Hello, Martin

Not exactly sure what's going on here. Could you please replace your copy
of accum.py with the attached? It has been instrumented to give more
information about the error.

You can find it at /usr/share/weewx/weewx/accum.py.


On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 12:01 PM Martin Nielsen <martin....@gmail.com>

> Hi
> My weewx shuts down shortly after every midnight. It began immediately
> after DST changed a few weeks back. But this could just be a coincidence.
> I have monit running to kick if back to action but it is annoying me - and
> i have been unable to figure out what is going on..
> I am running davis vantage pro2 iss with a metostick driver on raspberry
> pi.
> Weewx is installed from a deb repository.
> --
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#    Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Tom Keffer <tkef...@gmail.com>
#    See the file LICENSE.txt for your full rights.
"""Statistical accumulators. They accumulate the highs, lows, averages,
etc., of a sequence of records."""

import math

import configobj

import weewx

class OutOfSpan(ValueError):
    """Raised when attempting to add a record outside of the timespan held by an accumulator"""

#                             ScalarStats

class ScalarStats(object):
    """Accumulates statistics (min, max, average, etc.) for a scalar value.
    Property 'last' is the last non-None value seen. Property 'lasttime' is
    the time it was seen. """
    default_init = (None, None, None, None, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0)
    def __init__(self, stats_tuple=None):
        self.last     = None
        self.lasttime = None
    def setStats(self, stats_tuple=None):
        (self.min, self.mintime,
         self.max, self.maxtime,
         self.sum, self.count,
         self.wsum,self.sumtime) = stats_tuple if stats_tuple else ScalarStats.default_init
    def getStatsTuple(self):
        """Return a stats-tuple. That is, a tuple containing the gathered statistics.
        This tuple can be used to update the stats database"""
        return (self.min, self.mintime, self.max, self.maxtime, 
                self.sum, self.count, self.wsum, self.sumtime)
    def mergeHiLo(self, x_stats):
        """Merge the highs and lows of another accumulator into myself."""
        if x_stats.min is not None:
            if self.min is None or x_stats.min < self.min:
                self.min     = x_stats.min
                self.mintime = x_stats.mintime
        if x_stats.max is not None:
            if self.max is None or x_stats.max > self.max:
                self.max     = x_stats.max
                self.maxtime = x_stats.maxtime
        if x_stats.lasttime is not None:
            if self.lasttime is None or x_stats.lasttime >= self.lasttime:
                self.lasttime = x_stats.lasttime
                self.last     = x_stats.last

    def mergeSum(self, x_stats):
        """Merge the sum and count of another accumulator into myself."""
        self.sum     += x_stats.sum
        self.count   += x_stats.count
        self.wsum    += x_stats.wsum
        self.sumtime += x_stats.sumtime

    def addHiLo(self, val, ts):
        """Include a scalar value in my highs and lows.
        val: A scalar value
        ts:  The timestamp.
        if val is not None:
            # Check for non-numbers and for NaN
            if not isinstance(val, (float, int)) or val != val:
                raise ValueError("accum: ScalarStats.addHiLo expected float or int, "
                                 "got type '%s' ('%s')" % (type(val), val))
            if self.min is None or val < self.min:
                self.min     = val
                self.mintime = ts
            if self.max is None or val > self.max:
                self.max     = val
                self.maxtime = ts
            if self.lasttime is None or ts >= self.lasttime:
                self.last    = val
                self.lasttime= ts

    def addSum(self, val, weight=1):
        """Add a scalar value to my running sum and count."""
        if val is not None:
            # Check for non-numbers and for NaN
            if not isinstance(val, (float, int)) or val != val:
                raise ValueError("accum: ScalarStats.addSum expected float or int, "
                                 "got type '%s' ('%s')" % (type(val), val))
            self.sum     += val
            self.count   += 1
            self.wsum    += val * weight
            self.sumtime += weight
    def avg(self):
        return self.wsum / self.sumtime if self.count else None

class VecStats(object):
    """Accumulates statistics for a vector value.
    Property 'last' is the last non-None value seen. It is a two-way tuple (mag, dir).
    Property 'lasttime' is the time it was seen. """

