i installed the realtime gaquge-data extension and i try to upload every 60 
secs.with these settings

# Options for extension 'Rtgd'
    date_format = %Y.%m.%d %H:%M
    stale_age = 60

    rtgd_path = /var/www/html/weewx/realtime
    scroller_source = text|file|WU|DS|Zambretti

after weewx reload ,realtime gauge uploads every 300 secs with the rest 
weewx reports. something im doing wrong 
Στις Τετάρτη, 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2019 στις 2:01:34 π.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης gjr80 

> I think a little background on timing and WeeWX output might help you 
> understand what WeeWX can/cannot do and how you might configure WeeWX to 
> best meet your needs.
> The archive interval (usually the archive_interval setting under 
> [StdArchive] in weewx.conf but the value actually in use is logged in the 
> WeeWX startup) is the basic time period that drives WeeWX operation. WeeWX 
> will endeavour to save an archive record every archive_interval seconds 
> and once an archive record is generated/saved a number of other WeeWX 
> services are kicked off. For example, the StdRESTful service runs and 
> handles any uploads to WU, WOW etc. The StdReport service is run and any 
> scheduled reports in the skins are generated. The key point here is that 
> StdRESTful and StdReport are only run upon an archive record being 
> generated/saved, so if you archive interval is five minutes StdRESTful 
> will upload every five minutes and StdReport will generate reports every 
> five minutes. You cannot have StdRESTful and StdReport run at an interval 
> that is less than the archive interval (eg if you archive interval is five 
> minutes you cannot run reports every one minute). You can generate reports 
> at intervals greater than the archive interval through use of the 
> report_timing and stale_age options (refer to Scheduling report generation 
> <http://weewx.com/docs/customizing.htm#customizing_gen_time> in the 
> Customization Guide).
> Note. StdRESTful can run some uploads at intervals less than the archive 
> interval (eg WU rapidfire) but this relies on the RESTful service concerned 
> being written to operate in conjunction with higher frequency loop packets. 
> As a general rule though the WeeWX provided RESTful services operate on the 
> archive interval.
> One approach to say generate a given report every minute and others every 
> five minutes, is to have an archive interval of one minute and generate the 
> high frequency report every archive interval, but set the other reports to 
> generate every five minutes. This may or may not cause issues with 
> StdRESTful as generally speaking StdRESTful runs every archive interval. 
> Using a short archive interval such as one minute can cause other issues as 
> well, particularly if your WeeWX machine is under a heavy load or WeeWX has 
> many complex reports to generate.
> Whilst the archive interval is the fundamental time period used by WeeWX 
> you will see some WeeWX activity occurring more frequently. This is usually 
> based upon loop packets (loop packets are higher frequency packets of data 
> emitted by the station/driver which may or may not contain all observations 
> and may arrive a regular or irregular intervals, eg the Davis stations emit 
> loop packets every 2.5 odd seconds). Certain events can be triggered on 
> loop packet arrival, that is how WU rapid fire works. You can also have a 
> WeeWX service that is triggered on the arrival of loop packets and that 
> service can generate output (that is how a number of the near realtime 
> output services operate). Note though that the WeeWX reports available via 
> StdReport cannot be generated on the arrival of each loop packet. 
> Generally speaking, if you wish to generate report like output from WeeWX 
> on every loop packet arrival you need to write a custom WeeWX service to 
> create the desired output.
> Use of the SteelSeries gauges are further complicated as the SteelSeries 
> gauges have their own code that updates the gauges from a data file (
> gauge-data.txt) at some rate defined in gauges.js. It is fine to set this 
> as you like, but you need to be aware that if you have gauges.js update 
> the gauges every one minute but WeeWX only produces gauge-data.txt every 
> five minutes, your gauges will be updated every one minute but you will 
> only see a change on your gauges every five (or so) minutes. One approach 
> is to use a loop based service to generate gauge-data.txt such as the 
> Realtime 
> gauge-data extension <https://github.com/gjr80/weewx-realtime_gauge-data>. 
> This extension is used in conjunction with the WeeWX SteelSeries skin to 
> update the SteelSeries gauges on each loop packet. 
> Gary
> On Wednesday, 18 December 2019 06:42:06 UTC+10, Δημήτρης Βήχος wrote:
>>  i was tried yesterday that. 60 secs in ss -via gauges.js- and 300 secs 
>> in [StdArchive]  . after restart weewx all pages including ss was uploated 
>> every 300 secs.
>> Τη Τρίτη, 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2019 - 9:18:38 μ.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Δημήτρης 
>> Βήχος έγραψε:
>>> its possible to set diffrent time upload for example, 1 minutes for ss , 
>>> and 10 minutes to other pages of weewx. 
>>> if i set 60 secs to ss -via gauge.js-  and 300 secs in [StdArchive] all 
>>> pages uploading every 300 secs.

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