
> Well, it is only recently that I started using wengophone (and compiling
> myself from svn in particular). Since then, I had several problems, some
> of you may have noticed that I submitted some tickets to trac. My feeling
> is that overall the current 2.1 branch is less stable than the rc2
> snapshot I used before.

There have been a few major changes in te last month (part of the reason
that we haven't done a release since the rc2) - first is the migration
to a newer version of libgaim (now called libpurple), which has solved a
large number of IM related issues but which has also introduced one or
two new ones. Next, there is the addition of a patch to use ALSA
directly on Linux rather than going through PortAudio - again, this has
resolved some long-standing issues, and has revealed a few problems too.

In addition, looking through the bug database, we've closed 177 bugs
since March 23rd, 126 of which have been fixed (the remainder were
duplicates (19), a number of bugs marked invalid (23 - many on other
branches), and 6 wontfix, 3 worksforme).

With that much activity, of course it's possible to have some
regressions, but overall we should be better now than we were a month ago.

> Most of that seems to be related to account settings,
> online/offline status and connecting. I must admit I didn't play with
> wengophone much further after that..

It's true that account handling, profile management and other sensitive
areas like that could do with some code review - it still annoys me that
we write out the config files every minute or so. Do you have any
suggestions for improvements?

In any case, thanks for your input.


Dave Neary
OpenWengo Community Development Manager
Wengophone-devel mailing list

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