
My path was incorrect , lol.

One thing though weewxd is resetting everytime i run to utc time.
I need CET time.

Can you tell me how?

Thx a lot. It was a pain. But i am there.

Op zo 13 nov. 2022 13:28 schreef Alex Vanuxem <>:

> Hi Gary,
> finally getting somewhere.
> i installed ubuntu server instead on virtual box, did the install again as
> correct as i can.
> in the ftp settings, i should have set the ip address instead of the name.
> in the log the system can connect to my host;
> but i see a lot of ftp errors.
> in attachment the log, but here an extract:
> 2022-11-13 12:17:19  weewx[2148] DEBUG weeutil.ftpupload: Attempting
> connection to
> 2022-11-13 12:17:19  weewx[2148] DEBUG weeutil.ftpupload: Connected to
> 2022-11-13 12:17:19  weewx[2148] DEBUG weeutil.ftpupload: 0
> ./weekradiation.png
> e4e9d09c9a410af104aeb54059eb45247f7d51cf4f85a10f8be03d8e4b345f57
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weeutil.ftpupload: Failed uploading
> /var/www/html/weewx/weekradiation.png to server Reason: '553
> Could not create file.'
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine: ftpgenerator:
> (2): caught exception '<class 'ftplib.error_perm'>': 553 Could not create
> file.
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
> File "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/", line 437, in run
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
>   n =
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
> File "/home/weewx/bin/weeutil/", line 220, in run
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
>   ftp_server.storbinary(stor_cmd, fd)
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
> File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 498, in storbinary
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
>   with self.transfercmd(cmd, rest) as conn:
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
> File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 393, in transfercmd
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
>   return self.ntransfercmd(cmd, rest)[0]
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
> File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 359, in ntransfercmd
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
>   resp = self.sendcmd(cmd)
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
> File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 281, in sendcmd
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
>   return self.getresp()
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
> File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 254, in getresp
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
>   raise error_perm(resp)
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****
> ftplib.error_perm: 553 Could not create file.
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] ERROR weewx.reportengine: ftpgenerator:
> Upload failed
> 2022-11-13 12:17:20  weewx[2148] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Report 'RSYNC'
> not enabled. Skipping.
> thank again!!!
> grtz
> alex
> Op zo 13 nov. 2022 om 11:03 schreef gjr80 <>:
>> You should not need to install anything extra to use FTP, neither should
>> whether your website is https (or http) affect your FTP setup. The path
>> will need to be set correctly, but I would suggest that first you need to
>> ensure that FTP is connecting and uploading to your web host without error.
>> You should setup the [StdReport] [[FTP]] stanza in weewx.conf as per the
>> requirements for your hosting service, ie user, password, server etc.
>> The [[FTP]] section <> in
>> the Users Guide explains what each setting is for. Once you have the
>> [[FTP]] stanza set correctly locate the debug setting near the top of
>> weewx.conf and set it to debug = 1. Save weewx.conf and restart WeeWX.
>> The log should now show the FTP report being called and whether it was
>> successfully generated or not. If there was an error it should be logged.
>> If you cannot work out from the log what the problem is, post a copy of the
>> log here showing the full WeeWX startup and the first couple of report
>> cycles.
>> Gary
>> On Sunday, 13 November 2022 at 00:21:41 UTC+10 wrote:
>>> Thx again.
>>> Sorry for posting picture.
>>> I reinstalled everything, and since i am using a virtual box, i did the
>>> install according to the wiki for virtual environments. But i have the same
>>> issue.
>>> Used also now ' ' in my password, but no succes.
>>> No extra info in logs.
>>> Do i need to  install any ftp program in linux to copy files to my
>>> website?
>>> Can it be because the server website is https?
>>> Also tried to set the path to my website as only /.
>>> Are there any software programs that can grab the files from weewx and
>>> copy them to my website?
>>> Feeding a little bit frustrated, but i keep trying...
