And that research will benefit you, so it's worth doing - always.

But as you've found this issue, and as I need to add some notes to the
README for weewx-sqlbackup - that cover this new issue. You get the first
draft and if it needs adjusting, tell me.

So; In brief, and as the root user (or sudo it) .

*mkdir   /mnt/sqlbackup*
*chown weewx:weewx   /mnt/sqlbackup *(or chmod whatever)

plug your usb drive in, ( and hopefully the system auto mount will get out
of our way).
Use *dmesg* to identify the partition on this backup drive, then use *fdisk
-l* to confirm it (optional).
This example uses */dev/sd?1* - you will have something more meaningful.

test it by mounting the drive.

*mount   /dev/sd?1   /mnt/sqlbackup*
*ls -al   /mnt/sqlbackup*

All okay? Is it what you expect? Then ...

*umount   /mnt/sqlbackup.*

Now, add the following line to your */etc/fstab*  file; perhaps with an
appropriate comment

# added a weewx sql backup drive. RTFM with *man fstab*
*/dev/sd?1   /mnt/sqlbackup   ext4   errors=remount-ro   0   0*

Save the file and mount it (and everything else - redundantly) with
*  mount -a*

I'm assuming it's formatted as *ext4* - adjust as required; and I've
specified* 0 0* on that fstab entry to remind me that there are no file /
boot up checks on that drive.

That's the gist of it. Tweak as you like.

Ah, and change the skin.conf entry to point to it.


rorpi - read only raspberry pi & various weewx addons

On Mon, 4 Mar 2024 at 22:13, Pierre-Yves <> wrote:

> Thanks a lot Glenn.
> I need to dig a little deeper into this story of connection under mnt and
> mounting via fstab. My knowledge of these tools is a little limited ;-)
> Pierre-Yves
> Le lundi 4 mars 2024 à 10:54:26 UTC+1, Glenn McKechnie a écrit :
>> On Mon, 4 Mar 2024 at 19:07, Pierre-Yves <> wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ps -adelf | grep [Ww]eewxd
>>> 4 S *weewx*    14866     1  2  80   0 - 26178 -      mars03 ?
>>> 00:14:55 python3 /usr/share/weewx/ /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>>> ls -al '/media/pi/WEEWX-BU' returns:
>>> pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls -al '/media/pi/WEEWX-BU'
>>> total 273976
>>> *drwxr-xr-x   5 pi   pi        4096  1 janv.  1970  .*
>>> *drwxrwxrwx+  3 root root      4096  3 mars  17:59  ..*
>>> -rw-r--r--   1 pi   pi        8622 22 déc.  16:46
>>> 'as3935(min_strikes).py'
>>> drwxr-xr-x  12 pi   pi        4096  2 mars  14:18  Belchertown
>>> drwxr-xr-x  12 pi   pi        4096  1 mars  18:27  Belchertown-old
>>> -rw-r--r--   1 pi   pi        4156  6 févr. 23:27
>>> -rw-r--r--   1 pi   pi        1616  7 févr. 00:00  Commandes-usuelles.txt
>>> -rw-r--r--   1 pi   pi       40148  1 mars  21:50  graphs.conf
>>> -rw-r--r--   1 pi   pi      148331 28 juin   2023 'sdr(last).py'
>>> drwxr-xr-x   5 pi   pi        4096 28 oct.  18:04  Seasons202310281704
>>> -rw-r--r--   1 pi   pi       40047  1 mars  21:28  skin.conf
>>> -rw-r--r--   1 pi   pi       36467  1 mars  09:00  weewx.conf
>>> -rw-r--r--   1 pi   pi   280235008  2 mars  15:26  weewx.sdb.backup
>>> PS: I use also this usb drive for manually saving various files and
>>> folders without any problem (skins, database...)
>>> It seems, in view of the table above, that the drive is not properly
>>> mounted with regards to the weewx 5.0.2 rules. I tried to change using
>>> chown, but I got an "operation denied"...
>> This has me perplexed.
>> The /media directory seems to be treated differently by the system. I've
>> tried to change ownership / permissions on a test drive and it's not
>> behaving as I expect.
>> I'm able to make those same changes under /mnt so I'm missing something.
>> I need an up-slap to the back of the head, a far stronger cup of coffee or
>> probably just a hefty dose of RTFM. In the meantime, I'll blame systemd :P
>> If you don't want to relocate that drive (understandable), and you have a
>> spare USB slot then I'd be plugging a fresh drive in under /mnt and
>> mounting it via fstab. You can then manually set the permissions to weewx
>> and they'll stick.
>> And, if someone knows the answer. I'm all ears
>> Cheers
>>  Glenn
>> rorpi - read only raspberry pi & various weewx addons
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