I was trying for a while to make contact filter like msn, but I don't know if 
exist a method that filter it or what/where I must change or create to achieve 
 for example, if I not wrong in this method how I can use a parameter to load 
only an specific contact
 void QtIMContactManager::loadIMContacts() {
 const IMContactSet & imContactSet = _contactProfile.getIMContactSet();
 for (IMContactSet::const_iterator it = imContactSet.begin(); it != 
imContactSet.end(); it++) {
 IMContact * imContact = (IMContact *) &(*it);
 QStringList imContactStrList;
 imContactStrList << QString::fromStdString(imContact->getContactId());
 EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocol imProtocol = imContact->getProtocol();
 if (imProtocol == EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocolSIPSIMPLE) {
 //This protocol is internal to WengoPhone, should not be shown to the user
 imContactStrList << 
 imContactStrList << QString::null;
 QtIMContactItem * item = new QtIMContactItem(_ui->treeWidget, 
 Thanks a lot
  Dennis Guzman Artavia
 Software Development
 DGA Pro.
Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- 2 GB of storage and industry-leading spam 
and email virus protection.
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