WU is a world of its own.  I know that it reports readings for times when 
none have been submitted (eg I have been down) and so on - so matching 
times is probably impossible,  It certainly seems to always adjust times to 
5 minute boundaries.

On Thursday, 17 May 2018 08:27:01 UTC+3, Andrew Milner wrote:
> You are probably bashing your head against a brick wall because you are 
> possibly trying to do something weewx is not designed to do.  It is not a 
> real time reporting system.
> Try starting with an archive interval of 300 seconds and avoid things like 
> 60 second archive intervals.
> Seek help for getting one station type to work correctly before moving on 
> to others - it may not be just the interval that needs 'tweaking' for 
> differing station types.
> weewx will use the vantage interval, but the interval should be ideally 
> set to say 300 seconds (use wee_device to set hardware interval)
> weewx should never invent data for an archive record, and should always 
> report none when there has been no input during the archive interval.
> On Thursday, 17 May 2018 08:02:27 UTC+3, Andrew Milner wrote:
>> …. the choices seem to include:
>> 1.  Use weewx database and make your graphing package do the smoothing 
>> (in the way I presume wview does)
>> 2.  Use weewx database and weewx graphs - rather than making your own 
>> graphs
>> 3.  Increase archive interval to ensure every archive record contains at 
>> least one reading for each sensor - I think some sensors only output every 
>> 15 minutes (=900 seconds)
>> 4.  Explain what you feel to be wrong
>> or
>> 5.  Return to wview
>> As a further point you seem to be jumping around many different station 
>> types and drivers.  Stations of different types emit different data and 
>> weewx will cope with each.  However the config file needs to be set up for 
>> each station type with regard to hardware/software preferences, archive 
>> interval, hardware/software record creation etc.  HOWEVER - it is 
>> overriding within weewx that an archive record contains the average value 
>> for a reading during an archive period.  If there is no reading there is no 
>> value to store.  In the hgardware manual there is information regarding 
>> each station type - and for example the config options for a fine offset 
>> station would involve periodic polling at about 60 second intervals (no 
>> point in more frequently as station does not emit any faster) and software 
>> record creation rather than hardware …. and so on.  The options to use for 
>> fine offset are not the same options you would use with a davis station, so 
>> it is not possible to just change drivers when changing station types.
>> My FineOffset has run for several years without issues.  Using QC values 
>> in your config helps reduce spikes
>> On Thursday, 17 May 2018 07:39:05 UTC+3, Thomas Keffer wrote:
>>> ​Your rant would be a lot more useful if it offered ​some constructive 
>>> examples of where you think weewx is failing. Instead, there's just vague 
>>> generalities like "erratic measurements from Davis VantagePro2..." 
>>> I flatly do not believe this. The VP2 driver is nearly 10 years old, has 
>>> been extremely well vetted, and used by thousands without any problems. 
>>> Most likely the problem is in your configuration. 
>>> The WMR100 driver is not as mature, but is still used by many people. I 
>>> would not be surprised if it had some problems, but your inchoate rant 
>>> isn't going to put us any closer to solving them.
>>> I am sorry you are disappointed. If you had paid anything for Weewx, I 
>>> would be happy to refund your money. But you didn't. 
>>> Stop whining and offer a pull request if you think there's a problem.
>>> -tk
>>> On Wed, May 16, 2018, 2:38 PM Hrmeteohub Pljusak <hrmet...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I am not positive that my questions have not been answered. If so, 
>>>> please point me to location where I can read how to mitigate the problems. 
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> Recently I have switched from wview to weewx 3.7.1. I must say I got 
>>>> rather disappointed with problems I have encountered.
>>>> First, Oregon Scientific WMR88/100/200 stations started to produce 
>>>> erratic graphs on WU and other web pages, with number of incomplete 
>>>> measurements. The weewx documentation gently describes that as "station 
>>>> problem". That is not acceptable, or nice, but just a dirty 
>>>> walk-around-the-problem.
