It looks like an extension you are using, bme280, is what is creating the
chatter. Unfortunately, from the little log snippet you gave, it does not
appear to be WeeWX V4 compliant, so muzzling it will not be as easy as a
weewx.conf setting. You could ask the author to update it to V4, then you
could follow the directions in the Wiki article *WeeWX V4 and logging

OTOH, fortunately, it looks like the log entry is a debug entry, so setting
debug=0 in weewx.conf should help reduce the number of entries.


On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 10:39 AM LeaF <> wrote:

> I have a question regarding what goes into the /var/log/syslog file.
> I’m running the latest version of weewx on a Raspberry Pi 4.  My station
> is a Peet Bros Ultimeter 100. I also added a Adafruit BME280 breakout board
> to measure pressure and humidity.
> This all works very well.  Thank you
> When I run sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog, there appears to be three entries
> per second being written to the log file.  So as you can imagine, the log
> file has a lot of info that I don’t want in there.  Any errors are being
> written to weewx.log file.
> How can I limit what is going to the log file so they don’t grow so large?
> I looked at rsyslog.conf, but don’t know if this is the correct place to
> limit the log entries.
> Example, one entry into log file:
>  Jan 20 10:22:47 WeatherPi /weewxd: bme280: {'dateTime': 1611166967,
> 'usUnits': 1, 'windSpeed': 0.0, 'windDir': 55.058796, 'outTemp':
> 38.300000000000004, 'rain_total': 0.5, 'barometer': None, 'inTemp': None,
> 'outHumidity': 77.02371597125266, 'inHumidity': None, 'day_of_year': 19,
> 'minute_of_day': 620, 'daily_rain': 0.0, 'wind_average': 0.0, 'rain': 0.0,
> 'pressure': 29.53154056121909}
> Thanks for your help.
> Lee
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