>>> Thx
>>> Alex
>>> Op za 12 nov. 2022 07:09 schreef gjr80 <>:
>>>> The 'sudo ./bin/weewxd' problem is likely because you were trying to
>>>> execute the command from a directory other than /home/weewx (or
>>>> wherever you installed WeeWX). A package install will add the appropriate
>>>> WeeWX directories to your path so you can execute weewxd and the WeeWX
>>>> utilities from any directory. You have a install which does not
>>>> make such additions to your path so you need to be cognisant of what
>>>> directory you are in and add paths to your commands as required. Best to
>>>> try using the full path:
>>>> $ sudo /home/weewx/bin/weewxd
>>>> 'sudo /etc/init.d/weewx' is likely working as it should as it starts
>>>> WeeWX as a daemon ie WeeWX is run in the background and does not display
>>>> anything on screen, you should just be returned to the prompt. This is
>>>> exactly what I see in your start and startup2 captures (By the way, please
>>>> avoid posting screen captures as images if at all possible. It makes it
>>>> very difficult for us to read, especially on mobile devices and where
>>>> output is across more than one screen. Most terminal programs allow you to
>>>> scroll the screen and copy text which you can then paste/post. show you do
>>>> this depends on the terminal program being used and the system you are
>>>> running it on).
>>>> When you execute weewxd that is what we call running WeeWX directly,
>>>> when run directly WeeWX displays incoming loop packets and archive records
>>>> on the console/screen just as in your data capture. Running WeeWX directly
>>>> is fine to testing/troubleshooting but in almost all other cases you will
>>>> want to run WeeWX as a daemon.
>>>> When you run WeeWX as a daemon try $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx status to
>>>> see if WeeWX is running (or look at the log).
>>>> Your syslog extract looks fine, WeeWX is running without error, records
>>>> are being saved to database and reports generated. However, nothing is
>>>> being transferred to your web server. You either need to have WeeWX do the
>>>> necessary transfers or arrange some other mechanism to do the transfers. I
>>>> would suggest having WeeWX take care of it.
>>>> The weewx.conf you posted has the FTP and RSYNC reports enabled. These
>>>> reports are exactly what you need to transfer files to your web server, but
>>>> you should really only use one or the other. Rsync is more secure and
>>>> efficient than FTP but can be difficult to set up and is not supported by
>>>> all hosts. I would look at your hosting service and find out what file
>>>> transfer protocols they support. Choose one and get that running under
>>>> WeeWX. Disable the other in weewx.conf.
>>>> Whilst both the RSYNC and FTP reports are enabled in the weewx.conf the
>>>> log extract you posted does not show either being run (self evident entries
>>>> would appear in the log after the generation of the Seasons skin files).
>>>> Whenever you make changes to weewx.conf you need to stop/start or
>>>> restart WeeWX for the changes to take effect:
>>>> $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx restart
>>>> Perhaps you did not do that? This would explain the debug = 0/debug = 1
>>>> discrepancy.
>>>> Sites are published to the WeeWX station map if there is a valid URL at
>>>> the [Station] station_url setting and [StdRESTful]
>>>> register_this_station is set to True in weewx.conf. It has nothing to
>>>> do with the availability or otherwise of your site or the presence of
>>>> website file on your WeeWX machine and/or web server.
>>>> Gary
>>>> On Saturday, 12 November 2022 at 10:09:01 UTC+10
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> thank you Sir again for your answer,
>>>>> what i can tell you:
>>>>> sudo ./bin/weewxd doesn't work (not such file found, although present)
>>>>> and when I command sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start the terminal does
>>>>> nothing anymore forever, I only see the cursor blinking at the end of the
>>>>> command.
>>>>> only the command sudo weewxd works, i get files in the
>>>>> var/www/html/weewx folder
>>>>> i'm using filezilla to view it.
>>>>> the server i'm using is on a different machine, a server i subscribe
>>>>> too, it's the same company which provides with tv, wifi, phone,
>>>>> subscription.
>>>>> it's an apache server, which runs already 3 weather websites i made so
>>>>> far.
>>>>> when i log in through filezilla to my webpages the settings are : ftp
>>>>> protocol, use explicite ftp through tls if available, it's a unix server,
>>>>> and the folder is /wwwroot
>>>>> i see in the syslog file the debug is set to 0, while the debug is set
>>>>> to 1 in the config file??
>>>>> i see that my website , although blank, is showing up on the weewx map
>>>>> for users,
