On Tuesday, 17 September 2019 23:48:50 UTC+10, Cat22 wrote:
> BTW the link to github on the weewx extensions page is broken or outdated, 
> it 404's 

Interesting, the link worked yesterday arvo when I made the 2.7.4 extension 
available and I just checked again now and the wiki link works as do all of 
the subsequent page links. Could you please detail exactly which link is 

> i dont see any errors reported but it stopped creating index.php. I then 
> restored the old files and index.php is now being created again. Something 
> is amiss in the new files. I did not use the weewx installer just unpacked 
> the tar in /tmp and then used cp -a to copy the dirs  skins to skins in my 
> weewx installation.

You mention index.php but the WeeWX Steelseries Weather Gauges produces 
index.html not index.php, I presume you meant index.html? Either way if a 
template is not being processed correctly there should be some indication 
in the log. With the problem install could you set debug = 1 in weewx.conf, 
save weewx.conf then restart WeeWX. Let WeeWX run for at least three 
archive periods then post an unedited extract of the log from when WeeWX 
was restarted through until the three archive periods have elapsed.

I am also getting a little confused about what you actually installed. You 
say the link was broken so which repo did you go to and what .tar.gz did 
you use, steelseries-2.7.4.tar.gz ?


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