
I read form a second rain gauge via filpile rain values/data into the data 
base value 'hail', as there is no second rain1, rain2...
As it is in the same group as rain all should be fine. 
It works if I query 
it works.

But if I query 
I got N/A. It's not provided by the gauge an I think i has to be calculated 
by software.

I tried that to get the hailRate:

        # How to calculate derived quantities.  Possible values are:
        #  hardware        - use the value provided by hardware
        #  software        - use the value calculated by weewx
        #  prefer_hardware - use value provide by hardware if available,
        #                      otherwise use value calculated by weewx
        hailRate = software

but it seems not implemented!? Any chance to get the calculation of 
rainRate (hailRate) for my second gauge by software calculation working!? 

Thanks in advance.


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