Very interesting, that medical treatment radiation levels jump out like 
that. Maybe you'll get lucky(?) and get a gamma radiation burst from on 

You could consider parking your radiation data into an unused column in the 
archive database. There is a column called "radiation", although I belief 
its expected use is for solar radiation. Are you using MySQL for weewx, or 
sqlite? Exporting from the one table and creating update statements for the 
weewx archive table wouldn't be too hard, although a little risky.

On Friday, 10 February 2017 10:32:16 UTC-4, Steve wrote:
> Not really Bill, although the raw cpm can vary a bit, the average always 
> looks flat.
> You can see my data as cpm or equivalent dosage here on the uradmonitor 
> website:
> Following the uradmonitor forum sometimes shows some interesting readings. 
> Here's a thread with some readings after myocardial perfusion scans 
> Some how I managed to write a php file that runs via cron every 5 minutes 
> and parses the json data from my monitor and write it to a MySQL database 
> and read / display it here
> I spent a bunch of coin on some python books (learning, programming, 
> pocket reference by Lutz) & have access to the WeeWx fileparse example but 
> have yet tried to incorporate my radiation data into WeeWx so I can have 
> the results displayed alongside my weather data to see if there are any 
> correlations between the two. :( I'm a slacker.
> Regards,
> Steve.
> On Saturday, 11 February 2017 00:05:53 UTC+11, Bill Morrow wrote:
>> Steve, do you ever see any remarkable gamma radiation?
>> On Wednesday, 18 January 2017 00:03:12 UTC-4, Steve wrote:
>>> My radiation monitor is a model D from here 
>>> as well as the unit reporting to the global map, I have a cron job that 
>>> runs every 5 minutes that grabs the data from the unit and writes it to a 
>>> MySQL database.
>>> I still use the bridge with the WeatherSleuth but WeeWx gets the data 
>>> via the local network rather than the bridge sending it to Weather 
>>> Underground (this was configurable via the html setup pages the bridge can 
>>> serve).
>>> Regards,
>>> Steve.
>>> On Wednesday, 18 January 2017 07:55:37 UTC+11, wrote:
>>>> ramlog is ANOTHER great tip. Many thanks! (very interesting waffle)
>>>> Another optimised Pi-Weewx installation add-on I use and forgot about 
>>>> earlier: Pulseway <> 
>>>> Alas, I didn't think to get a Pi compatible electricity monitoring 
>>>> solution; just bought an off the shelf thing (Owl Intuition) that sends 
>>>> data to a web site w very basic display and no graphing.
>>>> Gamma radiation? I live on top of granite rock that gives off radon and 
>>>> I need to get the house remediated -- readings were over 800 (200 is bad). 
>>>> It was built before that was the law here. I'd monitor it if there was an 
>>>> instrument. 
>>>> I looked up the Aercus WeatherSleuth and it seems to come with an 
>>>> Observer unit. Did you ditch that in favour of the Pi or what?

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