Hi Tom,

1) yes sorry exactly.

2) yes with heidi sql I have explored the database. made a select on the 
archive_day_rxCheckPercent table.

3) Here is the output of a loop and a record. 

REC:    2020-05-02 11:58:00 EDT (1588435080) altimeter: 29.9361792613, 
appTemp: 56.9873572311, bar_calibration: -0.032, barometer: 29.9380645161, 
bar_reduction: 0.002, cloudbase: 5220.57597677, consBatteryVoltage: None, 
dateTime: 1588435080, dayET: 0.0, dayRain: 0.0, dewpoint: 39.4244525587, ET: 
None, extraAlarm1: 0.0, extraAlarm2: 0.0, extraAlarm3: 0.0, extraAlarm4: 0.0
, extraAlarm5: 0.0, extraAlarm6: 0.0, extraAlarm7: 0.0, extraAlarm8: 0.0, 
forecastIcon: 6.0, forecastRule: 45.0, heatindex: 60.3258064516, hourRain: 
0.0, humidex: 61.7387096774, inDewpoint: 46.0149745351, inHumidity: 48.0, 
insideAlarm: 0.0, inTemp: 66.3, interval: 1, leafWet4: 0.0, maxSolarRad: 
872.308269831, monthET: 0.0, monthRain: 0.29, outHumidity: 44.1612903226, 
outsideAlarm1: 0.0, outsideAlarm2: 0.0, outTemp: 61.7387096774, pressure: 
29.708654238, pressure_raw: 29.7080625, rain: 0.0, rain15: 0.0, rain24: 0.01
, rainAlarm: 0.0, rainRate: 0.0, soilLeafAlarm1: 0.0, soilLeafAlarm2: 0.0, 
soilLeafAlarm3: 0.0, soilLeafAlarm4: 0.0, stormRain: 0.0, sunrise: 
1588414608.0, sunset: 1588465056.0, trendIcon: -20.0, txBatteryStatus: None, 
usUnits: 1, windchill: 61.8741935484, windDir: 207.502892677, windGust: 8.0, 
windGust10: 0.8, windGustDir: 138.0, windGustDir10: 225.0, windrun: 
0.0731182795699, windSpeed: 4.38709677419, windSpeed10: 3.2, windSpeed2: 4.7
, yearET: 0.0, yearRain: 8.07
LOOP:   2020-05-02 11:58:17 EDT (1588435097) altimeter: 29.9393849737, 
appTemp: 56.2444565315, barometer: 29.939, cloudbase: 5111.7782065, 
consBatteryVoltage: 4.54, dateTime: 1588435097, dayET: 0.0, dayRain: 0.0, 
dewpoint: 40.2321758914, extraAlarm1: 0, extraAlarm2: 0, extraAlarm3: 0, 
extraAlarm4: 0, extraAlarm5: 0, extraAlarm6: 0, extraAlarm7: 0, extraAlarm8: 
0, forecastIcon: 6, forecastRule: 45, heatindex: 61.8, humidex: 61.8, 
inDewpoint: 46.0149745351, inHumidity: 48.0, insideAlarm: 0, inTemp: 66.3, 
leafWet4: 0.0, maxSolarRad: 873.09899593, monthET: 0.0, monthRain: 0.29, 
outHumidity: 45.0, outsideAlarm1: 0, outsideAlarm2: 0, outTemp: 61.8, 
pressure: 29.7102273392, rain: 0.0, rainAlarm: 0, rainRate: 0.0, 
soilLeafAlarm1: 0, soilLeafAlarm2: 0, soilLeafAlarm3: 0, soilLeafAlarm4: 0, 
stormRain: 0.0, sunrise: 1588414608.0, sunset: 1588465056.0, txBatteryStatus
: 0, usUnits: 1, windchill: 61.8, windDir: 218.0, windGust: 8.0, windGustDir
: 267.0, windSpeed: 6.0, windSpeed10: 3.0, yearET: 0.0, yearRain: 8.07
LOOP:   2020-05-02 11:58:18 EDT (1588435098) altimeter: 29.935, appTemp: 
56.2444565315, bar_calibration: -0.032, barometer: 29.939, bar_reduction: 
0.002, cloudbase: 5111.7782065, dateTime: 1588435098, dayET: 0.0, dayRain: 
0.0, dewpoint: 40.0, heatindex: 59.0, hourRain: 0.0, humidex: 61.8, 
inDewpoint: 46.0149745351, inHumidity: 48.0, inTemp: 66.3, maxSolarRad: 
873.115761147, outHumidity: 45.0, outTemp: 61.8, pressure: 29.709, 
pressure_raw: 29.709, rain: 0.0, rain15: 0.0, rain24: 0.01, rainRate: 0.0, 
stormRain: 0.0, trendIcon: -20, usUnits: 1, windchill: 62.0, windDir: 218.0, 
windGust: 8.0, windGust10: 0.8, windGustDir: 267.0, windGustDir10: 225.0, 
windSpeed: 6.0, windSpeed10: 3.2, windSpeed2: 5.0