>>>> Yes, I am aware of the way that stations "blasts data" from sensors to 
>>>> station, but wview did away with it quite gently. Also, other (read 
>>>> windows-based) software works nicely with OS stations. Weewx simply gives 
>>>> us nothing (null), and lets the user deal with it. Well guess what! 
>>>> This should be corrected.
>>>> The graph below is from WU.
>>>> Just to ilustrate, this is an example of the data from weewx.sdb:
>>>> dateTime,ET,altimeter,appTemp,barometer,cloudbase,dewpoint,hourRain,humidex,inDewpoint,inHumidity,inTemp,inTempBatteryStatus,interval,maxSolarRad,outHumidity,outTemp,outTempBatteryStatus,pressure,rain,rain24,rainBatteryStatus,rainRate,rainTotal,usUnits,windBatteryStatus,windDir,windGust,windGustDir,windSpeed,windrun
>>>> 1526378490.0,None,1008.47595669,18.7382035985,1008.41843898,1330.2378329,9.93516495581,0.0,20.4483894915,51.3461294561,46.0,23.0,0.0,1,None,55.0,19.2,0.0,988.0,0.0,6.35,0.0,0.0,2.41,17,0.0,337.5,0.700003479692,None,0.700003479692,0.0
>>>> 1526378610.0,None,None,18.174962293,None,1364.37850406,9.66136186735,20.3234925844,51.3461294561,46.0,23.0,0.0,1,None,54.0,19.2,0.0,None,17,0.0,225.0,1.40000695938,None,1.40000695938,0.0420002087815
>>>> 1526378670.0,None,1008.47595669,18.384962815,1008.41843898,1364.37850406,9.66136186735,20.3234925844,51.3461294561,46.0,23.0,0.0,1,None,54.0,19.2,0.0,988.0,17,0.0,315.0,1.10000546809,None,1.10000546809,0.126000626344
>>>> 1526378730.0,None,1008.47595669,None,None,None,None,None,None,1,None,988.0,17,0.0,225.0,0.900004473889,None,0.900004473889,0.19200095443
>>>> 1526378850.0,None,1008.47595669,None,None,None,None,0.0,None,51.3461294561,46.0,23.0,0.0,1,None,988.0,0.0,6.35,0.0,0.0,2.41,17,0.0,315.0,1.10000546809,None,1.10000546809,0.246001222863
>>>> 1526378910.0,None,1008.47595669,18.6649635109,1008.41843898,1364.37850406,9.66136186735,20.3234925844,None,1,None,54.0,19.2,0.0,988.0,17,0.0,225.0,0.700003479692,None,0.700003479692,0.312001550948
>>>> 1526379030.0,None,1008.47595669,None,None,None,None,0.0,None,51.3461294561,46.0,23.0,0.0,1,None,988.0,0.0,6.35,0.0,0.0,2.41,17,0.35400175973
>>>> 1526379150.0,None,1008.47595669,None,None,None,None,0.0,None,51.3461294561,46.0,23.0,0.0,1,None,988.0,0.0,6.35,0.0,0.0,2.41,17,0.35400175973
>>>> 1526379210.0,None,1008.47595669,None,None,None,None,None,51.3461294561,46.0,23.0,0.0,1,None,988.0,17,0.0,250.773234946,0.900004473889,None,0.750003728241,0.35400175973
>>>> 1526379330.0,None,None,18.2996293732,None,1365.28742772,9.75407243522,0.0,20.4655511807,51.3461294561,46.0,23.0,0.0,1,None,54.0,19.3,0.0,None,0.0,6.35,0.0,0.0,2.41,17,0.0,292.5,1.40000695938,None,1.40000695938,0.399001983424
>>>> 1526379390.0,None,1008.47595669,18.0196286772,1008.41138549,1365.28742772,9.75407243522,0.0,20.4655511807,51.3461294561,46.0,23.0,0.0,1,None,54.0,19.3,0.0,988.0,0.0,6.35,0.0,0.0,2.41,17,0.0,292.5,1.80000894778,None,1.80000894778,0.483002400987
>>>> 1526379450.0,None,1008.47595669,None,None,None,None,None,None,1,None,988.0,17,0.0,292.5,2.50001242747,None,2.50001242747,0.591002937854
>>>> Each "None" means that weewx did not get the data from station. Well, 
>>>> wview and every other software works around this, and so should weewx!
