(subtitled: Getting our ducks in a row)

Hi all,

You will have noticed that over the past 10 days or so there has been a
furious amount of activity in the Trac - mostly targeted at the 2.1

We're now down to 47 tickets open out of 158, of which 18 are priority
high or highest.

I just updated the target date on the milestone to March 7th. That is,
next Wednesday. I expect us to have fixed all crasher bugs that we know
about by then, and we will release OpenWengo 2.1.0 rc1, which will also
be released by Wengo as the WengoPhone 2.1.

This release will fix all the major identified issues on Linux (we've
already come a long way in the last two weeks), and will allow us to
concentrate on other serious, annoying tickets, which will make the
final 2.1.0 release one that we're proud of.

Between now and next Wednesday, there is a lot to do - it's likely that
once we make a release, we will get more users (yay!) and so the wiki
will need to be in better shape. Can I have some volunteers for early
next week to help us tidy up things, banish "WengophoneClassic" to the
history books (we won't remove the pages, we'll just add an "old
releases" section, which will point to a whole bunch of pages), remove
the "Ng" from WengoPhoneNg, and have a nice clean community-oriented
wiki for the release.

We also need to get the translation infrastructure up & running again.

I have submitted a .pot from the 2.1 release to Launchpad, and it is
awaiting review. I will upload the .po files as soon as possible once
that happens. Once we're ready to go, I will send a mail to the list
letting translators loose.

The release process is still being defined, but the following things
will need to happen at least:
 - Generate tarballs + "official" binaries (Windows, Mac Intel & PPC,
Linux statically linked)
 - Upload those
 - Update the website openwengo.org to reflect this
 - Send a release announcement here, to kde-announce, gnome-announce and
a few other places
 - Put the release announcement on the front page of the website

I also want to start working on release notes - a simple overview of the
main functionality included in the WengoPhone, including major new
functionality added in the 2.1 release. Does anyone want to help me with

Once the rc1 release is out the door, we can expect some bugs to be
coming in - I would love to have some volunteers who can help me filter
the new arrivals, make sure they're correctly characterised, put on the
right milestone, and (in the case of duplicates) marked as duplicates.
If you're interested in helping triage bugs with me, then please read
http://live.gnome.org/Bugsquad/TriageGuide and join me in our goal for a
more useful trac.

Thank you for listening! This was a public service announcement from
your friendly community cat-herder.


Dave Neary
OpenWengo Community Development Manager
Wengophone-devel mailing list

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