4) Here is the output. It seems in order.
Davis Vantage EEPROM settings:

    CONSOLE TYPE:                   Vantage Pro2

      Date:                         Sep 11 2017
      Version:                      3.80

      Archive interval:             900 (seconds)
      Altitude:                     210 (foot)
      Wind cup type:                large
      Rain bucket type:             0.01 inches
      Rain year start:              1
      Onboard time:                 2020-05-02 11:40:22

      Barometer:                    mbar
      Temperature:                  degree_10C
      Rain:                         mm
      Wind:                         km_per_hour

      Latitude (onboard):           +45.5
      Longitude (onboard):          -75.6
      Use manual or auto DST?       AUTO
      DST setting:                  N/A
      Use GMT offset or zone code?  ZONE_CODE
      Time zone code:               10
      GMT offset:                   N/A
      Temperature logging:          LAST
      Retransmit channel:           OFF (0)

      Channel   Receive   Repeater  Type
         1      inactive    none    (N/A)
         2      inactive    none    (N/A)
         3      inactive    none    (N/A)
         4      inactive    none    (N/A)
         5      inactive    none    (N/A)
         6      inactive    none    (N/A)
         7      active      none    iss
         8      inactive    none    (N/A)

      Total packets received:       14085
      Total packets missed:         185
      Number of resynchronizations: 3
      Longest good stretch:         606
      Number of CRC errors:         61

      Current barometer reading:    29.947 inHg
      Altitude:                     210 feet
      Dew point:                    40 F
      Virtual temperature:          48 F
      Humidity correction factor:   1.7
      Correction ratio:             1.008
      Correction constant:          +0.000 inHg
      Gain:                         0.000
      Offset:                       -32.000

      Wind direction:               +0 deg
      Inside Temperature:           +0.1 F
      Inside Humidity:              +0 %
      Outside Temperature:          +0.1 F
      Outside Humidity:             +0 %

On Saturday, May 2, 2020 at 11:29:45 AM UTC-4, Tom Keffer wrote:
> A few more details, please
> 1. By "rc_CheckPercent" I assume you mean "rxCheckPercent"?
> 2. You said you have "a point in my sql data" where you got some value. 
> Does this mean you checked the database (using some sort of SELECT) 
> statement?
> 3. If you run weewxd from the command line, what values do you see for 
> rxCheckPercent?
> 4. If you run the command "wee_device --info", what do you get? In 
> particular, what does it list for "CONSOLE TYPE"?
> -tk
> On Sat, May 2, 2020 at 8:11 AM Hyrules <hyr...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I have a vantage pro 2 and was wondering what might be the issue of the 
>> following my rc_CheckPercent is always at zero. I have a point in my sql 
>> data when I temporarily got some value but at the moment it's zero. This is 
>> happening in Weewx 4.0 but was also happening in Weewx 3.9.x
>> Also is it possible to get the number of wind sample ? The skin that i'm 
>> creating requires it and i have hard time finding any info on it in the 
>> documentation.
>> Anyone has any input.
>> Thanks,
>> -- 
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