Am I missing something?  Both of those apply to the bridge, not the 
access.  I do have access to a server that receives my data as (and for that matter both receive data from 

On Sunday, May 19, 2019 at 8:52:51 AM UTC-4, Ray Pfaff wrote:
> I've been trying to get the 0.41 version of weewx interceptor working with 
> my Acurite access and haven't had any luck.  I can read packets to 
> wunderground if I do a tcpdump and I've even written a python script to 
> extract the data and put it in a database.  But when I run interceptor 
> stand alone, I get nothing on screen or in the syslog.  The relevant parts 
> of weewx.conf  is so:
>     # Set to type of station hardware. There must be a corresponding stanza
>     # in this file with a 'driver' parameter indicating the driver to be 
> used.
>     station_type = Interceptor
> [Interceptor]
>     # This section is for the network traffic interceptor driver.
>     # The driver to use:
>     driver = user.interceptor
>     # Specify the hardware device to capture.  Options include:
>     #   acurite-bridge - acurite internet bridge
>     #   observer - fine offset WH2600/HP1000/HP1003, aka 'observer'
>     #   lw30x - oregon scientific LW301/LW302
>     #   lacrosse-bridge - lacrosse GW1000U/C84612 internet bridge
>     device_type = wu-client
>     port=80
>     mode=sniff
>     iface= wlp2s0
>     pcap_filter= src <access_ip_address> and dst port 80
> wu
> I've tried 'acurite-device' and 'wu-client' for the device type both in 
> the configuration and on the command line.  --deivce='wu-client' isn't a 
> valid input on the command line.   When I run the interceptor:
> ~/Downloads$ sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python 
> /usr/share/weewx/user/ --mode=sniff --iface=wlp2s0 
> --filter="<access_ip_address> and port 80"
> I get nothing.
> However, if I do this:
> ~/Downloads$ sudo tcpdump -U -i wlp2s0 src <access_ip_address> and port 80 
> | ./
> I get:
> ['2019-05-19 08:03:11', '30.04', '99', '66.2', '0', '225', '0', '45', 
> '65.9', '0.02', '0.00 ']
> ['2019-05-19 08:13:23', '30.04', '96', '67.6', '1', '203', '2', '203', 
> '66.4', '0.02', '0.00 ']
> ['2019-05-19 08:32:53', '30.05', '95', '68.0', '0', '203', '0', '203', 
> '66.5', '0.02', '0.00 ']

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