>>>> Furthermore, weewx tends to have simply wrong - erratic measurements in 
>>>> archive from Davis VantagePro, Pro2 and Vue stations. Same problem can be 
>>>> found on much cheaper and lower quality FineOffset WH1080/2080 stations. 
>>>> Note that this is data that is not seen on WU - I don't know why - Perhaps 
>>>> WU or weewx does some clean-up of the data later. This graph is drawn from 
>>>> data as it is copied from table "archive" in 5 minute intervals.
>>>> weewx 3.7.1. is installed on OpenWRT/LEDE 17.0.1 The data is read in 5 
>>>> minute intervals from weewx database (archive, not loop), and written to 
>>>> database on separate server and (using weewx) sent to WU. Data is read 
>>>> from 
>>>> WMR and WH stations every 90 seconds, from Davis stations every 60 seconds 
>>>> (archive interval).
>>>> The database example is made using CVS export weewx extension.
>>>> The weewx.conf is as follows:
>>>> # Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Tom Keffer <tkeffer>
>>>> # See the file LICENSE.txt for your rights.
>>>> #
>>>> debug = 0
>>>> WEEWX_ROOT = /home/weewx
>>>> socket_timeout = 20
>>>> version = 3.7.1
>>>> [Station]
>>>>     location = STATIONNAME
>>>>     latitude = 432423412
>>>>     longitude = 3245143214
>>>>     altitude = 175, meter    # Choose 'foot' or 'meter' for unit
>>>>     station_type = WMR100
>>>>     rain_year_start = 1
>>>>     # Start of week (0=Monday, 6=Sunday)
>>>>     week_start = 0
>>>>     station_url = http://www.pljusak.com
>>>> ##############################################################################
>>>> [WMR100]
>>>>     # This section is for the Oregon Scientific WMR100
>>>>     # The driver to use
>>>>     driver = weewx.drivers.wmr100
>>>>     # The station model, e.g., WMR100, WMR100N, WMRS200
>>>>     model = WMR100
>>>> [StdRESTful]
>>>>     # To guard against parsing errors, put your password(s) in quotes:
>>>>     [[StationRegistry]]
>>>>         # To register this weather station with weewx, set this to true
>>>>         register_this_station = false
>>>>     [[AWEKAS]]
>>>>         enable = false
>>>>         username = replace_me
>>>>         password = replace_me
>>>>     [[CWOP]]
>>>>         # and specify the station ID (e.g., CW1234).
>>>>         enable = false
>>>>         station = replace_me
>>>>     # If this is an APRS (radio amateur) station, uncomment
>>>>     # the following and replace with a passcode (e.g., 12345).
>>>>     #passcode = replace_me (APRS stations only)
>>>>     [[PWSweather]]
>>>>         enable = false
>>>>         station = replace_me
>>>>         password = replace_me
>>>>     [[WOW]]
>>>>         enable = false
>>>>         station = replace_me
>>>>         password = replace_me
>>>>     [[Wunderground]]
>>>>         enable = true
>>>>         station = ISTATIONNAME1
>>>>         password = PASSOWRD
>>>>         rapidfire = False
>>>> [StdReport]
>>>>     SKIN_ROOT = skins
>>>>     HTML_ROOT = /tmp 
>>>>     # This module is not used 
>>>>    [[simple]]
>>>>         HTML_ROOT = /tmp/simple
>>>>         skin = simple
>>>> [StdConvert]
>>>>     target_unit = METRICWX    # Options are 'US', 'METRICWX', or 
>>>> 'METRIC'
>>>> [StdCalibrate]
>>>>     [[Corrections]]
>>>>         # For each type, an arbitrary calibration expression can be 
>>>> given. 
