Here is what I've observed, I can't tell if everything is an issue or if it 
is working as designed. (What I am trying to achieve, I will post in 
another reply)

I've configured an instance which reads from one GW2000 device (receiving 
from a WS68 sensor array) configured as driver, and another GW2000 
device (receiving from a WS90 sensor array) as service. I've configured 
both with the same poll_interval:

[GW1000] #WS68
    # This section is for the Ecowitt Gateway driver.
    # How often to poll the API, default is every 20 seconds:
    poll_interval = 10
    ip_address =
    max_tries = 360
    # The driver to use:
    driver = user.gw1000

[GW1000Service] #WS90
    # This section is for the Ecowitt Gateway driver.
    # How often to poll the API, default is every 20 seconds:
    poll_interval = 10
    ip_address =
    max_tries = 360
    # The driver to use:
    driver = user.gw1000

        ws90_windDir = winddir
        ws90_windSpeed = windspeed
        ws90_windGust = gustspeed
        ws90_daymaxwind = daymaxwind
        ws90_uvradiation = uv
        ws90_UV = uvi
        ws90_luminosity = light
        p_rain = p_rain
        p_stormRain = p_rainevent
        p_rainRate = p_rainrate
        p_dayRain = p_rainday
        p_weekRain = p_rainweek
        p_monthRain = p_rainmonth
        p_yearRain = p_rainyear

Starting weewxd, there is one LOOP every 10 Seconds, it seems it is 
containing values from the device configured in [GW1000Service] including 
the values from [[field_map]], which I didn't expect from skimming through 
the driver's code.  In my understanding  [[field_map]]  replaces the 
default field map, leading to a LOOP packet only containing the configured  
[[field_map]], but obviously I was wrong :) :

LOOP:   2024-01-22 06:16:03 CET (1705900563) 'altimeter': 
'1025.4477187548832', 'appTemp': '-6.253423533619011', 'barometer': 
'1028.5013923390995', 'cloudbase': '1041.4809012741189', 'dateTime': 
'1705900563', 'daymaxwind': '6.6', 'dayRain': '0.0', 'dewpoint': 
'-6.533418604408247', 'ET': 'None', 'extraHumid6': '59', 'extraHumid7': 
'61', 'extraHumid8': '57', 'extraTemp6': '14.7', 'extraTemp7': '20.5', 
'extraTemp8': '21.3', 'heatindex': '-1.5999999999999994', 'humidex': 
'-1.6', 'inDewpoint': '9.08853654596964', 'inHumidity': '51', 'inTemp': 
'19.5', 'lightning_distance': 'None', 'lightning_last_det_time': 
'1705345360', 'lightning_strike_count': '0', 'lightningcount': '0', 
'luminosity': '0.0', 'maxSolarRad': '0.0', 'monthRain': '50.4', 
'outHumidity': '69', 'outTemp': '-1.6', 'p_dayRain': '0.0', 'p_monthRain': 
'26.5', 'p_rain': '0.0', 'p_rainRate': '0.0', 'p_stormRain': '0.0', 
'p_weekRain': '0.0', 'p_yearRain': '26.5', 'pressure': '973.1', 
'radiation': '0.0', 'rain': '0.0', 'rainRate': '0.0', 'relbarometer': 
'1025.9', 'stormRain': '0.0', 'usUnits': '17', 'UV': '0', 'uvradiation': 
'0.0', 'weekRain': '0.0', 'wh31_ch6_batt': '0', 'wh31_ch6_sig': '4', 
'wh31_ch7_batt': '0', 'wh31_ch7_sig': '4', 'wh31_ch8_batt': '0', 
'wh31_ch8_sig': '4', 'wh32_batt': '0', 'wh32_sig': '4', 'wh40_batt': 
'1.44', 'wh40_sig': '4', 'wh57_batt': '5', 'wh57_sig': '4', 'windchill': 
'-5.128915747986651', 'windDir': '206', 'windGust': '4.2', 'windrun': 
'None', 'windSpeed': '2.7', '*ws90_batt*': '3.28', 'ws90_daymaxwind': 
'7.7', 'ws90_luminosity': '0.0', 'ws90_sig': '4', 'ws90_UV': '0', 
'ws90_uvradiation': '0.0', '*ws90_windDir*': '206', 'ws90_windGust': '2.6', 
'ws90_windSpeed': '2.1', 'yearRain': '50.4'

