
Cantemir Mihu wrote:
I found Qt 3.3.5 here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=49109
downloaded it, compiled ok.
Then I started compiling the wengo classic phone with: scons softphone-runtime softphone A error appeared that it could not find qt335.lib. So I renamed qt3.lib (found in c:\qt\qt-3\lib) to qt355.lib. The compile continued but later I got a new error:

build-wengo\win32-debug\softphone\gui\uic_HomePageWidgetForm.cc(16) : fatal erro r C1083: Cannot open include file: 'qaxwidget.h': No such file or directory scons: *** [build-wengo\win32-debug\softphone\gui\uic_HomePageWidgetForm.obj] Er ror 2
scons: building terminated because of errors.
AFAIK, the Free edition of QT 3.3.x doesn't contain the Qt ActiveX component. You'll have to build it without this component activated by slightly modifying Classic's source code or use a Qt 3.3.x evaluation version. It is a known issue and we're sorry about that. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to work on this lately, any help would be greatly appreciated.

All the best,
Julien Gilli

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