Quang Minh Phan wrote:
Hi Vadim,

Great goal,

But i don't really understand the new system of error codes and new API
I'm affraid with your current approach you are missing this goal

Well, let's talk about the error codes. In the old phapi, some function
return an int, some function return nothing (void), some other function
returns char*. This makes error handling quite difficult and incoherent.
This is inexact....

ALL functions returns int except 3 which are void... (phTerminate, phSetDebugLevel, phRefresh - which are actually internal function).
All these ints are error codes from the same enum except phGetVersion which return phApi version
The error codes are arranged so that 0 means success

I don't really think there is much incoherency and that this particular aspect needs further simplification

Now, every function in the new API will return OWPL_RESULT_SUCCESS in case
of success, or another value of type OWPL_RESULT in case of failure, that
makes error checking more coherent. Hence, the code would appear clearer to

I completley disagree with the idea that

       if (call() == OWPL_RESULT_SUCCESS)
             bla; bla; bla;
is more readable than

    if (!call())

in the second  case signal to noice ratio is much better than in the first case
For the new API set, some missing functions are be added and some are simply
renamed to describe better what it does. 
For example, in the old phapi, there was no easy way to just create a call
handle and set properties to the call before actually dial. The only
functions intended for the purpose of making a call were phPlaceCallx, that
dial and returned a call handle. With these function, we could not ask phapi
to encrypt the call before dialing. This is now possible with the new API


owplCallCreate(hLine, &hCall); // Create a new call without dialing
owplCallSetEncrypt(hCall, 1);  // Set the call to crypted mode
...					//Set other properties for the call
owplCallConnect(hLine, "sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"); // Dial the call

This kind of problem can be solved by adding ENCRYPTION bit to streams parameter in

IMO owplXXXX  approach is more complicated to use  (but  one  can argue that  it is matter of
It is definetevly more consice to write
    phLinePlaceCall2(vl,  uri, 0, 0,  PH_STREAM_ENCRYPTION|PH_STREAM_ALL)


owplCallCreate(hLine, &hCall); // Create a new call without dialing
owplCallSetEncrypt(hCall, 1);  // Set the call to crypted mode
...					//Set other properties for the call
owplCallSetStreams(hCall, PH_STREAM_ALL)
owplCallConnect(hLine, "sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"); // Dial the call

I understand that this owplXXXX stuff was needed in order to implement non A/V media types
but as i argue IMO there is NO actual need to implement non A/V media types in phApi
2. To make it more extendable (Easier to add new functionalities with a
Plugin system. Able to handle all kind of communication sessions (File
transfer, VNC, etc.), not only voice and video.

For the moment there is only 2 sets of RFCs for SIP,  which covers
VOIP and IM,
It is simply loss of time to try to implement things as file transfer
or  VNC session establishement
using INVITE/200/ACK sequences before there is some standard way to do it.
The best approch is to simply use SIP MESSAGE  with an XML payload
describing the session....
and all this stuff should  be handled by application itself and not by
So there is no reason to extend phApi  with plugins in that direction.

Event there is no RFC about File transfer or VNC with SIP, We prefer to use
INVIVE/OK/ACK sequence because it was made to create a session. MESSAGE was
not invented for this purpose.
At least, one advantage that I can mention right away is that if the INVITE
was sent and 3 minutes latter, the invited person hasn't accepted the
INVITATION, the session is automatically closed thanks to SIP proxy (a 4xx
timeout response will be sent by the proxy). The fact that the session was
closed due to a timeout is handled by the SIP stack and an event will be
sent to the Plugin (File transfer or VNC). The plugin itself doesn't need to
launch a timer to handle this kind of issue (which is required if MESSAGE is
used instead of INVITE).

You mean you added 5th weel to the phApi only to handle timeouts?

wengophone already handle various timeouts, it is pretty easy given usage of
boost to add another timeout to handle this specific problem.

I REALLY don't understand the reasoning, it was SO MUCH SIMPLER to do it
using SIP MESSAGE request and HTTP transfer, than to develop SDP plugin framework for phApi

The price/performance ratio with respect of developpement effort of  your approach is abysmall...

Another point,  wifo should be factored out in separate tree and no to
be part of wengophone....

For now phAPI is still dependent of some library in WengoPhone, which make
it not very easy to be moved to a separate branch. We will try to remove
these dependencies first, then it is not very important where PhAPI is put,
it will be independent and can be used without WengoPhone.


Well i'm actually already maintaining a branch which is independent of  Wengophone....
so if you wish you simply need to take it


Folks may be i'm a simply stubborn dumbass so please voice your opinions on the  issue....
I don't want  this  discussion simply to be pissing contest between me an Minh

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