>> 9001 is not blocked by the firewall on
>> I can receive the via 9001 on my iPhone with an Matt client the values 

So have a look at your browser console to detect any websocket or javascript 
errors that can occur

> Yeah - I have dyndns enabled and just opened 9001 on my router, too.
> Unfortunately, it continues to say "Connected. Waiting for data." 

If you have a dyndns host configured, such as XXXXX.dyndns.org 
<http://xxxxx.dyndns.org/> , that redirects to your mqtt broker, you have to 
configure  : 
mqtt_websockets_host = XXXXX.dyndns.org

> Le 24 juil. 2023 à 16:40, Stefan Gliessmann <stefan.gliessm...@gmail.com> a 
> écrit :
> Thanks, Jaques!
> wrt
> 1)  when opening your website from local network :  your mqtt broker is using 
> port 9001 for websockets. If it doesn't works , you may have to verify that 
> this port 9001 is not blocked by a firewall.  
> 9001 is not blocked by the firewall on
> I can receive the via 9001 on my iPhone with an Matt client the values
> 2)  when opening your website from internet (http://weewxhi.de 
> <http://weewxhi.de/>) .i.e outside your local network :  mqtt_websockets_host 
> =  is a local network IP address that cannot be accessed from 
> outside. You should use  a dynamic dns service (no-ip, dyndns or other) to 
> create a redirection from internet to your mqtt broker, and configure your 
> router and firewall accordingly.
> Yeah - I have dyndns enabled and just opened 9001 on my router, too.
> Unfortunately, it continues to say "Connected. Waiting for data." 
> Does a Belchertown config file override weewx.conf settings somewhere? 
> On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 3:24 PM Jacques Terrettaz <jterret...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:jterret...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Two things to consider :
>> 1)  when opening your website from local network :  your mqtt broker is 
>> using port 9001 for websockets. If it doesn't works , you may have to verify 
>> that this port 9001 is not blocked by a firewall.  
>> 2)  when opening your website from internet (http://weewxhi.de 
>> <http://weewxhi.de/>) .i.e outside your local network :  
>> mqtt_websockets_host =  is a local network IP address that 
>> cannot be accessed from outside. You should use  a dynamic dns service 
>> (no-ip, dyndns or other) to create a redirection from internet to your mqtt 
>> broker, and configure your router and firewall accordingly.
>>> Le 24 juil. 2023 à 15:06, Stefan Gliessmann <stefan.gliessm...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:stefan.gliessm...@gmail.com>> a écrit :
>>> Thank you for the feedback.
>>> I changed "localhost" to the IP of the MQTT broker as suggested.
>>> It did not fix it ...
>>> As far as I understand that section is for uploading weewx data to the mqtt 
>>> broker.
>>> That part works well as I can read the weather with an mqtt client.
>>> It is the Belchertown skin part which connects to the MQTT Brocker with 
>>> websocket, but it cannot receive data for updates ...
>>> I am really puzzled ...
>>> On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 2:56 PM mh081...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:mh081...@gmail.com> <mh08121...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:mh08121...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> it doesnt work with localhost. Think, you start your Browser localy so 
>>>> your Loca Browser try to mqqt to localhost. And there is no mwtt server.
>>>> From My weewx config (the MQTT part). Think i configured my mqtt and 
>>>> Webssite with https.