    default_init = (None, None, None, None, 
                    0.0, 0, 0.0, 0, None, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0)
    def __init__(self, stats_tuple=None):
        self.last     = (None, None)
        self.lasttime = None
    def setStats(self, stats_tuple=None):
        (self.min, self.mintime,
         self.max, self.maxtime,
         self.sum, self.count,
         self.max_dir, self.xsum, self.ysum, 
         self.dirsumtime, self.squaresum, 
         self.wsquaresum) = stats_tuple if stats_tuple else VecStats.default_init
    def getStatsTuple(self):
        """Return a stats-tuple. That is, a tuple containing the gathered statistics."""
        return (self.min, self.mintime,
                self.max, self.maxtime,
                self.sum, self.count,
                self.max_dir, self.xsum, self.ysum, 
                self.dirsumtime,  self.squaresum, self.wsquaresum)
    def mergeHiLo(self, x_stats):
        """Merge the highs and lows of another accumulator into myself."""
        if x_stats.min is not None:
            if self.min is None or x_stats.min < self.min:
                self.min     = x_stats.min
                self.mintime = x_stats.mintime
        if x_stats.max is not None:
            if self.max is None or x_stats.max > self.max:
                self.max     = x_stats.max
                self.maxtime = x_stats.maxtime
                self.max_dir = x_stats.max_dir
        if x_stats.lasttime is not None:
            if self.lasttime is None or x_stats.lasttime >= self.lasttime:
                self.lasttime = x_stats.lasttime
                self.last     = x_stats.last
    def mergeSum(self, x_stats):
        """Merge the sum and count of another accumulator into myself."""
        self.sum        += x_stats.sum
        self.count      += x_stats.count
        self.wsum       += x_stats.wsum
        self.sumtime    += x_stats.sumtime
        self.xsum       += x_stats.xsum
        self.ysum       += x_stats.ysum
        self.dirsumtime += x_stats.dirsumtime
        self.squaresum  += x_stats.squaresum
        self.wsquaresum += x_stats.wsquaresum
    def addHiLo(self, val, ts):
        """Include a vector value in my highs and lows.
        val: A vector value. It is a 2-way tuple (mag, dir).
        ts:  The timestamp.
        speed, dirN = val
        if speed is not None:
            # Check for non-numbers and for NaN
            if not isinstance(speed, (float, int)) or speed != speed:
                raise ValueError("accum: VecStats.addHiLo expected float or int, "
                                 "got type '%s' ('%s')" % (type(speed), speed))
            if self.min is None or speed < self.min:
                self.min = speed
                self.mintime = ts
            if self.max is None or speed > self.max:
                self.max = speed
                self.maxtime = ts
                self.max_dir = dirN
            if self.lasttime is None or ts >= self.lasttime:
                self.last    = (speed, dirN)
                self.lasttime= ts
    def addSum(self, val, weight=1):
        """Add a vector value to my sum and squaresum.
        val: A vector value. It is a 2-way tuple (mag, dir)
        speed, dirN = val
        if speed is not None:
            # Check for non-numbers and for NaN
            if not isinstance(speed, (float, int)) or speed != speed:
                raise ValueError("accum: VecStats.addSum expected float or int, "
                                 "got type '%s' ('%s')" % (type(speed), speed))
            self.sum         += speed
            self.count       += 1
            self.wsum        += weight * speed
            self.sumtime     += weight
            self.squaresum   += speed**2
            self.wsquaresum  += weight * speed**2
            if dirN is not None :
                self.xsum += weight * speed * math.cos(math.radians(90.0 - dirN))
                self.ysum += weight * speed * math.sin(math.radians(90.0 - dirN))
                self.dirsumtime += weight
    def avg(self):
        return self.wsum / self.sumtime if self.count else None
    def rms(self):
        return math.sqrt(self.wsquaresum / self.sumtime) if self.count else None
    def vec_avg(self):
        if self.count:
            return math.sqrt((self.xsum**2 + self.ysum**2) / self.sumtime**2)
    def vec_dir(self):
        if self.dirsumtime and (self.ysum or self.xsum):
            _result = 90.0 - math.degrees(math.atan2(self.ysum, self.xsum))
            if _result < 0.0:
                _result += 360.0
            return _result
        # Return the last known direction when our vector sum is 0
        return self.last[1]

#                             Class Accum

class Accum(dict):
    """Accumulates statistics for a set of observation types."""
    def __init__(self, timespan):
        """Initialize a Accum.
        timespan: The time period over which stats will be accumulated."""
        self.timespan = timespan
        # The unit system is left unspecified until the first observation comes in.
        self.unit_system = None
    def addRecord(self, record, add_hilo=True, weight=1):
        """Add a record to my running statistics. 
        The record must have keys 'dateTime' and 'usUnits'."""
        # Check to see if the record is within my observation timespan 
        if not self.timespan.includesArchiveTime(record['dateTime']):
            raise OutOfSpan("Attempt to add out-of-interval record")

