Greetings All,
  My installation of WVIEW stopped working yesterday (on SUSE 15.1), so I 
figured it was time to move to something that is better supported.

The WEEWX installation went fairly smoothly (RPM install). There was a bit 
of confusion as to how the program was started.
The manual indicated that the command was in */etc/rc.d* (*/etc/init.d*), 
the same as WVIEW. 
However, the program actually runs as a SYSTEMD service on the current SUSE 

The problem I have is porting 10+ years of WVIEW logs. 

Following the manual's instructions, I copied archive databases from 
wview/archive -> weewx.sdb
There appear to be two different WVIEW archive files: *wview-hilow.sdb* and 
After copying either file, and restarting the service, WEEWX grabbed recent 
data from my Vantage Pro. 
After running* wee_reports*, I had HTML files for the past few weeks of 
data, but nothing else.
No reports for prior months or years.
This procedure was repeated with both files, with the same results.

Am I porting these files correctly? If so, how do I get reports for data 
prior to what is stored in the Davis? 
Which one of these files is the correct file to copy?


Richard Rosa

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