Hi everyone,

short introduction (skip if not interested):      :)
I'm new to this group, my Name is Robert, I'm from Austria, and as I work 
in a company producing (besides other things) temperature measurement 
equipment, I'm building a weatherstation myself. Main reason is, that I can 
measure more acurate and I have the possibility to calibrate my equipment, 
and the second reason is, that I own a WMR928, which is getting old and has 
to be replaced. 3rd, I want to do all the calculations myself, as some of 
the methods or the Austrian institute of meteroloty (zamg.ac.at) uses some 
other methods than used in most stations, and I want to calculate the same 
way like the official stations here.
The hardware is working so far, on the electronics side, I use an Arduino, 
communicating via RS485 Modbus RTU with a RPi running weewx.
My main problem: I'm not experienced with Python at all. With, what I call 
"experimental programming" I managed to modify the simulator.py driver to 
read the values from the station, so basically everything is working 

Now to the question:
I noticed, that weewx automatically fills the gaps with current values, in 
case the recording was interrupted. Eg. I shut down the station yesterday 
in the evening, and started it today in the morning. Now It is generating 
all missing reports from the evening till now, but it's using the current 
values, which is not correct. I noticed, that the loader function of 
simulator can be specified a resume time. I changed this to always use the 
current time, but is there somewhere a better place to tell weewx that it 
is in realtime mode? 
Please excuse if this is very supid, but python is still like chinese for 
me :)

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