>From researching cheetah generator it looks like most of the python syntax 
carries over when outputting complex expressions using #echo.  So I have 
tried a few python options, primarily variants of datetime or 
time.localtime() - timedelta(1) but they're not defined.  I am not sure 
where I can import a module that will not be overwritten in upgrades.  I 
tried adding the import to /usr/share/weewx/user/extensions.py but it 
doesn't seem to carry over.  I have seen a few examples using time-86400, 
but I would have to define time in epoch values somewhere as well.

I've learned more python than when I first installed WeeWX, and I'm trying 
to bridge the gaps, but I'm just not there.  Cheetah throws another kink 
in... and the user guide is less thorough than I would have hoped.

Thank you in advance to any more suggestions on how to specify yesterday's 
date in the link either in skin.conf or index.html.tmpl!

-Jonathan †

On Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 2:30:20 PM UTC-5, Jonathan Zitelman wrote:
> Thanks!  That generated the output I needed.  I also figured out why you 
> got the 404 (aside from an extra slash)... the day is always 'yesterday'.  
> I tried to define yesterday with a timedelta, but can't figure out where I 
> would put that.  I tried searching for a guide on cheetah on how I could 
> format strftime directly, but haven't been successful.  Any other advice 
> would be very helpful!
> -JZ
> On Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 1:11:09 PM UTC-5, Pat wrote:
>> The Cheetah generator can use #echo to print 
>> <http://cheetahtemplate.sourceforge.net/docs/users_guide_html/users_guide.html#SECTION000810000000000000000>
>>  the 
>> date (and other things)... So you can try this in index.html.tmpl:
>> #echo time.strftime('%Y%m%d')#
>> So the full line would be:
>> <img src="https://twc.tamu.edu/weather_images/rawsfcst/rawsfcst/#echo 
>> time.strftime('%Y%m%d')#.png">
>> Which gives me this output:
>> <img src="
>> https://twc.tamu.edu/weather_images/rawsfcst/rawsfcst/20180916.png";>
>> But that img returns a 404 for me, so I think you're missing something. 
>> Either way, hopefully this is enough to get you started. 
>> On Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 1:50:18 PM UTC-4, Jonathan Zitelman 
>> wrote:
>>> I am using the standard skin on WeeWX 3.8.0.  I am trying to include a 
>>> link to a remote image, but the filename changes each day.  I have 
>>> attempted adding it directly to index.html.tmpl using PHP (I know, not the 
>>> correct location):
>>> https://twc.tamu.edu/weather_images/rawsfcst/rawsfcst<?php echo 
>>> date(Ymd); ?>.png
>>> But it does not look like there is a PHP parser.  Next I added it into 
>>> the Extras section on skin.conf using direct python replacement, but it 
>>> does not parse correctly and spits out the actual code in the final HTML 
>>> document:
>>> https://twc.tamu.edu/weather_images/rawsfcst/rawsfcst' + 
>>> datetime.strftime.today().strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.png
>>> Lastly I tried python using string replacement, and this seems to break 
>>> the skin.conf file:
>>> skin.conf Code:
>>> fire_date = datetime.strftime.today().strftime('%Y%m%d')
>>> fire_img = "https://twc.tamu.edu/weather_images/rawsfcst/rawsfcst%s.png"; 
>>> % (fire_date)
>>> Error:
>>> reportengine: Failed to read skin configuration file 
>>> /etc/weewx/skins/Standard/skin.conf for report StandardReport: Parse error 
>>> in value at line 17.
>>> Does anyone have suggestions on what code to use?  Or if I should be 
>>> adding this in a different file?  The file on the other site is always 
>>> "rawsfcstYYYYMMDD.png" and I just need to parse out the date in the report.
>>> -Jonathan †

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