When running rtl_433 I can see several sensors.

However, when I run weewx with the sdr driver, I can only see the 
Acurite5n1 sensor. None of the others are parsed. Because they're not 
parsed, I'm not able to add them to the Sensor Map in the weewx.config file 
(or guessing hasn't worked).

For example here's the output for just the Arcurite5n1:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python /usr/share/weewx/
user/sdr.py --cmd="rtl_433 -M utc -F json -R 40"

out:[u'{"time" : "2020-05-24 01:35:54", "model" : "Acurite-5n1", "subtype" 
: 56, "id" : 2288, "channel" : "B", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery_ok" : 0, 
"wind_avg_km_h" : 0.000, "temperature_F" : 74.700, "humidity" : 30, "mic" : 
"CHECKSUM"}\n', ***repeats twice, removed for readability*** ]
parsed: {'battery.08F0.Acurite5n1PacketV2': 0, 
'noise.08F0.Acurite5n1PacketV2': None, 'temperature.08F0.Acurite5n1PacketV2'
: 74.7, 'msg_type.08F0.Acurite5n1PacketV2': 56, 
'wind_speed.08F0.Acurite5n1PacketV2': 0.0, 'freq.08F0.Acurite5n1PacketV2': 
None, 'dateTime': 1590284154, 'rssi.08F0.Acurite5n1PacketV2': None, 
'model.08F0.Acurite5n1PacketV2': u'Acurite-5n1', 
'protocol.08F0.Acurite5n1PacketV2': None, 'humidity.08F0.Acurite5n1PacketV2'
: 30.0, 'mod.08F0.Acurite5n1PacketV2': None, 
'channel.08F0.Acurite5n1PacketV2': u'B', 'snr.08F0.Acurite5n1PacketV2': None
, 'usUnits': 1, 'sequence_num.08F0.Acurite5n1PacketV2': 0} 
***repeats twice, removed for readability*** 

Here's the example for the output for everything but the Acurite5n1:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python /usr/share/weewx/
user/sdr.py --cmd="rtl_433 -M utc -F json -R -40"

out:[u'{"time" : "2020-05-24 01:41:41", "model" : "Acurite-606TX", "id" : 
206, "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_C" : 22.200, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}\n', 
: "2020-05-24 01:41:43", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "Oregon-v1", "id" : 7, 
"channel" : 3, "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_C" : 23.400, "mic" : 
"CHECKSUM"}\n', u'{"time" : "2020-05-24 01:41:43", "brand" : "OS", "model" 
: "Oregon-v1", "id" : 7, "channel" : 3, "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_C" : 
23.400, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}\n']
out:[u'{"time" : "2020-05-24 01:41:50", "model" : "LaCrosse-TX141THBv2", 
"id" : 96, "channel" : 0, "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_C" : 23.800, 
"humidity" : 23, "test" : "No"}\n']
The "parsed" part is never displayed?

Since rtl_433 can "hear" the sensors, I'm guessing it's with the sdr.py, 
but I don't think there's any configuration settings for that?  Any ideas?

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