>>>>> i've added some screenshots, syslog, and my conf  file (weewx.txt
>>>>> below)  with passwords removed. Is my configuration correct? Can you 
>>>>> please
>>>>> have a peak?
>>>>>  I hope that i've been as complete as possible, if you need  anything
>>>>> else, please let me know?
>>>>> Thank you again sir, learning a lot !!!
>>>>> KR
>>>>> Alex
>>>>> Op vr 11 nov. 2022 om 22:50 schreef gjr80 <>:
>>>>>> From what you describe it sounds like WeeWX has finished downloading
>>>>>> historical archive records and is now running normally. Presence or 
>>>>>> absence
>>>>>> of files on a website is a gross error check only - you can tell things 
>>>>>> are
>>>>>> (likely) working or not working. To see exactly what your system/WeeWX is
>>>>>> doing look at the log. If something doesn't work - go to the log. The 
>>>>>> tail
>>>>>> command I gave you will show new log entries as they come in, but it only
>>>>>> shows you log entries from the time you enter the command. If you are 
>>>>>> using
>>>>>> FileZilla to view generated files use it (FileZilla) to open your log and
>>>>>> scroll to the end, then scroll up to where WeeWX was last started, look 
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> the WeeWX startup and history download from the logger, then you will see
>>>>>> records being saved to archive every minute and reports being run. Are
>>>>>> there any errors or reports being skipped that shouldn't?
>>>>>> If WeeWX seems to be running error free then look at your web server.
>>>>>> Is is local (eg your WeeWX machine) or is it remote? If it is a different
>>>>>> machine to that which runs WeeWX how are you transferring the WeeWX
>>>>>> generated HTML files etc to the web server? Is WeeWX doing it - in which
>>>>>> case look at the log, or are you doing it some other way? Are the files
>>>>>> being transferred successfully? To the correct location?
>>>>>> These are the sorts of things you need to look at, you need to start
>>>>>> with WeeWX and work through the data flow to your web server verifying
>>>>>> operation as you go.
>>>>>> Gary
>>>>>> On Saturday, 12 November 2022 at 07:36:12 UTC+10
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thx for your answer.
>>>>>>> I see now that I have reports in the var/html/www/weewx folder,
>>>>>>> updated every minute. I view this by logging in to the system through
>>>>>>> filezilla.
>>>>>>> This means the historica data download is already finished?
>>>>>>> The system is running now by the command sudo weewxd.
>>>>>>> On the terminal i see data being downloaden.
>>>>>>> I dont dare to stop it again.
>>>>>>> Should i be patient a little more, because nothing is to been seen
>>>>>>> on my website.
>>>>>>> Many thanks again, so glad i'm getting somewhere at last.
>>>>>>> Kr
>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>> Op vr 11 nov. 2022 22:00 schreef gjr80 <>:
>>>>>>>> Your system appears to be running fine, the archive records being
>>>>>>>> downloaded are historical archive records that have been saved in the
>>>>>>>> logger memory. The logger can store up to 2560 records, at a one minute
>>>>>>>> archive that is some 40+ hours. Easiest thing is to start WeeWX and 
>>>>>>>> let it
>>>>>>>> run to finish downloading the records from the logger (the log extract 
>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> provided showed a key press was used to exit WeeWX). Once the logger
>>>>>>>> history is downloaded WeeWX will download an archive record once per 
>>>>>>>> minute
>>>>>>>> and then generate the reports/output.
>>>>>>>> You might want to start another terminal screen and monitor the
>>>>>>>> WeeWX log with something like:
>>>>>>>> $ tail -f /var/log/syslog
>>>>>>>> This way you can monitor the log output and see exactly what WeeWX
>>>>>>>> is doing.
>>>>>>>> Gary
>>>>>>>> On Saturday, 12 November 2022 at 05:18:49 UTC+10
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Sirs,
>>>>>>>>> So after a lot of time fiddling about, I made some progress but
>>>>>>>>> nearly there.
>>>>>>>>> I'm using
>>>>>>>>> windows 11 pro version 22H2
>>>>>>>>> virtual box 7.0
>>>>>>>>> ubuntu 20
>>>>>>>>> and filezilla to view the ubuntu host dir
>>>>>>>>> the ubuntu vm is bridged through virtual box to my windows pc
>>>>>>>>> problem is : when i start sudo weexd i get data in from from my
>>>>>>>>> vantage (ethernet ip), and stored in the db, but nothing in
>>>>>>>>> /var/www/html/weewx/ nor to my website.
>>>>>>>>> when i start the sudo /etc/init.d/weewx the service is started but
>>>>>>>>> immediately stopped, i get an exit code
>>>>>>>>> in attchement the full syslog
>>>>>>>>> can somebody please point me in the correct dirrection?
>>>>>>>>> I'm not an expert in linux (yet), but i've learned a massive but
>>>>>>>>> already .
>>>>>>>>> tank you Sirs!
>>>>>>>>> KR
>>>>>>>>> Alex
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