WindnFog <> writes:

> Reading the list archive, the documentation, and searching the Internet 
> about the "best" way to backup SQLite databases, I conclude cold backups 
> are safer than a "hot" cp or rsync. That said, I am doing a hot rsync 
> (takes 2-3 seconds) to another LAN system and a cloud server at 01:18 AM 
> daily. Since I only write archive records to the database at XX:00, XX:05, 
> XX:10, etc., I *think* this is safe. The documentation says:

Not to contradict the advice you've gotten which all seems great, but
you can also do

sqlite3 weewx.sdb .dump > weewxdb.txt

which gets you a text representation that was extracted with database
commands and thus should be ok (fully in a before or after state with
respect to a database transaction) even with concurrent access.  You
would then back up that file.  This scheme is common with the postgresql
world, as I understand it.

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