I wanted to follow up the announcement with a couple of related

First, while we have been unofficially in string freeze for several
weeks, it's been a kind of a slushy freeze, and just last week the .ts
files were updates with some new strings (due to strings which were not
marked as translatable, but which appeared in the interface). As of now,
the slushy freeze is a hard string freeze for the 2.1 branch.

What a string freeze means is that there will be no changing of string
IDs in the source code, no addition of translatable strings, and no
removal of translatable strings. There will be no need, in other words,
to update the .ts files in svn.

If the freeze needs to be broken, a mail should be sent to the mailing
list, with an explanation of why the string change/addition is
necessary. The final word on thawing the string freeze will be made on a
case by case basis.

Second, a related announcement.

Since we have had trouble working with Launchpad (problems importing the
.ts files into Launchpad, problems reintegrating the resulting .po
files, problems merging branches and so on), we've decided to go with
the .ts files directly for the 2.1 release.

To translate strings in a .ts file, there are two ways to go:
1. Edit the file by hand, and remove the "status="unfinished" metadata
when you have finished translating a string, or
2. Use QT Linguist to translate the .ts file.

I am eager to have translation leads for the various languages for which
we have translations. For the moment, I will be contacting the
translators who have worked on the WengoPhone in Launchpad, and I will
manually import their translations.

In particular, though, I'm interested in finding translators for German,
Polish, Japanese, Swedish and Turkish - languages which were previously
translated, but which now need an update.

Once you have translated your .ts, please generate a patch (use svn diff
> my_translation.diff if you are working from Subversion) and attach it
to a trac ticket (you can create one at
http://dev.openwengo.com/trac/openwengo/trac.cgi/newticket if you are
logged in to trac) where I'll make sure it gets committed.

I will get the Launchpad translation chain up & running ASAP - there are
still one or two issues to iron out and document, but it seems to me
(looking at the examples of Portugese, Brazilian Portugese, Bulgarian
and Italian) that Launchpad is a great way for us to get a greater
number of high quality translations.


Dave Neary wrote:
> Just two weeks since we made our RC 1 release, here is the WengoPhone
> 2.1rc2 from the Openwengo project. The release is available for download
> from:
>    http://download.wengo.com/releases/WengoPhone-2.1/RC2/
> OpenWengo is a project aimed toward providing the best possible
> communication over IP program, both easy to use and conforming to
> industry standards.
> A large number of issues were identified and fixed between the RC1 and
> RC2 releases, including several bugs which resulted in application crashes.
> As always, feedback in greatly appreciated at http://www.openwengo.org

Dave Neary
OpenWengo Community Development Manager
Wengophone-devel mailing list

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