But On RPi4, polling the devices seems to drift apart quite quickly, 
producing individual LOOP packets, containing the individual values (I 
haven't observed that happening on my Desktop, so this might be connected 
to CPU power, maybe it happens after a longer period of time) 
These LOOP packets contain values from the device configured in 
[GW1000Service] and from the device configured in [ GW1000 ] in that order, 
but *without values from the configured*  [[field_map]] in [GW1000Service] - 
I didn't expect that.  
*(Maybe also worth noting is that the batt/sig values from my WS68 are 
tagged as wh68, which I consider an undesired typo in the driver's map)*

LOOP:   2024-01-22 06:16:14 CET (1705900574) 'altimeter': 
'1025.4477187548832', 'appTemp': '-6.463423533619011', 'barometer': 
'1028.5013923390995', 'cloudbase': '1041.4809012741189', 'dateTime': 
'1705900574', 'daymaxwind': '6.6', 'dayRain': '0.0', 'dewpoint': 
'-6.533418604408247', 'ET': 'None', 'extraHumid6': '59', 'extraHumid7': 
'61', 'extraHumid8': '57', 'extraTemp6': '14.7', 'extraTemp7': '20.5', 
'extraTemp8': '21.3', 'heatindex': '-1.5999999999999994', 'humidex': 
'-1.6', 'inDewpoint': '9.08853654596964', 'inHumidity': '51', 'inTemp': 
'19.5', 'lightning_distance': 'None', 'lightning_last_det_time': 
'1705345360', 'lightning_strike_count': '0', 'lightningcount': '0', 
'luminosity': '0.0', 'maxSolarRad': '0.0', 'monthRain': '50.4', 
'outHumidity': '69', 'outTemp': '-1.6', 'p_dayRain': '0.0', 'p_monthRain': 
'26.5', 'p_rain': '0.0', 'p_rainRate': '0.0', 'p_stormRain': '0.0', 
'p_weekRain': '0.0', 'p_yearRain': '26.5', 'pressure': '973.1', 
'radiation': '0.0', 'rain': '0.0', 'rainRate': '0.0', 'relbarometer': 
'1025.9', 'stormRain': '0.0', 'usUnits': '17', 'UV': '0', 'uvradiation': 
'0.0', 'weekRain': '0.0', 'wh31_ch6_batt': '0', 'wh31_ch6_sig': '4', 
'wh31_ch7_batt': '0', 'wh31_ch7_sig': '4', 'wh31_ch8_batt': '0', 
'wh31_ch8_sig': '4', 'wh32_batt': '0', 'wh32_sig': '4', 'wh40_batt': 
'1.44', 'wh40_sig': '4', 'wh57_batt': '5', 'wh57_sig': '4', 'windchill': 
'-5.422365775103767', 'windDir': '181', 'windGust': '4.2', 'windrun': 
'None', 'windSpeed': '3.0', '*ws90_batt*': '3.28', 'ws90_sig': '4', 
'yearRain': '50.4'
LOOP:   2024-01-22 06:16:14 CET (1705900574) 'altimeter': 
'1025.5520572032206', 'appTemp': '-5.833423533619011', 'barometer': 
'1028.6070856277995', 'cloudbase': '1041.4809012741189', 'dateTime': 
'1705900574', 'daymaxwind': '7.7', 'dayRain': '0.0', 'dewpoint': 
'-6.533418604408247', 'ET': 'None', 'extraHumid6': '59', 'extraHumid7': 
'61', 'extraHumid8': '57', 'extraTemp6': '14.7', 'extraTemp7': '20.5', 
'extraTemp8': '21.3', 'heatindex': '-1.5999999999999994', 'humidex': 
'-1.6', 'inDewpoint': '8.247305751926792', 'inHumidity': '47', 'inTemp': 
'19.9', 'lightning_distance': 'None', 'lightning_last_det_time': 'None', 
'lightning_strike_count': '0', 'lightningcount': '0', 'luminosity': '0.0', 
'maxSolarRad': '0.0', 'monthRain': '50.4', 'outHumidity': '69', 'outTemp': 
'-1.6', 'pressure': '973.2', 'radiation': '0.0', 'rain': '0.0', 'rainRate': 
'0.0', 'relbarometer': '1026.0', 'stormRain': '0.0', 'usUnits': '17', 'UV': 
'0', 'uvradiation': '0.0', 'weekRain': '0.0', 'wh31_ch6_batt': '0', 
'wh31_ch6_sig': '4', 'wh31_ch7_batt': '0', 'wh31_ch7_sig': '4', 
'wh31_ch8_batt': '0', 'wh31_ch8_sig': '4', 'wh32_batt': '0', 'wh32_sig': 
'4', 'wh40_batt': '1.44', 'wh40_sig': '4', 'wh57_batt': '5', 'wh57_sig': 
'4', '*wh68_batt*': '1.88', '*wh68_sig*': '1', 'windchill': 
'-4.448607638687528', 'windDir': '205', 'windGust': '3.1', 'windrun': 
'None', 'windSpeed': '2.1', 'yearRain': '50.4' schrieb am Samstag, 20. Januar 2024 um 10:58:56 UTC+1:

