@Bob Atchley - Thanks!  Not confusing (to me) at all!  ;-)

Very helpful- particularly the Wiki links.  My usage of GitHub has been 
very limited from what I now see for WeeWX, so I'll have to do some 
exploring.  I've used Wikis often but was unaware GitHub has such a rich 

Thanks Again-

On Monday, May 23, 2022 at 1:12:29 PM UTC-4 Bob Atchley wrote:

> And just as a slight addendum to your original post ...
> I personally choose to run weewx as a non privileged user.  Its relatively 
> simple to set up but the user does need to be in the www-data group to 
> interface with the web server (assuming the web server is local) and needs 
> permission to read/write to the usb see:
> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/Run-as-a-non-root-user
> I use systemd to start/stop the weewx service and you need to add the user 
> name into the [service] part of the configuration e.g.
> User= myUser  
> Group=myUser
> Again the brilliant weewx Wiki has some stuff on using systemd see:
> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/systemd
> But as Vince says no need to do this, the default works out of the box ... 
> but it can be done.  I found it useful while developing the WS6in1 driver.
> Hope this helps rather than confuses
> Bob
> On Sunday, 22 May 2022 at 19:52:13 UTC+1 radi...@gmail.com wrote:
>> @vince - Yeah, overthinking is likely...
>> My intent was to install WeeWX "out of the box" and get it up and 
>> running, to get familiar with it  (quite possibly reinstall using one of 
>> the other methods later thinking that might ease updates).  I ran into GPIO 
>> access issues when trying to manipulate them through a web page a while 
>> ago, so I planned to stick with "pi" initially.  I confess when I saw 
>> /home/weewx mentioned several times, I *assumed *this implied a user.  
>> Nowhere does it say this that I recall, so not a valid assumption.  (A 
>> little sys admin bias perhaps.)  I've used Apache on most of my Pis, having 
>> failed to get nginx to run at one time, and having used Apache for some 
>> time.  I do have a hosted server which will be the target for observations 
>> eventually.
>> "*Why mess with setup.cfg?*"  The short answer is 
>> https://weewx.com/docs/setup.htm says "To specify an install location 
>> different from the default /home/weewx, modify the parameter home in the 
>> setup.cfg 
>> file." Again, I didn't want to create a weewx user (my assumption), and 
>> didn't understand the implications of what one chooses for home.
>> I did note that the code has to run under root / sudo.  Eventually I'll 
>> run it under systemd (using root).
>> I'll try wee_config --reconfigure when I get back to it.  Helpful tip, 
>> thanks!
>> @paul...@gmail.com 
>> When researching what station to buy I did note Bob Atchley's driver but 
>> didn't have the Logia model number on hand at the time.  Amazingly it does 
>> match!  I was looking for a USB-connected station, and they are getting 
>> harder to find it seems.  Appreciate the pointer to his git, and knowing 
>> that you've had good success with it.  (With Cumulus I had written a 
>> separate watchdog process because the comms were dropping fairly often.)
>> I had planned on registering once I was up and running - so we'll be 12!  
>> ;-)
>> Thanks Folks- Very favorable experience with my first post to the forum!
>> Bob
>> On Sunday, May 22, 2022 at 11:07:19 AM UTC-4 paul...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hi Bob
>>> Your Logia looks to be identical to the Bresser 5-in-1 PC station I use 
>>> (model 7002571). With it being the PC version (as opposed to the wireless 
>>> version) you can use Bob Atchley's driver WS6in1. I've been using it since 
>>> November 2020 and it has worked flawlessly for me. You'll find full details 
>>> about it on Bob's github page:
>>> https://github.com/bobatchley/weewx-ws6in1
>>> In fact I've just checked and indeed the LOWSB510PB is listed.
>>> Don't forget to register your station when you setup WeeWX then you will 
>>> join a select band (currently 11 of us) on the WeeWX map who use the WS6in1 
>>> driver ;-)
>>> Paul
>>> On Saturday, 21 May 2022 at 23:50:37 UTC+1 vince wrote:
>>>> You're perhaps overthinking a bit.
>>>> 1. weewx runs as root by default, so there's little gained by making a 
>>>> non-'pi' user really.   As long as your pi is adequately secured (change 
>>>> the 'pi' password of course) you're probably ok with the default setup. 
>>>>  You could choose to make a different non-privileged user but it gains 
>>>> little unless you change things to run as that non-privileged user rather 
>>>> than root, which ups the ante a bit re: permissions to talk to the 
>>>> hardware 
>>>> etc.  I'd suggest just running the defaults at least initially.
>>>> 2. I don't know why you're messing with setup.cfg at all.  If you want 
>>>> to run a setup.py install, just go with it.  It'll put everything under 
>>>> /home/weewx in one place.   All you'll have to do is connect the 
>>>> public_html tree that will be created under /home/weewx/public_html to 
>>>> your 
>>>> webserver.  FWIW, I just symlink it.   You 'do' need to add a webserver on 
>>>> a pi since the os doesn't do that automagically for you.  I recommend 
>>>> nginx.
>>>> 3. When you ran 'python3 setup.py install' it should have asked you the 
>>>> questions needed to populate weewx.conf including which driver to use.  
>>>> I'd 
>>>> recommend using the Simulator for starters until you get used to the 
>>>> software.  Once you have that set up you can stop weewx, delete your 
>>>> archive and public_html contents, reconfigure weewx to the right driver 
>>>> for 
>>>> your station, and restart weewx.   Unfortunately I don't know anything 
>>>> about FO stations or if yours is supported or not so I can't help there.
>>>> I think you want to run "sudo /home/weewx/bin/wee_config --reconfigure" 
>>>> and answer the questions again so it populates weewx.conf appropriately.

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