>>>> ##################weewx.conf#################
>>>> [[MQTT]]
>>>>         server_url = mqtt://pi:passw...@gw.martenhinrichs.de:8883/ 
>>>> <http://pi:passw...@gw.martenhinrichs.de:8883/>
>>>>         topic = weather
>>>>         unit_system = METRIC
>>>>         binding = archive, loop
>>>>         aggregation = aggregate
>>>>         log_success = False
>>>>         log_failure = True
>>>>         [[[tls]]]
>>>>             tls_version = tlsv12
>>>>             ca_certs = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
>>>>         [[[inputs]]]
>>>>             [[[[dayRain]]]]
>>>>                 name = dayRain_mm
>>>>                 units = mm
>>>>             [[[[rainRate]]]]
>>>>                 name = rainRate_mm_per_hour
>>>>                 units = mm_per_hour
>>>> [[Belchertown]]
>>>>         [[[Extras]]]
>>>>             #--- MQTT Websockets (for Real Time Streaming) Options ---
>>>>             mqtt_websockets_enabled = 1
>>>>             mqtt_websockets_host = gw.martenhinrichs.de 
>>>> <http://gw.martenhinrichs.de/>
>>>>             mqtt_websockets_port = 9001
>>>>             mqtt_websockets_ssl = 1
>>>>             mqtt_websockets_topic = weather/loop
>>>> #########mosquitto.conf################
>>>> allow_anonymous true
>>>> password_file /etc/mosquitto/passwd
>>>> acl_file /etc/mosquitto/acl
>>>> persistence false
>>>> # mqtt
>>>> listener 1883 
>>>> listener 8883
>>>> certfile /etc/letsencrypt/live/gw.martenhinrichs.de/cert.pem 
>>>> <http://gw.martenhinrichs.de/cert.pem>
>>>> cafile /etc/letsencrypt/live/gw.martenhinrichs.de/chain.pem 
>>>> <http://gw.martenhinrichs.de/chain.pem>
>>>> keyfile /etc/letsencrypt/live/gw.martenhinrichs.de/privkey.pem 
>>>> <http://gw.martenhinrichs.de/privkey.pem>
>>>> protocol mqtt
>>>> # websockets
>>>> listener 9001
>>>> certfile /etc/letsencrypt/live/gw.martenhinrichs.de/cert.pem 
>>>> <http://gw.martenhinrichs.de/cert.pem>
>>>> cafile /etc/letsencrypt/live/gw.martenhinrichs.de/chain.pem 
>>>> <http://gw.martenhinrichs.de/chain.pem>
>>>> keyfile /etc/letsencrypt/live/gw.martenhinrichs.de/privkey.pem 
>>>> <http://gw.martenhinrichs.de/privkey.pem>
>>>> protocol websockets
>>>> Stefan Gliessmann schrieb am Montag, 24. Juli 2023 um 13:51:16 UTC+2:
>>>>> Thank you all for providing input / sharing your configurations.
>>>>> I made the suggested changes and more, but still belchertown displays 
>>>>> Connected. Waiting for data ...
>>>>> I have attached all configs / logs / checks I could think of below.
>>>>> Thanks again for your input in advance!
>>>>> Stefan
>>>>> These are my current configs:
>>>>> mosquitto:
>>>>> /etc/mosquitto/acl:
>>>>> # Allow anonymous access to the sys
>>>>> topic read $SYS/#
>>>>> # Allow anonymous to read weather
>>>>> topic read weather/#
>>>>> # weewx readwrite to the loop
>>>>> user teffi
>>>>> /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf 
>>>>> # Place your local configuration in /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/
>>>>> #
>>>>> # A full description of the configuration file is at
>>>>> # /usr/share/doc/mosquitto/examples/mosquitto.conf.example
>>>>> pid_file /run/mosquitto/mosquitto.pid
>>>>> #persistence true
>>>>> #persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/
>>>>> log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log
>>>>> include_dir /etc/mosquitto/conf.d
>>>>> /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/myconfig.conf 
>>>>> persistence false
>>>>> allow_anonymous true
>>>>> password_file /etc/mosquitto/passwd
>>>>> acl_file /etc/mosquitto/acl
>>>>> # mqtt
>>>>> listener 1883
>>>>> protocol mqtt
>>>>> # websockets
>>>>> listener 9001
>>>>> protocol websockets
>>>>> /etc/mosquitto/acl
>>>>> # Allow anonymous access to the sys
>>>>> topic read $SYS/#
>>>>> # Allow anonymous to read weather
>>>>> topic read weather/#
>>>>> # weewx readwrite to the loop
>>>>> user teffi
>>>>> topic weather/#
>>>>> MQTT in WeeWX:
>>>>> [StdRESTful]
>>>>>     [[MQTT]]
>>>>>         # Enable/disable this service
>>>>>         enable = true
>>>>>         # Hostname/IP of MQTT broker
>>>>>         host =
>>>>>         server_url = mqtt://teffi:********@localhost:1883/
>>>>>         # Credentials
>>>>>         user = teffi
>>>>>         password = ********
>>>>>         # Prefix for topics
>>>>>         topic = weather
>>>>>         unit_system = METRIC