> Thank you! I'll see how far I get and I'll consider the mentioned 
> drawbacks.
> gjr80 schrieb am Samstag, 20. Januar 2024 um 10:47:29 UTC+1:
>> The Gateway driver has supported simultaneous driver/service operation 
>> since v0.5.0b5. It is not a configuration I recommend due to the fragility 
>> of the configuration (if the driver crashes or the device using the driver 
>> fails/locks up data from the service device is also lost) and the ease of 
>> running dual WeeWX instances on the same device (particularly under WeeWX 
>> v5).
>> Notwithstanding, if you wish to use simultaneous driver/service operation 
>> the driver configuration is placed under the [GW1000] stanza as normal and 
>> the service configuration is placed under the [GW1000Service] stanza. 
>> Otherwise the driver and service are configured as per independent 
>> operation.
>> Finally, be aware this is not a configuration I routinely, in fact I 
>> suspect it has not bee touched since it was added to v0.5.0b5 so there may 
>> be issues.
>> Gary
>> On Saturday 20 January 2024 at 17:52:04 UTC+10 wrote:
>>> The empty queue is probably because of running it in WSL and being in a 
>>> different IP range than the Console:
>>> 2024-01-19 18:47:39 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
>>> $ ip addr
>>> 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP 
>>> group default qlen 1000
>>>     link/ether 00:15:5d:a1:b2:53 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
>>>     inet brd scope global eth0
>>>        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
>>>     inet6 fe80::215:5dff:fea1:b253/64 scope link 
>>>        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
>>> And the console has
>>> I need to set up WSL to be in the same network or try this on another 
>>> machine.
>>> Anyway, @grj80: have you ever considered collecting data from more than 
>>> one ecowitt console device with the driver? For me this would make perfect 
>>> sense, but I can very well understand, if it doesn't to you :D
>>> schrieb am Freitag, 19. Januar 2024 um 18:48:05 
>>> UTC+1:
>>>> Yes, it's possible. 
>>>> 2024-01-19 18:27:35 weewxd[5855] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 9 
>>>> seconds
>>>> 2024-01-19 18:27:35 weewxd[5855] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 9 
>>>> seconds
>>>> LOOP:   2024-01-19 18:27:35 CET (1705685255) 'altimeter': 
>>>> '1023.2565915245989', 'appTemp': '-4.6378894597484965', 'barometer': 
>>>> '1026.3446847507096', 'cloudbase': '972.4294835518078', 'dateTime': 
>>>> '1705685255', 'daymaxwind': '2.1', 'dayRain': '4.7', 'dewpoint': 
>>>> '-6.267050581532717', 'ET': 'None', 'extraHumid6': '62', 'extraHumid7': 
>>>> '61', 'extraHumid8': '58', 'extraTemp6': '14.8', 'extraTemp7': '19.9', 
>>>> 'extraTemp8': '20.6', 'heatindex': '-1.9000000000000008', 'humidex': 
>>>> '-1.9', 'inDewpoint': '12.462345522375951', 'inHumidity': '60', 'inTemp': 
>>>> '20.5', 'lightning_distance': 'None', 'lightning_last_det_time': 
