i have installed the new stable version 4.0 in parallel (as described in 
the WIKI beta test) to test if my hardware and my own extensions work with 
I started with a new database and a new weewx.conf. 
My old installation is weewx 3.9.1 (here the database and the weewx.conf 
was created with version 3.8.0). 
During my tests with the new version I have now encountered a strange 
behaviour. Suddenly the database has lost the table "archive_daily_wind". 
On my search for the error I then came across this thread: 
With this thread I was able to research and reproduce the behaviour on my 
The database was created with the new weewx.conf here is used:
schema = schemas.wview_extended.schema
manager = weewx.manager.DaySummaryManager

Afterwards I made my extension: 
import schemas.wview

schema_with_sunshineHours = schemas.wview.schema + [('sunshineHours', 'REAL'

After changing the weewx.conf to "schema = 
user.sunshine.schema_with_sunshineHours" and a "wee_database --reconfigure" 
and "wee_database --rebuild-daily" the table "archive_daily_wind" was 

If I make the extension using the new schema:
import schemas.wview_extended
schema_with_sunshineHours = {
   'table': schemas.wview_extended.table + [('sunshineHours', 'REAL')]
   'day_summaries' : schemas.wview_extended.day_summaries + [(
'sunshineHours', 'SCALAR')]

and a "wee_database --reconfigure" and "wee_database --rebuild-daily" the 
table is not lost. 
Obviously the schemas and managers are not interchangeable and 
interdependent. I am a bit confused now, which is probably the right 
My old installation uses
manager = weewx.wxmanager.WXDaySummaryManager
and an extended schema based on

The new version 4.0 uses as default 
manager = weewx.manager.DaySummaryManager
schema = schemas.wview_extended.schema

In the documentation a third manager is also specified as default
What are the differences between the managers? 
Where are the differences between the two schemas? 
Is there a documentation to read? 
Which schema and which manager are recommended and how to update the 
database to Verion 4.0? 
I look forward to your answers and thank you for the great program 

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