>>>>>         binding = archive,loop
>>>>>         aggregation = aggregate
>>>>> checking if WeeWX serves mosquitto with info:
>>>>> mosquitto_sub -h -t weather/#
>>>>> online
>>>>> online
>>>>> 1690198935
>>>>> 24.6
>>>>> 23.9
>>>>> 53
>>>>> 54
>>>>> 993.7
>>>>> 993.7
>>>>> 11377.0
>>>>> 8.9
>>>>> 0
>>>>> 0.0
>>>>> 0.0
>>>>> 0.0
>>>>> 0.0
>>>>> 0.3
>>>>> 1.46
>>>>> 1.46
>>>>> 294
>>>>> 6.480016105981334
>>>>> 9.360023264195261
>>>>> 7.1
>>>>> 0
>>>>> 4
>>>>> 89.7947908445146
>>>>> 997.3266279778212
>>>>> 23.910163208269463
>>>>> 997.1205287280834
>>>>> 1262.3292207924262
>>>>> 14.015863559854884
>>>>> 23.75555555555555
>>>>> 27.2746765106266
>>>>> 14.37423758808152
>>>>> 859.4544718145543
>>>>> 23.9
>>>>> 16
>>>>> Belchertown skin receiving MQTT topic /weather/#
>>>>> [StdReport]
>>>>>     [[Belchertown]]
>>>>>         skin = Belchertown
>>>>>         HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx/belchertown
>>>>>         enable = true
>>>>>         [[[Extras]]]
>>>>>             #--- MQTT Websockets (for Real Time Streaming) Options ---
>>>>>             #log_failure = True 
>>>>>             mqtt_websockets_enabled = 1
>>>>>             mqtt_websockets_host =
>>>>>             mqtt_websockets_port = 9001
>>>>>             mqtt_websockets_ssl = 0
>>>>>             mqtt_websockets_topic = weather/loop
>>>>>             mqtt_websockets_username = teffi
>>>>>             mqtt_websockets_password = ********
>>>>>             disconnect_live_website_visitor = 1800000
>>>>> Checking if it works in webpage:
>>>>> http://localhost/weewx/belchertown/ or weewxhi.de <http://weewxhi.de/>
>>>>> Connected. Waiting for data. Last Updated July 24, 2023, 1:20:00 PM
>>>>> The webpage never receives data.
>>>>> mosquitto.log shows connections:
>>>>> sudo more /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log 
>>>>> 1690197817: mosquitto version 2.0.11 starting
>>>>> 1690197817: Config loaded from /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf.
>>>>> 1690197817: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883.
>>>>> 1690197817: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883.
>>>>> 1690197817: Opening websockets listen socket on port 9001.
>>>>> 1690197817: mosquitto version 2.0.11 running
>>>>> 1690197822: New connection from 
>>>>> <> on port 1883.
>>>>> 1690197822: New client connected from 
>>>>> <> as weewx_e353ae0d (p2, c1, k60, u'teffi').
>>>>> 1690197840: New client connected from ::ffff: 
>>>>> <> as website819759641 (p2, c1, k60, 
>>>>> u'teffi').
>>>>> 1690197884: Client website819759641 closed its connection.
>>>>> 1690197884: Client <unknown> closed its connection.
>>>>> 1690197886: New client connected from ::ffff: 
>>>>> <> as website398593267 (p2, c1, k60, 
>>>>> u'teffi').
>>>>> 1690198918: New connection from 
>>>>> <> on port 1883.
>>>>> 1690198918: New client connected from 
>>>>> <> as 
>>>>> auto-C1ABF6AD-7B82-CBED-2BB0-5DECA756C1BA (p2, c1, k60).
>>>>> 1690198939: Client auto-C1ABF6AD-7B82-CBED-2BB0-5DECA756C1BA disconnected.
>>>>> 1690199057: New client connected from ::ffff: 
>>>>> <> as website924402803 (p2, c1, k60, 
>>>>> u'teffi').
>>>>> On Sunday, July 23, 2023 at 4:01:07 PM UTC+2 Claudio wrote:
>>>>>> this is my config, 
>>>>>> no ssl / read user = all
>>>>>> Belchertown skin.conf
>>>>>>  # MQTT Websockets defaults
>>>>>>     mqtt_websockets_enabled = 1
>>>>>>     mqtt_websockets_host = public IP (no local IP)
>>>>>>     mqtt_websockets_port = 9001
>>>>>>     mqtt_websockets_ssl = 0
>>>>>>     mqtt_websockets_topic = weather/loop
>>>>>>     mqtt_websockets_username = ""
>>>>>>     mqtt_websockets_password = ""
>>>>>>     disconnect_live_website_visitor = 1800000
>>>>>> weewx weewx.conf
>>>>>> [[MQTT]]
>>>>>>         server_url = mqtt://user:password@localhost:1883/
>>>>>>         topic = weather
>>>>>>         unit_system = METRIC
>>>>>>         binding = archive, loop
>>>>>>         aggregation = aggregate
>>>>>> work on www.pnmeteo.it <http://www.pnmeteo.it/>
>>>>>> try.....
>>>>>> ciao
>>>>>> Il giorno venerdì 21 luglio 2023 alle 15:32:01 UTC+2 Stefan Gliessmann 
>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>> I am struggling to understand why the Belchertown skin is not receiving 
>>>>>>> weather data even though it is connected to the MQTT broker and 
>>>>>>> user.mqtt is publishing weather data.