>>>> '1705345360', 'lightning_strike_count': '0', 'lightningcount': '0', 
>>>> 'luminosity': '0.0', 'maxSolarRad': '0.0', 'monthRain': '50.4', 
>>>> 'outHumidity': '72', 'outTemp': '-1.9', 'p_dayRain': '0.0', 'p_monthRain': 
>>>> '26.5', 'p_rain': '0.0', 'p_rainRate': '0.0', 'p_stormRain': '0.0', 
>>>> 'p_weekRain': '11.8', 'p_yearRain': '26.5', 'pressure': '971.0', 
>>>> 'radiation': '0.0', 'rain': '0.0', 'rainRate': '0.0', 'relbarometer': 
>>>> '1023.8', 'stormRain': '0.0', 'usUnits': '17', 'UV': '0', 'uvradiation': 
>>>> '0.0', 'weekRain': '15.2', 'wh31_ch6_batt': '0', 'wh31_ch6_sig': '4', 
>>>> 'wh31_ch7_batt': '0', 'wh31_ch7_sig': '4', 'wh31_ch8_batt': '0', 
>>>> 'wh31_ch8_sig': '4', 'wh32_batt': '0', 'wh32_sig': '4', 'wh40_batt': 
>>>> '1.45', 'wh40_sig': '4', 'wh57_batt': '5', 'wh57_sig': '4', 'windchill': 
>>>> '-1.9000000000000008', 'windDir': 'None', 'windGust': '1.3', 'windrun': 
>>>> 'None', 'windSpeed': '0.0', 'ws90_batt': '3.28', 'ws90_sig': '4', 
>>>> 'yearRain': '50.4'
>>>> But why would anybody want to do this? I have two GW2000 devices and 
>>>> want to store and show data of as many of my sensor possible in a single 
>>>> weewx instance. Yet configuring the driver both, as driver and a service 
>>>> at 
>>>> the same time, seems to work as I hoped at least foor LOOP: two device 
>>>> queries, on LOOP data.
>>>> The question now: is it possible to configure the driver/service in a 
>>>> way, they uses their own ip_address and is it possible to map the 
>>>> Wind/Dir/Gust of the WS90 bound to the one GW2000, to e.g. 
>>>> us_windSpeed/us_windDir/us_windGust (us for ultrasonic) just like p_rain 
>>>> for the haptic array?
>>>> Or isn't this possible and do I have to combine the Interceptor driver 
>>>> with the Ecowitt Gateway Driver, one as a service, the other as a Driver 
>>>> to 
>>>> achieve this? If yes, how could this be possible, I tried it with 
>>>> Interceptor as a driver and Ecowitt Gateway Driver as a Service and get 
>>>> not 
>>>> device data:
>>>> 2024-01-19 18:46:59 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
>>>> 2024-01-19 18:47:07 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 9 
>>>> seconds
>>>> 2024-01-19 18:47:09 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
>>>> 2024-01-19 18:47:16 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 9 
>>>> seconds
>>>> 2024-01-19 18:47:19 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
>>>> 2024-01-19 18:47:25 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 9 
>>>> seconds
>>>> 2024-01-19 18:47:29 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
>>>> 2024-01-19 18:47:34 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 9 
>>>> seconds
>>>> 2024-01-19 18:47:39 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
>>>> 2024-01-19 18:47:43 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 9 
>>>> seconds
>>>> 2024-01-19 18:47:49 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue

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