oops - that is 
a https://www.weewx.com/docs/4.10/utilities.htm#Action_--add-column to add 
the column.  Sorry for the typo.

On Monday, March 11, 2024 at 1:05:19 PM UTC-7 vince wrote:

> You're on v4 so you can add a column via 
> https://www.weewx.com/docs/4.10/utilities.htm#Action_--rebuild-daily and 
> I think a subsequent 
> https://www.weewx.com/docs/4.10/utilities.htm#Action_--rebuild-daily
> On Monday, March 11, 2024 at 12:53:24 PM UTC-7 Invisible Man wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In WeeWx, if I inspect the archive table, there is an extraTemp3, but no 
>> extraHumid3.
>> Why is that? And is it possible to get a extraHumid3? Indeed, I have a 
>> sensor 3 which provides both temperature and humidity.
>> ```
>> sqlite> .schema archive
>> `usUnits` INTEGER NOT NULL, `interval` INTEGER NOT NULL, `barometer` REAL, 
>> `pressure` REAL, `altimeter` REAL, `inTemp` REAL, `outTemp` REAL, 
>> `inHumidity` REAL, `outHumidity` REAL, `windSpeed` REAL, `windDir` REAL, 
>> `windGust` REAL, `windGustDir` REAL, `rainRate` REAL, `rain` REAL, 
>> `dewpoint` REAL, `windchill` REAL, `heatindex` REAL, `ET` REAL, `radiation` 
>> REAL, `UV` REAL, `extraTemp1` REAL, `extraTemp2` REAL, `extraTemp3` REAL, 
>> `soilTemp1` REAL, `soilTemp2` REAL, `soilTemp3` REAL, `soilTemp4` REAL, 
>> `leafTemp1` REAL, `leafTemp2` REAL, `extraHumid1` REAL, `extraHumid2` REAL, 
>> `soilMoist1` REAL, `soilMoist2` REAL, `soilMoist3` REAL, `soilMoist4` REAL, 
>> `leafWet1` REAL, `leafWet2` REAL, `rxCheckPercent` REAL, `txBatteryStatus` 
>> REAL, `consBatteryVoltage` REAL, `hail` REAL, `hailRate` REAL, 
>> `heatingTemp` REAL, `heatingVoltage` REAL, `supplyVoltage` REAL, 
>> `referenceVoltage` REAL, `windBatteryStatus` REAL, `rainBatteryStatus` 
>> REAL, `outTempBatteryStatus` REAL, `inTempBatteryStatus` REAL);
>> ```
>> Note I am using WeeWx 4.10.2 with Interceptor.
>> My weather station provides a humidity_3 (63%) which gets mapped by 
>> Interceptor to extraHumid3 (see below).
>> Mar 11 20:49:37 vegan weewx[21485] DEBUG user.interceptor: raw packet: 
>> {'dateTime': 1710186576, 'usUnits': 1, 'temperature_in': 69.1, 
>> 'humidity_in': 63.0, 'pressure': 29.477, 'temperature_out': 46.6, 
>> 'humidity_out': 98.0, 'wind_dir': 333.0, 'wind_speed': 0.67, 'wind_gust': 
>> 1.12, 'solar_radiation': 0.0, 'uv': 0.0, 'rain_rate': 0.0, 'rain_total': 
>> 22.039, 'temperature_3': 68.4, 'humidity_3': 63.0, 'soil_moisture_1': 50.0, 
>> 'wn34_temperature_1': 51.1, 'wh65_battery': 0.0, 'wh25_battery': 0.0, 
>> 'battery_3': 0.0, 'soil_battery_1': 1.4, 'rain': 0.0}
>> Mar 11 20:49:37 vegan weewx[21485] DEBUG user.interceptor: mapped packet: 
>> {'dateTime': 1710186576, 'usUnits': 1, 'pressure': 29.477, 'outHumidity': 
>> 98.0, 'inHumidity': 63.0, 'outTemp': 46.6, 'inTemp': 69.1, 'windSpeed': 
>> 0.67, 'windGust': 1.12, 'windDir': 333.0, 'radiation': 0.0, 'rain': 0.0, 
>> 'rainRate': 0.0, 'UV': 0.0, 'extraTemp2': 51.1, 'extraTemp3': 68.4, 
>> 'soilMoist1': 50.0, 'extraHumid3': 63.0}
>> Thanks!

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