I modified lowBattery.py in line 118 to have txBatteryStatus = 1 and 
altered all the syslog lines to log on info level:

#    Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Tom Keffer <tkef...@gmail.com>
#    See the file LICENSE.txt for your rights.

"""Example of how to implement a low battery alarm in weewx. 


To use this alarm, add the following somewhere in your configuration file

An email will be sent to each address in the comma separated list of 

The example assumes an SMTP email server at smtp.example.com that requires
login.  If the SMTP server does not require login, leave out the lines for
smtp_user and smtp_password.

Setting an email "from" is optional. If not supplied, one will be filled in,
but your SMTP server may or may not accept it.

Setting an email "subject" is optional. If not supplied, one will be filled 

To avoid a flood of emails, one will only be sent every 3600 seconds (one

It will also not send an email unless the low battery indicator has been on
greater than or equal to count_threshold times in an archive period. This
avoids sending out an alarm if the battery is only occasionally being 
as bad.


To enable this service:

1) copy this file to the user directory

2) modify the weewx configuration file by adding this service to the option
"report_services", located in section [Engine][[Services]].

    report_services = weewx.engine.StdPrint, weewx.engine.StdReport, 


If you wish to use both this example and the alarm.py example, simply merge 
two configuration options together under [Alarm] and add both services to


import time
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import threading
import syslog

import weewx
from weewx.engine import StdService
from weeutil.weeutil import timestamp_to_string, option_as_list

# Inherit from the base class StdService:
class BatteryAlarm(StdService):
    """Service that sends email if one of the batteries is low"""
    def __init__(self, engine, config_dict):
        # Pass the initialization information on to my superclass:
        super(BatteryAlarm, self).__init__(engine, config_dict)
        # This will hold the time when the last alarm message went out:
        self.last_msg_ts = 0
        # This will hold the count of the number of times the VP2 has 
        # a low battery alarm this archive period
        self.alarm_count = 0

            # Dig the needed options out of the configuration dictionary.
            # If a critical option is missing, an exception will be thrown 
            # the alarm will not be set.
            self.time_wait       = int(config_dict['Alarm'].get('time_wait', 
            self.count_threshold = int(config_dict['Alarm'].get(
'count_threshold', 10))
            self.smtp_host       = config_dict['Alarm']['smtp_host']
            self.smtp_user       = config_dict['Alarm'].get('smtp_user')
            self.smtp_password   = config_dict['Alarm'].get('smtp_password')
            self.SUBJECT         = config_dict['Alarm'].get('subject', "Low 
battery alarm message from weewx")
            self.FROM            = config_dict['Alarm'].get('from', 
            self.TO              = option_as_list(config_dict['Alarm'][
            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: LowBattery alarm 
enabled. Count threshold is %d" % self.count_threshold)

            # If we got this far, it's ok to start intercepting events:
            self.bind(weewx.NEW_LOOP_PACKET,    self.newLoopPacket)
            self.bind(weewx.NEW_ARCHIVE_RECORD, self.newArchiveRecord)
        except KeyError as e:
            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: No alarm set. 
 Missing parameter: %s" % e)

    def newLoopPacket(self, event):
        """This function is called on each new LOOP packet."""

        # If any battery status flag is non-zero, a battery is low
        low_batteries = dict()
        for flag in ['txBatteryStatus', 'windBatteryStatus',
                     'rainBatteryStatus', 'inTempBatteryStatus',
            if flag in event.packet and event.packet[flag]:
                low_batteries[flag] = event.packet[flag]

        low_batteries['txBatteryStatus'] = 1
        # If there are any low batteries, see if we need to send an alarm
        if low_batteries:
            self.alarm_count += 1

            # Don't panic on the first occurrence. We must see the alarm at
            # least count_threshold times before sounding the alarm.
            if self.alarm_count >= self.count_threshold:
                # We've hit the threshold. However, to avoid a flood of 
                # identical emails, send a new one only if it's been a long
                # time since we sent the last one:
                if abs(time.time() - self.last_msg_ts) >= self.time_wait :
                    # Sound the alarm!
                    timestamp = event.packet['dateTime']
                    # Launch in a separate thread so it does not block the
                    # main LOOP thread:
                    t  = threading.Thread(target=BatteryAlarm.soundTheAlarm,
                                          args=(self, timestamp,
                    # Record when the message went out:
                    self.last_msg_ts = time.time()
    def newArchiveRecord(self, event):  # @UnusedVariable
        """This function is called on each new archive record."""
        # Reset the alarm counter
        self.alarm_count = 0

    def soundTheAlarm(self, timestamp, battery_flags, alarm_count):
        """This function is called when the alarm has been triggered."""
        # Get the time and convert to a string:
        t_str = timestamp_to_string(timestamp)

        # Log it in the system log:
        syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: Low battery status 
sounded at %s: %s" % (t_str, battery_flags))

        # Form the message text:
        indicator_strings = []
        for bat in battery_flags:
            indicator_strings.append("%s: %04x" % (bat, battery_flags[bat]))
        msg_text = """
The low battery indicator has been seen %d times since the last archive 

Alarm sounded at %s

Low battery indicators:

""" % (alarm_count, t_str, '\n'.join(indicator_strings))
        # Convert to MIME:
        msg = MIMEText(msg_text)
        # Fill in MIME headers:
        msg['Subject'] = self.SUBJECT
        msg['From']    = self.FROM
        msg['To']      = ','.join(self.TO)
        syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: Message: %s" % msg)
            # First try end-to-end encryption
            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: #1")
            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: #2")
            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: using SMTP_SSL")
        except AttributeError:
            # If that doesn't work, try creating an insecure host, then 
            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: #3")
            s = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_host)
            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: #4")
                # Be prepared to catch an exception if the server
                # does not support encrypted transport.
                syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: #5")
                              "lowBattery: using SMTP encrypted transport")
            except smtplib.SMTPException:
                              "lowBattery: using SMTP unencrypted transport"

            # If a username has been given, assume that login is required
            # for this host:
            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: #6")
            if self.smtp_user:
                syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: #7")
                s.login(self.smtp_user, self.smtp_password)
                syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: #8")
                              "lowBattery: logged in as %s" % self.smtp_user

            # Send the email:
            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: #9")
            s.sendmail(msg['From'], self.TO,  msg.as_string())
            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "lowBattery: #10")
            # Log out of the server:
        except Exception as e:
                          "lowBattery: send email failed: %s" % (e,))
        # Log sending the email:
                      "lowBattery: email sent to: %s" % self.TO)

Log output:
Dec  4 19:28:15 weewxPi weewx[12512]: lowBattery: LowBattery alarm enabled. 
Count threshold is 1
Dec  4 19:29:15 weewxPi weewx[12512]: lowBattery: Low battery status 
sounded at 2019-12-04 19:29:02 CET (1575484142): {'txBatteryStatus': 1}
Dec  4 19:29:15 weewxPi weewx[12512]: lowBattery: Message: From nobody Wed 
Dec  4 19:29:15 2019#012Content-Type:
 text/plain; charset="us-ascii"#012MIME-Version: 
1.0#012Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit#012Subject: Weewx Battery 
low!#012From: not...@xxx.xx#012To: x...@xx.xx#012#012#012The low battery 
indicator has been seen 1 times since the last archive 
period.#012#012Alarm sounded at 2019-12-04 19:29:02 CET 
(1575484142)#012#012Low battery indicators:#012txBatteryStatus: 0001
Dec  4 19:29:15 weewxPi weewx[12512]: lowBattery: #1

Thats all. So after 

Nothing happens.

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