>>>>         # It should be in the units defined in the StdConvert section.
>>>>         # Example:
>>>>         foo = foo + 0.2
>>>> [StdQC]
>>>>     [[MinMax]]
>>>>         barometer = 900, 1400, mbar
>>>>         outTemp = -30, 50, degree_C
>>>>         inTemp = -30, 50, degree_C
>>>>         outHumidity = 0, 100
>>>>         inHumidity = 0, 100
>>>>         windSpeed = 0, 300, km_per_hour
>>>>         pressure = 900, 1100, mbar
>>>> [StdWXCalculate]
>>>>     [[Calculations]]
>>>>         # Derived quantities are calculated by this service. Possible 
>>>> values are:
>>>>         #  hardware        - use the value provided by hardware
>>>>         #  software        - use the value calculated by weewx
>>>>         #  prefer_hardware - use value provide by hardware if available,
>>>>         #                      otherwise use value calculated by weewx
>>>>         pressure = prefer_hardware
>>>>         barometer = prefer_hardware
>>>>         altimeter = prefer_hardware
>>>>         windchill = hardware
>>>>         heatindex = hardware
>>>>         dewpoint = prefer_hardware
>>>>         inDewpoint = prefer_hardware
>>>>         rainRate = hardware
>>>> [StdTimeSynch]
>>>>     clock_check = 14400
>>>>     max_drift = 5
>>>> [StdArchive]
>>>>     # If the station hardware supports data logging then the archive 
>>>> interval
>>>>     # will be downloaded from the station. Otherwise, specify it (in 
>>>> seconds).
>>>>     archive_interval = 90
>>>>     # If possible, new archive records are downloaded from the station
>>>>     # hardware. If the hardware does not support this, then new archive
>>>>     # records will be generated in software.
>>>>     # Set the following to "software" to force software record 
>>>> generation.
>>>>     record_generation = software
>>>>     # Whether to include LOOP data in hi/low statistics
>>>>     loop_hilo = True
>>>>     # The data binding used to save archive records
>>>>     data_binding = wx_binding
>>>> [DataBindings]
>>>>     [[wx_binding]]
>>>>         database = archive_sqlite
>>>>         table_name = archive
>>>>         manager = weewx.wxmanager.WXDaySummaryManager
>>>>         schema = schemas.wview.schema
>>>> [Databases]
>>>>     [[archive_sqlite]]
>>>>         database_type = SQLite
>>>>         database_name = weewx.sdb
>>>> [DatabaseTypes]
>>>>     [[SQLite]]
>>>>         driver = weedb.sqlite
>>>>         SQLITE_ROOT = /tmp
>>>> [Engine]
>>>>     [[Services]]
>>>>         prep_services = weewx.engine.StdTimeSynch
>>>>         data_services = ,
>>>>         process_services = weewx.engine.StdConvert, 
>>>> weewx.engine.StdCalibrate, weewx.engine.StdQC, 
>>>> weewx.wxservices.StdWXCalculate, user.csv.CSV
>>>>         archive_services = weewx.engine.StdArchive
>>>>         restful_services = weewx.restx.StdStationRegistry, 
>>>> weewx.restx.StdWunderground, weewx.restx.StdPWSweather, 
>>>> weewx.restx.StdCWOP, weewx.restx.StdWOW, weewx.restx.StdAWEKAS
>>>>         report_services = weewx.engine.StdPrint
>>>> [CSV]
>>>>     filename = /tmp/data.txt
>>>>     binding = archive
>>>> -- 
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