Tanguy Krotoff wrote:

Antoine Pitrou wrote:

I don't think it's so simple.

FreeSWITCH is a piece of software, thus there is an API right?
You compile at as a dll/.dylib/.so/whatever and you load symbols at runtime without linking with the .lib file. The definition of "essential library" and "part of the work as a whole" is a non sense for me. What is an essential library and what is not? specially if the module is loaded at runtime and thus can be replaced by anything else that fits the API.

As far as I know the problem is not distributing different binary modules with different licenses but mixing them together right? Here there is no mixing ./

The best would be to ask the FreeSwitch people what their intent is with
this license.

Let's see if FreeSWITCH fits our needs before going further

As far as i understant FreeSwict is competitor to SER or Asterisk,
i don't see what is the interest to integarete it with WengoPhone....

By the way FreeSwitch is a program, not an library so i don't believe you can build is as plugin...


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