        for obs_type in record:
            # Get the proper function ...
            func = get_add_function(obs_type)
            # ... then call it.
            func(self, record, obs_type, add_hilo, weight)
    def updateHiLo(self, accumulator):
        """Merge the high/low stats of another accumulator into me."""
        if accumulator.timespan.start < self.timespan.start or accumulator.timespan.stop > self.timespan.stop:
            import syslog
            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "Attempt to merge an accumulator whose timespan is not a subset")
            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "My accumulator: %s" % self.timespan)
            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "Their accumulator: %s" % accumulator.timespan)
            raise OutOfSpan("Attempt to merge an accumulator whose timespan is not a subset")

        for obs_type in accumulator:
            # Initialize the type if we have not seen it before
            # Get the proper function ...
            func = get_merge_function(obs_type)
            # ... then call it
            func(self, accumulator, obs_type)

    def getRecord(self):
        """Extract a record out of the results in the accumulator."""
        # All records have a timestamp and unit type
        record = {'dateTime': self.timespan.stop,
                  'usUnits' : self.unit_system}
        return self.augmentRecord(record)
    def augmentRecord(self, record):
        # Go through all observation types.
        for obs_type in self:
            # If the type does not appear in the record, then add it:
            if obs_type not in record:
                # Get the proper extraction function...
                func = get_extract_function(obs_type)
                # ... then call it
                func(self, record, obs_type)

        return record

    def set_stats(self, obs_type, stats_tuple):

    # Begin add functions. These add a record to the accumulator.
    def add_value(self, record, obs_type, add_hilo, weight):
        """Add a single observation to myself."""

        val = record[obs_type]

        # If the type has not been seen before, initialize it
        # Then add to highs/lows, and to the running sum:
        if add_hilo: 
            self[obs_type].addHiLo(val, record['dateTime'])
        self[obs_type].addSum(val, weight=weight)

    def add_wind_value(self, record, obs_type, add_hilo, weight):
        """Add a single observation of type wind to myself."""

        if obs_type in ['windDir', 'windGust', 'windGustDir']:
        if weewx.debug:
            assert(obs_type == 'windSpeed')
        # First add it to regular old 'windSpeed', then
        # treat it like a vector.
        self.add_value(record, obs_type, add_hilo, weight)
        # If the type has not been seen before, initialize it.
        # Then add to highs/lows.
        if add_hilo:
            self['wind'].addHiLo((record.get('windSpeed'), record.get('windDir')),
            # If the station does not provide windGustDir, then substitute windDir.
            # See issue #320, https://bit.ly/2HSo0ju
            self['wind'].addHiLo((record.get('windGust'), record.get('windGustDir', record.get('windDir'))),
        # Add to the running sum.
        self['wind'].addSum((record['windSpeed'], record.get('windDir')), weight=weight)
    def check_units(self, record, obs_type, add_hilo, weight):  # @UnusedVariable
        if weewx.debug:
            assert(obs_type == 'usUnits')

    def noop(self, record, obs_type, add_hilo=True, weight=1):

    # Begin hi/lo merge functions. These are called when merging two accumulators
    def merge_minmax(self, x_accumulator, obs_type):
        """Merge value in another accumulator, using min/max"""


    def merge_avg(self, x_accumulator, obs_type):
        """Merge value in another accumulator, using avg for max"""
        x_stats = x_accumulator[obs_type]
        if x_stats.min is not None:
            if self[obs_type].min is None or x_stats.min < self[obs_type].min:
                self[obs_type].min     = x_stats.min
                self[obs_type].mintime = x_stats.mintime
        if x_stats.avg is not None:
            if self[obs_type].max is None or x_stats.avg > self[obs_type].max:
                self[obs_type].max     = x_stats.avg
                self[obs_type].maxtime = x_accumulator.timespan.stop
        if x_stats.lasttime is not None:
            if self[obs_type].lasttime is None or x_stats.lasttime >= self[obs_type].lasttime:
                self[obs_type].lasttime = x_stats.lasttime
                self[obs_type].last     = x_stats.last

    # Begin extraction functions. These extract a record out of the accumulator.

    def extract_wind(self, record, obs_type):
        """Extract wind values from myself, and put in a record."""
        # Wind records must be flattened into the separate categories:
        if 'windSpeed' not in record:
            record['windSpeed']   = self[obs_type].avg
        if 'windDir' not in record:
            record['windDir']     = self[obs_type].vec_dir
        if 'windGust' not in record:
            record['windGust']    = self[obs_type].max
        if 'windGustDir' not in record:
            record['windGustDir'] = self[obs_type].max_dir
    def extract_sum(self, record, obs_type):
        record[obs_type] = self[obs_type].sum
    def extract_last(self, record, obs_type):
        record[obs_type] = self[obs_type].last
    def extract_avg(self, record, obs_type):
        record[obs_type] = self[obs_type].avg
    def extract_min(self, record, obs_type):
        record[obs_type] = self[obs_type].min
    def extract_max(self, record, obs_type):
        record[obs_type] = self[obs_type].max
    def extract_count(self, record, obs_type):
        record[obs_type] = self[obs_type].count

