going to have to leave this to Matthew I'm afraid.  You definitely 
appear to have a communication issue with the weather station (READ 
failure) which occurs at 03:58 approximately, and there are several 
restarts of weewx which are automatically attempted by weewx.  As to the 
cause of the initial read failure and as to whether or not weewx and the 
driver have taken the correct expected actions as a result I am afraid 
Matthew's knowledge is required.  Looks somewhat similar to the classic 
fousb lockup issue where the usb just refuses to communicate and the only 
way out is a station reset in that instance.  Maybe an automatic reboot 
will be the only way out of your particular problem - but only Matthew can 

Sorry I cannot be more helpful.

On Wednesday, 18 January 2017 04:33:28 UTC+2, Marc Aubry wrote:

> Hi andrew
> Please find attached the syslog of the last problem. Last report time 03:55
> it is not enough anymore to do sudo service weewx restart. i still have 
> the message 
> "weatherstation weewx[671]: wh23xx: get_current: could not detach kernel 
> driver from interface 0: No data availabl"
> I must reboot the rpi to get rid of it and have weewx resuming it's 
> operation.
> i have change the power supply, the usb cable connected to the station, 
> the ethernet cable and even change the position of the cable on my ethernet 
> hub.
> the generator have not been changed last night and i'm running on the 
> newest (cleanest) one.
> if we don't find any solution for this problem, i will probably make bash 
> or python script to check when was the last time the weewx wrote to the 
> mysql database and if it doesn't for more than 15 minutes then trigger a 
> reboot of the rpi.
> It's is not a clean solution but it should work.
> I would prefer to find a cleanest way to do it.
> Thanks again for your help.
> On Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 12:20:09 AM UTC+7, Andrew Milner wrote:
>> ..... or the cables .... or the physical location .... or the proximity 
>> of other cables and devices (since I bet the rpi3 is in the same physical 
>> space as the failed rpi2 and using the same physical cables to connect to 
>> the weather station routed in the same manner around your premises) ......
>> Still - let's see when it fails ..... and what the log says at that time 
>> .....
>> On Tuesday, 17 en it failsJanuary 2017 19:10:59 UTC+2, Marc Aubry wrote:
>>> Remember that i have the exact same problem with a rpi2 instead of the 
>>> rpi3. So i don't really belive in power issue or rpi hardware problem. The 
>>> only piece of harware which is the same between the 2 config having the 
>>> same problem is the weather station itself. So if it is hardware it should 
>>> come from the weather station or from  the power line as mentioned earlier.
>>> Anyway so far so good. The weewx is still reporting since 8 hours.

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