On 29/06/2020, gjr80 <...> wrote:
> I would not worry about raising anything Christian, the code I am working on
> would allow something like a rate based field to be calculated from some
> other (user specified) field. You still have to add any necessary extra
> fields to your database yourself, but StdWXCalculate could be configured to
> create the rate based field. No guarantees as it needs the Tom-tick but it
> looks good so far.

Breathing life into an old thread...

Did this idea get the "Tom-tick"?

I'm using hail and hailrate.

I've had a look at issue #491 and the new wxxtypes and wondering if
that is what was being referenced here. I can't see a way to make hail
(or snow!) work with it (RainRater) though.    Hopefully some simple
stanza under [StdWXCalculate] [[WXXTypes]]?

I co-opted the hail field a while ago and have 5 years of data
supplied via a modified OWFS driver.

It would be helpful to have the hailrate to compare with the rainrate
from the original rain gauge as I'm cleaning up some extreme rain
values; which also means that issue #787 (wee_database --calc-missing
does not correctly calculate rainRate) bites if I want the historical


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