Philippe BERNERY wrote:

It should be great to indicate the Ticket number every time a change related to such a Ticket is commited.

For instance:

* (bugfix - Ticket #123) Fix some issues
* (feature - Ticket #321) Add ABC protocol support

I'm more for the first commit style (as you can see in my examples :-))

Another possibility would be to have freestyle comments with the proposed keywords....

Btw, i suggest we look what other projects doing on the issue before deciding....


Le 4 oct. 06 à 00:04, Jérôme WAGNER a écrit :


I am going to ask all commiters to follow simple but effective patterns when commiting in order to ease the extraction of important events from the commit logs.

A trac plugin is under development that will parse log lines and do different presentations of these logs automatically : for users, for developers, for packagers, for translators,..

Could you please comment on the following proposals, add yours, …

I’d like to get us settled on this by the end of the week.

Thank you,


1/ commit tags

1a/ seem necessary

'* (bugfix)'

    when a bug was corrected

'* (buildfix)'

    when a build problem was corrected

'* (doc)'

    when documentation/specs/READMEs are added to the project

'* (feature)'

    when a new feature is added

'* (refactoring)'

    when the code was refactored

'* (void)'

    uninteresting commit (a test commit for example)

‘* (i18n)’

    When something deals with localization

1b/ other ideas

'* (build)'

    when the build system is modified

'* (packaging)'

    a commit that deals with packaging

'* (init)'

    for the first installement of a project

'* (fix)'

    for fixing commit errors

'* (ticket #123)'

    when a non-bug ticket was resolved

'* (cleaning)'

when the code was reformated/beautified without any other modification

    or obsolete files are deleted

'* (refactoring)'

    when the code was refactored

'* (silent)'

    do not echo this commit log into the changelog

2/ commit styles

2a/ with parenthesis

* (bugfix) this is my bugfix

* (feature) this is my feature

2b/ without parenthesis

* bugfix : this is my bugfix

* feature : this is my feature

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