Hi everyone,

I had the opportunity to test WengoPhone Classic, NG and the Firefox
extension on a friend's computer that runs with Windows Me. As on the
IRC channel I was told that developers had not yet the opportunity to
test it on  Windows versions older than XP, I thought that relating my
experience of simple end user could help this open source project.
Here it is:

Wengophone Classic (latest version, downloaded only two days ago, this
is also true for NG and the extension) installs properly on Windows
Me, and is also launched correctly. I see the normal application
window and I can log into my account. But the problem appears when I
receive a phone call: I hear the ring tone, but when I click on the
green button to answer the call this freezes the computer, even
control-alt-del doesn't allow me to take the control back, I have to
hit the reset button. Things are exactly the same with the NG Beta 2
release. Both versions were uninstalled properly.

I also tried the Firefox extension on Firefox it installs
properly too, everything seems normal (I can log in),  when I receive
a phone call I hear the ring tone, but clicking on the answer button
doesn't make any difference. Nothing crashes, the button is simply
unresponsive. I was able to remove properly the extension using
ordinary uninstall procedures of Firefox.

Unfortunately, I forgot to try to place a call, sorry. I can
eventually proceed to further tests, if someone is interested, just
let me know and give me a reasonable delay (say, a few days to one
week). HTH.

PS: The config was : AMD Athlon XP 2000 running at 1,2 Ghz (Bios
setting to prevent overheating), 128 Mb of RAM, 20 Gb hard disk drive
and a 1Mbps/128 Kbps cable Internet connection. The OS was Windows
Millennium edition, with all the Windows updates installed.
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