    # Miscellaneous, utility functions
    def _init_type(self, obs_type):
        """Add a given observation type to my dictionary."""
        # Do nothing if this type has already been initialized:
        if obs_type in self:

        # Get a new accumulator of the proper type
        self[obs_type] = new_accumulator(obs_type)

    def _check_units(self, new_unit_system):
        # If no unit system has been specified for me yet, adopt the incoming
        # system
        if self.unit_system is None:
            self.unit_system = new_unit_system
            # Otherwise, make sure they match
            if self.unit_system != new_unit_system:
                raise ValueError("Unit system mismatch %d v. %d" % (self.unit_system, 

    def isEmpty(self):
        return self.unit_system is None
#                            Configuration dictionaries

# Mappings from convenient string names, which can be used in a config file,
# to actual functions and classes

accum_types = {'scalar' : ScalarStats,
               'vector' : VecStats}

add_functions = {'add'         : Accum.add_value,
                 'add_wind'    : Accum.add_wind_value,
                 'check_units' : Accum.check_units,
                 'noop'        : Accum.noop}

merge_functions = {'minmax' : Accum.merge_minmax,
                   'avg'    : Accum.merge_avg}

extract_functions = {'avg'  : Accum.extract_avg,
                     'sum'  : Accum.extract_sum,
                     'min'  : Accum.extract_min,
                     'max'  : Accum.extract_max,
                     'count': Accum.extract_count,
                     'last' : Accum.extract_last,
                     'wind' : Accum.extract_wind,
                     'noop' : Accum.noop}

# Default mappings from observation types to accumulator classes and functions

defaults_ini = """
        adder = noop
        adder = check_units
        extractor = sum
        extractor = sum
        extractor = last
        extractor = last
        extractor = last
        extractor = last
        extractor = last
        extractor = last
        extractor = last
        extractor = last
        extractor = last
        extractor = last
        accumulator = vector
        extractor = wind
        adder = add_wind
        merger = avg
        extractor = noop
        extractor = noop
        extractor = noop
        extractor = noop
    # Python 2
    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    # Python 3
    from io import StringIO
defaults = configobj.ConfigObj(StringIO(defaults_ini))
del StringIO

accum_type_dict = None
add_dict        = None
merge_dict      = None
extract_dict    = None

def initialize(config_dict):
    """Must be called before using any of the accumulators"""
    global defaults, accum_type_dict, merge_dict, add_dict, extract_dict

    accum_type_dict = {}
    add_dict        = {}
    merge_dict      = {}
    extract_dict    = {}
    # Initialize with the default values:    

    # Now do the overrides from the config file
def _initialize(config_dict):
    global accum_type_dict, add_dict, merge_dict, extract_dict

    extras = config_dict.get('Accumulator', configobj.ConfigObj({}))
    for obs_type in extras.sections:
        # Get the accumulator type
        accum_type = extras[obs_type].get('accumulator', 'scalar').lower()
        # Fail hard if this is an unknown accumulator type
        accum_type_dict[obs_type] = accum_types[accum_type]
        # Get the adder function to use
        add_function = extras[obs_type].get('adder', 'add').lower()
        # Fail hard if this is an unknown adder function
        add_dict[obs_type] = add_functions[add_function]

        # Get the Hi/Lo function to use
        hilo_function = extras[obs_type].get('merger', 'minmax').lower()
        # Fail hard if this is an unknown Hi/Lo function
        merge_dict[obs_type] = merge_functions[hilo_function]
        # Get the type of extraction function to use
        extract_function = extras[obs_type].get('extractor', 'avg').lower()
        # Fail hard if this is an unknown extraction type:
        extract_dict[obs_type] = extract_functions[extract_function]
def new_accumulator(obs_type):
    global accum_type_dict
    # If the dictionaries have not been initialized, do so with the defaults
    if accum_type_dict is None:
    return accum_type_dict.get(obs_type, ScalarStats)()

def get_add_function(obs_type):
    global add_dict
    # If the dictionaries have not been initialized, do so with the defaults
    if add_dict is None:
    return add_dict.get(obs_type, Accum.add_value)
def get_merge_function(obs_type):
    global merge_dict
    # If the dictionary has not been initialized, do so with the defaults
    if merge_dict is None:
    return merge_dict.get(obs_type, Accum.merge_minmax)

def get_extract_function(obs_type):
    global extract_dict
    # If the dictionaries have not been initialized, do so with the defaults
    if extract_dict is None:
    return extract_dict.get(obs_type, Accum.extract_avg)

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