>>>>>>> TIA,
>>>>>>> Stefan
>>>>>>> Here is what I have configured in /etc/weewx/weewx.conf:
>>>>>>> [StdRESTful]
>>>>>>>     [[MQTT]]
>>>>>>>         # Enable/disable this service
>>>>>>>         enable = true
>>>>>>>         # Hostname/IP of MQTT broker
>>>>>>>         host =
>>>>>>>         server_url = mqtt://teffi:++++...@ 
>>>>>>> <http://teffi:++++++++@>
>>>>>>>         # Credentials
>>>>>>>         user = teffi
>>>>>>>         password = ++++++++
>>>>>>>         # Prefix for topics
>>>>>>>         topic = weather/weewx
>>>>>>>         unit_system = METRIC
>>>>>>>         binding = archive,loop
>>>>>>>         aggregation = aggregate
>>>>>>>         [[[inputs]]]
>>>>>>>             [[[[rainRate]]]]
>>>>>>>                 units = mm_per_hour
>>>>>>>             [[[[rain]]]]
>>>>>>>                 units = mm
>>>>>>>             [[[[hourRain]]]]
>>>>>>>                 units = mm
>>>>>>>             [[[[rain24]]]]
>>>>>>>                 units = mm
>>>>>>>             [[[[dayRain]]]]
>>>>>>>                 units = mm
>>>>>>>             [[[[ET]]]]
>>>>>>>                 units = mm
>>>>>>>             [[[[dayET]]]]
>>>>>>>                 units = mm
>>>>>>>             [[[[ET24]]]]
>>>>>>>                 units = mm
>>>>>>> [StdReport]
>>>>>>>     [[Belchertown]]
>>>>>>>         skin = Belchertown
>>>>>>>         HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx/belchertown
>>>>>>>         enable = true
>>>>>>>         [[[Extras]]]
>>>>>>>             #--- MQTT Websockets (for Real Time Streaming) Options ---
>>>>>>>             log_failure = True
>>>>>>>             mqtt_websockets_enabled = 1
>>>>>>>             mqtt_websockets_host =
>>>>>>>             mqtt_websockets_port = 9001
>>>>>>> #            mqtt_websockets_ssl = 0
>>>>>>>             mqtt_websockets_topic = weather/weewx
>>>>>>>             # disconnect_live_website_visitor = 1800000
>>>>>>> and in /var/log/syslog I can see:
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/dateTime_unix_epoch": 1689946202 (unix_epoch)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/inTemp_degree_C": 23.299999999999997 (degree_C)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/outTemp_degree_C": 19.099999999999998 (degree_C)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/inHumidity_percent": 51 (percent)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/outHumidity_percent": 61 (percent)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/pressure_mbar": 1001.4 (mbar)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/relbarometer": 1001.4 (None)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/luminosity": 29620.0 (None)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/uvradiation": 67.8 (None)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/UV_uv_index": 2 (uv_index)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/rain_cm": 0.0 (cm)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/stormRain_cm": 0.0 (cm)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/rainRate_cm_per_hour": 0.0 (cm_per_hour)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/dayRain_cm": 0.0 (cm)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/weekRain": 11.7 (None)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/monthRain_cm": 1.4300000000000004 (cm)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/yearRain_cm": 1.4300000000000004 (cm)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/windDir_degree_compass": 186 (degree_compass)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/windSpeed_km_per_hour": 0.0 (km_per_hour)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/windGust_km_per_hour": 0.0 (km_per_hour)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/daymaxwind": 8.7 (None)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/wh65_batt": 0 (None)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/wh65_sig": 4 (None)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/radiation_watt_per_meter_squared": 233.78058405682714 
>>>>>>> (watt_per_meter_squared)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/altimeter_mbar": 1005.049695199262 (mbar)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/appTemp_degree_C": 19.53993189168407 (degree_C)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/barometer_mbar": 1004.9037478077688 (mbar)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/cloudbase_meter": 990.2965356401945 (meter)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/dewpoint_degree_C": 11.397525104151388 (degree_C)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/heatindex_degree_C": 18.658333333333328 (degree_C)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/humidex_degree_C": 21.0515585775138 (degree_C)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/inDewpoint_degree_C": 12.585023979027035 (degree_C)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/maxSolarRad_watt_per_meter_squared": 763.710094175752 
>>>>>>> (watt_per_meter_squared)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/windchill_degree_C": 19.099999999999998 (degree_C)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing 
>>>>>>> "weather/weewx/usUnits": 16 (None)
>>>>>>> Jul 21 15:30:02 weewx weewx[37286] INFO weewx.restx: MQTT: Published 
>>>>>>> record 2023-07-21 15:30:02 CEST (1689946202)
>>>> -- 
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