WeatherLink Live is not supported by weewx. At least, not yet. See Issue
#412 <>.

On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 8:16 AM david glenn <> wrote:

> Andrew, you misunderstand what I am trying to do.  I have weewx on a RPI
> and I'm using Raspbian as the OS.  I am at the point that weewx is not
> accepting the IP address of the WeatherLink LIVE on my network.  I dug into
> the Davis knowledge base and it clearly states that the port to use is
> 22222.  Using 'Advanced IP scanner', I can verify that the IP address of
> the Davis instrument is  Both parameters are correctly noted
> in the weewx.config file.  So there is some, likely simple, parameter that
> I am missing.  Any insight is greatly appreciated.
> On Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 9:52:51 AM UTC-5, david glenn wrote:
>> I am new to weewx and have very basic linux and python skills.  I'd like
>> to run weewx on windows 10 with python 3.7.  I've read the 'Python 3
>> strategy' in the users group and it's outside my skill level.  The users
>> guide for 2.7 seems very straightforward and meets the guide statement of " 
>> Ability
>> to do simple Unix tasks such as changing file permissions and running
>> commands".  that I can do.  Has an installation guide been developed for
>> Windows 10 and python 3 and where can I find it?
>> To introduce myself, I am a retired research plant physiologist.  I built
>> a raspberry pi weather station and developed the code for it to monitor the
>> external weather as well as conditions in a small greenhouse.  After a year
>> or so I decided that many of the sensors were unreliable so I purchased a
>> Davis Vantage Pro unit and will use weewx to manage the data.
>> I realize I could subscribe to the WeatherLInk Pro site and obtain what I
>> want but I'd prefer to develop it myself (with your help).  As a colleague
>> once wrote "what fun is it if it works out of the box".  My alternative is
>> to use a RPI with python 2.7 and a samba server to shuttle the data to my
>> PC but I'd rather handle it directly on the PC if possible.  I looked into
>> downloading Python 2.7 on the WIN10 PC and it seems no longer
>> provides it because it is being phased-out.
>> I greatly appreciate the time in helping me get started and any advice on
>> my strategy,  David
>> --
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